
A Dragon Wants To Eat Me In The Apocalypse (BL)

Fang Bai is a smart, sociable and ideal type of guy for anyone whether they know him completely, or not. He is liked by everyone!  His family is rich; his elder brother Fang Junjie, a bro-con, owns one the most promising companies in the whole country.  But, there’s a lot he has hidden from his family. Like, his body which is ridden with blue black scars and heavy wounds. Or, he is also called Tyson at night, when he fights life-death matches in an underground arena he owns. . . Fang Bai’s dreams were filled with a myriad of nightmares ever since he was three years old. There was rarely any perfect night he ever knew, where he slept peacefully. Only once in every 6 months would he get solace, when he would feel himself connected to a mysterious person through a mind link, who would soothe him through his voice. That voice was his only unfulfilled obsession. On his 20th birthday, he finally packed his bags, and went on a journey to find that mysterious person. Little did he know that there would be a meteor shower and the apocalypse would start. By a chance of luck, he got a portable space. Far away from home, he could finally meet the mysterious owner of the voice. But, what will he do when he sees a dragon instead of a man? Will their story ever start? And, In the apocalypse, would Fang Bai let go of his inhibitions and break the shackles that made his life full of pretentiousness and fakery? The Secondary couple have their own exciting scenes too. Sit tight and enjoy! Warning: This is a BL(boys love) story with R-18 scenes. Read at your own risk. —--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the Apocalypse, seeing that people were starving everywhere, Long Lei: “Darling, do you need food supplies? I can get them for you.” Fang Bai: “No.” ‘I just ate hot noodles from space.’ Hearing that Fang Bai was surrounded by zombies Long Lei: “No-one can harm my dear. I will kill them all!!” When he reaches there, he sees Fang Bai eating Barbeque. Fang Bai: “...”   ‘This guy is here again for my food. Long You: “ “ Baby is too violent. It's an apocalypse novel so gore scenes are expected. (An early warning ) P.S. I am a novice so please bear through the first few chapters. This book cover is not mine. Thanks to the original owner for this amazing work. It will be removed if the original owner wishes to do so. ----------------------------------------- You can support me on : Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/authorDreamTower Buymeacoffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/QueenDreamer Your support is my motivation!

DreamTower · LGBT+
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66 Chs

He Likes You Big-Bro!!

Fang Junjie was sitting in front of the television while waiting for others to come. He absentmindedly thought about his strange sleep incidents.

He really wanted to know what was happening. He himself knows how many times he had tried to sleep like today, but it was very difficult to even have a peaceful nap than to have nice dreams. And that familiar cologne…

A message notification sounded. He looked down distractedly but froze.

Dragon Leo : Reached home?

Great King Jun : yes. Just reached 10 mins ago

Fang Junjie suddenly wanted to facepalm at his name. Those boys at home had made a mess to persuade him for this name. He should not have listened to them.

Dragon Leo : Have you eaten dinner?

Fang Junjie suddenly felt guilty. He himself did not realize he was reporting his activities to the other person.

Great King Jun : ...I had snacks.

Dragon Leo : Dinner?

Dragon Leo : So late and not eaten?

Great King Jun : ... Will eat soon.

Dragon Leo : Hmm. Sleep on time.

Great King Jun : Hmm

Great King Jun : you too

Fang Junjie reread the chat and held his hot cheeks. He heard the doorbell ring.

Arranging his emotions, he opened the door and saw three young men were standing there.

Looking at him, three of them beamed.

The trio of Fang Bai, Duan Wei and Tang Rong entered the home. Looking at their big bro who looked so charming and handsome, they immediately had stars in their eyes. Big bro is the best. No one can match him.

They went to change their clothes. Fang Bai cooked the dinner.

Sitting on the dining table, everyone salivated at the dishes.

"Xiao-Bai even if you open a stall your income won't be lacking." Duan Wei said gloatingly, obviously enjoying the teasing. Fang Bai looked annoyed.

"Eat up fast." It was still Tang Rong who took initiative to protect him. He shook his head, thinking that this was the reason why Duan Wei suffered the most beating from Fang Bai.

"Today all three of you came together?" It was Fang Junjie.

"We now work with Xiao-Bai in the Heaven's Road. The salary is good there and we three will also be together." Tang Rong calmly replied.

Fang Bai and Duan Wei buried their heads in the food, not daring to look up.

