
28. Training prep pt 1

Osiris quickly jumped down from the tree branch and turned into his dragon form, landing next to the pond and plucked the lotus.

Knowing that no other beast would be in the vicinity after what just happened, he easily plucked it and started heading home to the village.

Though it wasn't as useful for Osiris himself, it wouldn't hurt to divide it between his new family and help them out when the time comes.

Reaching home at noon, he entered the house with the hidden key under the potted plant on the front porch.

Seeing the house empty, he knew the three of them were out in the first ring of the forest foraging for plants and hunting animals.

Even though they have made a small fortune selling all the hide from the beast's Osiris brought home every night and could easily afford living expenses, that doesn't mean they did not get bored sitting at home all day with nothing to do.

And until Osiris finds the time to start training them, they took it upon themselves to go out and forage while somewhat training themselves by hunting first order beasts with their new power they had gained, getting used to their newfound strength and whatnot.

Suddenly gaining an idea, Osiris stored the lotus into a wooden chest in his room before heading out towards the forest, following his wife's scent that he had come to love so much like he was a bloodhound.

It may seem like his wives were the ones addicted to his scent, but Osiris was just as if not more addicted to them as they were him.

Reaching the first layer of the forest and making his way past large bushes and tall trees, he eventually came upon the sight of his lovely wife Aria clashing against an early first order wolf, while Eris and Adam stayed a bit away on the sidelines, ready to jump in and help at any moment.

Knowing that he would only distract her, Osiris decided to hide his presence for the time being, watching his wife's every movement.

Aria was clashing against the wolf with a steel spear she had purchased, about a week ago, with some of the extra funds they had accumulated since Osiris became a part of their lives.

Going to the blacksmith and trying every common weapon imaginable, she had eventually decided on a spear.

The reason being, she felt as though it fit her decisive personality quite well.

Aria fought the wolf with great difficulty, managing to slash and puncture it a couple of times, however her inexperience with combat in general was lacking almost entirely, resulting in her hits leaving only flesh wounds or minor injuries.

The only real experience she had was from watching her brother Adam fight regular beasts with his sword and her own training she has been doing to get used to the spear, however this just went to show Osiris that not only was her aptitude one of the best, but her comprehension was great as well just from the fact that she was managing to hold her ground.

Though that didn't mean she was some fate defying prodigy that could defeat a wolf with the same power as her but with years of actual experience with hunting and killing.

As the battle went on with Aria mainly on the defensive side, blocking the wolf with her spear and waiting for an opportunity to attack when the wolf was left open, the situation suddenly changed as Aria was reeling from an attack she just took.

The wolf had a sudden burst of strength, attacking a second time before Aria could recover from the first attack, and lunged at her exposed right arm in an attempt to remove her ability to use the spear.

And just as Osiris was about to rush in and turn the wolf into meat paste before its filthy breath could even touch her skin, an arrow flew out from the side and punctured itself right into the wolf's heart, immediately sending it tumbling away lifelessly with the momentum of the arrow.

Rushing over from the right, Eris was sprinting with a bow in hand followed by Adam, both with worried faces as Eris spoke.

"Are you alright?".

"Sorry if i intruded on your battle but i thought you wouldn't have been able to react in time"

But Aria simply shook her head with a faint smile on her face as she said.

"I'm okay. And thank you for saving me".

"I don't think I could have blocked that attack either".

Adam just stood on the side, nodding his head with relief at seeing his sister was alright.

Suddenly from behind them, they heard a voice say.

"Well I'll be, first cultivation geniuses and now combat geniuses, my wives are truly perfect in every way".

Hearing that voice that made their hearts beat with excitement, Eris and Aria both turned to see Osiris standing there with a loving look in his eye

As soon as they saw him, they both jumped up and yelled at the same time.

"Husband!". X2

Before diving into his open embrace, both nuzzling their heads into his broad chest.

Had they been cats, they would have most definitely been purring loudly like a motorboat, as Osiris held them both close, stroking their heads and running his large hands through their soft and delicate hair.

They absolutely adored the love and adored the attention he gave them, getting lost in his warmth and smell.

Adam on the side watching this all, could only shake his head and smile, happy that his sister had found the one for them.

But it was quite awkward being left to just stand and watch so he decided to make his presence known, clearing his throat loudly and saying.


"So Osiris, what brings you out here this early?".

"You usually aren't done with your hunts until the sun starts to set".

Hearing his attempt to break their moment, Eris and Aria weren't the shy damsels they were when they first made their relationship public, and even went so far as to slightly glare at Adam with some annoyance at interrupting their 'lovey dovey time' as Eris sometimes likes to call it, before ignoring him and diving back headfirst into Osiris's embrace.

Osiris didn't mind Adams' attempt to break his awkwardness, and replied.

"I had found something in the forest that I came to drop off at the house, before getting the idea to let you guys follow me and let you see how I hunt and the strength of different beasts before I officially begin teaching you three".

danm im kinda ashamed with myself for never actually listening to any michal jackson song besides the usual 'thriller' and 'billie jean'.

i really goot find the time to sit down and just listen to his whole discography and hits.

i also hust recently started listening to brad paisley who i mainley only knew for whiskey lullaby and the geiko comercials with peyton manning.

thats what i did today.

make sure you guys golden shower thoes power stones on me like R kelly


gn bbg, i see ya tmrow

yung_Ericsefcreators' thoughts
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