
A Dragon ball System With A Cultivation World

I got Bad Grammer

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

5 Guys Going At It

"you don't want this sword? it's sharp enough to cut through space and time. it could enhance your strength by a huge amount" the immortal said with a weird look while looking at Sora.

"I don't want to use outside stuff to make myself stronger. All I need is my two fists," Sora said disdainfully while looking at the White Tiger Sword, Hearing Sora's words, the sword spirit of the sword took the form of a white tiger which looked unhappy at Sora.

"you are an interesting boy. I look forward to seeing the heights you can reach... the White Tiger Cultivation art is a Body and Qi cultivation art... you see, high-grade cultivation art can cultivate 2 cultivation systems at once, with some being capable of cultivating 3 systems at once." The immortal said leaving Sora shocked at his words.

"The 3 Head and 6 Arm Diagram I left behind is special. there are races out there born with unique physiques I wanted to recreate, this technique is me trying to recreate it. but what I left behind for you all only has 5 levels, you are so young yet are so close to comprehending the 3rd level. your future is bright." the immortal said with a smile, although it couldn't be seen.

"anyways, The White Tiger Cultivation art is graded below the 3 heads and 6 Arm Diagram. but cultivating it would allow you to be like the white tiger. you would be faster, your senses would be a chapter, and you could channel White Tiger Qi, which is much stronger than normal Qi. It also would strengthen your Lightning and Qi base abilities to a great degree" He said stunning Sora who nodded slightly.

"the other 4 inheritances ground, this is only the first. once you get the other 3 cultivation arts, you can combine them to create the 4 Sacred Beast Cultivation art." He said making Sora node once more in understanding.

The immortal said a few more things before the gave Sora the cultivation art, and sent Sora to a pond that was filled with silver-like liquid. entering the pond, Sora instantly felt a rush of energy entering his body, forcing him to quickly close his eyes and cultivate The White Tiger Cultivation art.

"No need to be so upset. he isn't normal, someone like that will not walk the path of the sword. but your true owner will, and he shall be able to rival or even be a step ahead of him. that's what I foresaw billions of years ago." The immortal said with a gentle smile while rubbing the sword slightly,

"how did you not see his existence?" The sword asked,

"I can't say... this isn't my main body so I can't find out such things. but there are a few things that could be. One is that he is a powerful expert who has reincarnated without his memories yet, the second is that he isn't of this world so wasn't within this world's time, and lastly is that he holds a unique, physique and something which makes it hard for others to see his future. who knows, someone could have hidden his future." He said with a gentle smile, billions of years ago, he was injured when he found himself within this lower realm.

While recovering, he went on to help this world cultivation system develop, and before he left he saw into the future to see if there was anyone worth wild, and he was not disappointed as he saw a supreme talent who was more than worthy of being his disciple.... but now he saw not only that supreme talent but even Sora. both were more than worthy of being his disciple but they had to comprehend the 3 head and 6 Arm Diagram to the 5h level first.

"how about that lady down there?" the white tiger asked to which the immortal smiled slightly,

"a genius is usually followed by another genius. her great opportunity is being friends with him, who knows they might become lovers. with the technique you gave her, she should be capable of doing great things... let me help her out. the kid I'm waiting for should be arriving next year." The immortal said before pointing towards Fang Mei, at his level he could see across space and time and see.

Fang Mei who comprehended the Supreme Fire Tigher Cultivation art within a sleep-like state found herself entering a state of enlightenment. the Cultivation became so easy to comprehend, the bottleneck with energy control and merging disappearing and she easily began seeing her flaws and mistakes.

She remained within this state for the next 2 days, and once she left that state, she jumped into cultivation, and quickly began breakthrough levels thanks to the resources Sora gave her.

but she could only cultivate for 5 days before they had to leave. why? because Sora got bored of cultivating within that pond, it was so boring, he rather is badly injured and almost dies than have to sit another week within that pond,

The immortal was helpless with Sora, but he couldn't blame Sora. Sora's talent was not within cultivation, he had only above-average absorption speed and refinement capability, he was not like those frisk talents who can seemly absorb and refine energy almost instantly, allowing them to break through almost instantly so long as they have energy.