"Oh, together? That's good. Now I will be a little assured. Doesn't your college start tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow is Freshers' welcome day."

"Oh… Then you all can have fun. I have a party this weekend to attend to. Anyone of you wants to go together with me?" Fang Junjie was a little full but still felt a little greedy. He picked up a little more portion of food and also consciously added food to others' plates.

Fang Bai declined the invitation. He remembered there was a match this weekend.

Tang Rong also had work to do.

"No, not this weekend big-bro. There is a match of the Great God King. I want to definitely go and watch the match myself!" Duan Wei said excitedly with worship in his eyes.

Fang Bai suddenly choked on the soup.

"Cough! Cough! Cough! I'm sorry... Please continue-Cough!"

Fang Junjie quickly handed him a glass of water while chiding, "Here. Why are you so careless! Quickly drink."

Fang Bai hastily apologized between the coughs and pretended to be nonchalant at Tang Rong's doubtful gaze. He instead turned to Fang Junjie, skillfully diverting everyone's attention.

"What is the party about ge-ge?"

"It's the birthday of Mr. Bai's daughter. He specially invited me, I could not say no. It's okay if you don't want to go. I'll talk to Long You."

"Why him? No!"

"What? When did he become Long You from Mr. Long?!"


Simultaneously three loud voices echoed in the dining room. Tang Rong's face was tense. Duan Wei had immediately put down the food. Fang Bai's face had also changed to anger.

Fang Junjie was baffled at their overreactions.

"What's wrong with me calling him Long You. Aren't we good friends? And he asked me to call him like this today."

"He's bad, big-bro. Just ignore him."

"He is a shameless person, big-bro. He has ulterior motives."

"Ge-ge he is a bad person."

Fang Junjie listened to their reasons which just looked like partial judgements. How had they not seen any bad characters? They have mixed with many of them. And he wasn't a good person either.

They were simply discriminating Long You. He felt a faint anger.

"How can you three discriminate against him? I've known him since long. He isn't a bad person as you say."

Tang Rong and Fang Bai wanted to say the reason but words were stuck in their throats.

But Duan Wei did not think much about the situation before blurting out.

"He likes you big-bro! He has bad motives about you. We won't let him succeed however much he tried."

Duan Wei suddenly stopped. His aggressive expression suddenly vanished, leaving pure shock.

He looked at Fang Junjie who was frozen with an open mouth, and then at Fang Bai and Tang Rong who were looking at him with admiring gazes.

It was the first time when he received such gazes from them but he didn't feel anything great about it.

There was silence on the table.

Looking at Fang Junjie's disbelieving eyes, they consciously kept quiet. Everyone was already full. Fang Bai helped Tang Rong in collecting the dishes and Tang Rong washed them.

Everyone went to their own rooms to rest.

Fang Junjie was still stupefied. He slowly remembered all his interactions with Long You. All the moments they had together, Long You's soft face, his care and concern for him, etc.

He did not want to believe that Long You liked him but he himself could not deny that he also felt it was true.

He wished he had not heard what Duan Wei said.

There was a weird feeling in his heart. Imagining Long You's face, he did not feel any disgust towards him. He also wanted to get closer.

But he couldn't because he was bad at emotional matters. Maybe Long You will soon grow tired of him. He was such a boring person. He did not have any goal other than a simple life and that he would be so strong that no-one could harm him or his Xiao-Bai.

Other than that, he was dumb at everything.

Fang Junjie looked outside the window in a daze.

Maybe Long You will soon forget about him and move on. He should distance himself from him.

His heart suddenly had a huge amount of pain thinking about breaking relations with that person.

A notification popped up.

Dragon Leo : Asleep? Have you eaten dinner?

Great King Jun : I have eaten, Mr. Long. I am going to sleep. Good night.

The air conditioner had low temperature. Fang Junjie put down his phone and curled himself in the blanket in a fetus position.

Few minutes later, Long You appeared.

He pressed his hand on Fang Junjie's head and the creases on the forehead smoothened.

He sighed.

"This day had to come eventually. Sleep. I'll take care of everything."

Long You then increased the temperature of the air conditioner and hugged Fang Junjie to sleep.

In sleep, Fang Junjie rubbed his head on Long You's neck, adjusted to a good position then smiled.

Moral of the chapter is - Don't overthink.

Do the students (readers) understand?

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