Sora was the type of talent who broke through cultivation realms through battles, and anything else and he is wasting his talent. Sora knew this pretty well, but he didn't just leave like that, he had first made sure he had broken through within all his cultivation system. Currently, he was at level 6

"You know that place was like a holy ground right?" Fang Mei said unhappily, she wanted to stay and try her best to catch up to Sora. which was doing, thanks to the huge amount of energy within, plus the resources given to her, those 5 days she had reached level 4 Qi Sea. and since the Supreme Fire Tiger Cultivation art was also a body-tempting art, she had also reached level 4 Iron rank

currently, she could show a power level of 136,000 Fists, which was impressive. her energy control increased her power level by 20 times, and her ability to merge her Qi and Phsyqual energy brought forth a power-up of 17 times,

Sora was shocked seeing this, but he could of course not show that the fact her energy control and merging capability was better than his own.

"nobody told you to come out, you could have stayed there," Sora said calmly making Fang Mei snort but she said nothing. She of course left because she rather be with Sora, but she of course wouldn't say such a thing.

"what's with that smile?" Fang Mei asked seeing Sora suddenly have a smile grow on his face, she had seen that smile and it was when Sora challenged the sect leaders.

"Humans, unwanted visitors are waiting for you to leave the forest." The Gray Tiger stepped forward them with a group of tigers behind it

"I sensed them... I will go deal with them. this is why I don't like leaving my enemies alive, but now that I think of about it. is this not a good thing?" Sora said with a smile before he hots out, quickly leaving the forest with one jump.

"There he is..." An emperor roared seeing Sora in midair, falling towards them, and with him nearing came a scary aura that made their heart shake in horror.

One of the ancestors placed an item over his eye and instantly his eyes narrowed seeing the reading of Sora's power level the item showed.

"a power level of 29 million, his power level almost doubled in less than a month." He said horrified by the findings, and everyone was also shocked by his words. This growth was too fast, it hasn't been a month or even 2 weeks, and this brat growth capability was too scary...

They planned for everything, even with Sora having a power level of 16 to 23 million, but this new level of power made them start having regret and start thinking clearly. If Sora's uncle was truly a powerful expert, his level of power could be measured based on Sora's talent. Within this weak western region, Sora can still show this level of power could reflect heavily upon his background.

"Wait, sir Sora, we only came here to make sure you were..." An emperor wanted to speak, but his head exploded as Sora's spiritual sense entered his mind, causing his soul and head to explode,

"I gave you all a chance, the only path you have is a battle for your survival," Sora said with a cold smile, the 4 ancestors looked at each other. they all had power levels of around 16 million with their equipment on, if they worked together then they could pull off a win. As for the measures they had taken just in case they lost, Sora had destroyed them.

the formations they spent days setting up with were easily destroyed Sora thought as he saw through the weakness of it so easily. it's not like they were formations masters, they only knew a few things about it.

'We cost use combined attacks, and remain connected.' One of the ancestors said through his spiritual senses. it was pretty much telepathy, and he could speak into the minds of others,

'with a good enough show of teamwork, we could even defeat someone with a power level of over 50 million.' Another said making everyone's confidence grow. working together with others can greatly increase one level of power, but the process of doing so is complex and much harder than mastering energy control and merging.

it's pretty much merging your energy with someone else, such a thing was of course harder than mastering your energy. if it was so easy, Sora would have lost long ago against those mayors of the city. but if they put aside everything and truly work together, they indeed could pull off a win.

'I have been a part of the army for many years now. I will send information of our training to your minds, I will take the lead, and follow me.' the youngest of the ancestors said with narrowed eyes,

"will not attack? how sad, I only wanted to test my new abilities on you guys... Don't think I looked highly upon you guys. I'm just happy test subjects would bring themselves towards me." Sora said as he pointed towards the weakest member of the ancestors.

'now.' the youngest of the ancestors yelled within everyone's head, causing them all to move, a beam shot from Sora, but the weakest member of the ancestor moved at the perfect time, dodging the attack and catching Sora off guard.

'he has sharp instincts.' Sora thought as he looked at the youngest ancestor, who was currently in the air gathering Qi to form a powerful attack. Sora looked at them disdainfully, what could a group of experts with a power of 16 million do to him?

even if he stood there, they can't break through his defense. but this was a good time to test his energy shield, and if by chance they breakthrough his energy shield, thanks to cultivating the white tiger cultivation art, his fur was now harder than metal. so it was going to be nice to see how much they could withstand

'As expected, his cocky. we have to make this attack do as much damage as possible, and attack before he could recover.' the youngest ancestor said, he had sharp instincts as he had been on the battlefield for many years, and he could read a person's character pretty well, and Sora character was nothing so hard to read.

4 beams shot toward Sora, some being sword beams, spear beams, and so on. The beams gathered and merged, shocking Sora whose pupils instantly shrank seeing this. crossing his hands, Sora formed a shield, but he found his power being suppressed under this might, it was like he was trying to withstand the power of the world, Sora's power level of 29 million dropped to a shocking 10 million.

Sora quickly used the Kaio Ken times 2, but even with his power level now at 20 million, his barrier shattered and he was sent flying back with parts of his body being disintegrated to the point not even the ashes remained. falling flat on his back with no libs, Sora instantly upon his right eye while closing his left.

As soon as he did, he quickly saw the ancestors shooting toward him. Qi gathered on his back and exploded, shooting him out of the way of the ancestor's path of attack,

"I was wrong, Haha. This is your only chance to kill me," Sora laughed seeing his arms were not healing, whatever power they used to attack him caused his injuries to have a hard time healing.

The Ancestor didn't say anything and shot towards Sora, but Sora did something which shocked them, gathering his energy, he had it take the form of arms and legs. Sora shot towards them, not backing down in the slightest.

but as Sora neared them, he felt his power level being suppressed, so he exploded out with his killing intent, shocking the 4 as their impression was being resistance against this overwhelming killing intent. because of this, Sora's power level went from 12 million up to 14 million, while their power level dropped to 15 million,

But Sora used the Kaio Ken once more, allowing his power level to reach 30 million. Although he was twice as strong as them right now, their combined power was huge and Sora was quickly overwhelmed once more and was sent shooting into the ground, coughing up mouthfuls of blood.

jumping up, Sora barely a ray of sword slashes. his left eye which was closed was cut, destroying that left eye, as for his right eye, he was capable of dodging the major attacks, leaving only his check cut and the upper part of his eyebrow cut,

"Haha, you son of bitch." Sora laughed seeing what they did. they were planning on blinding him, and even if they couldn't blind him, they could have his blood blind him, which was working. this forced him to have to use his spiritual senses, which Sora wasn't used to compared to his eyes, or as good as his right eye.

Sora quickly jumped around, trying his best to dodge as many attacks as he could, but he was at a losing battle, and if this were to go on, he would soon die... well, that would be so if Sora's strength was not growing,

after having two breakthroughs, Sora's energy mastery had dropped, so this battle was helping his mastery grow. plus the pressure he felt was huge, with the knowledge that these injuries can't be simply healed made Sora realize that Death was around the corner, hell he might win and end up dying due to these injuries,

The battle went on, Sora power level quickly reached 22 million before he had a hard time improving it. of course, his peak power level should be 39 million, but the suppression he was feeling was a lot.

Sora didn't try and fuse killing intent into his 3 cultivation systems, if he did although the suppression the group would feel would strengthen, and lessen upon him, his power level would be at 20 million, and with the group, fusion could overcome that...

'Am I scared?' Sora thought as he found himself scared to fuse killing intent into his 3 cultivation systems. Feeling that fear, he laughed at himself before he fused Killing Intent into his 3 cultivation systems, bringing both a greater boost to the suppression he was giving off, meanwhile, the group power level dropped to 14 million.

instantly, the pressure Sora had to face increased once more, more injuries quickly gathered on his body and he had a hard time just surviving, with a roar, Sora used Kaio Ken times 4, and his power level instantly reached 40 million, allowing him to barely hang on

Sora didn't want to use Kaio Ken times 3 for 2 reasons, one was that he had set to master Kaio Ken times 2, and using Kaio Ken times 4 would make him burn through his energy at a high speed.

Second was that he didn't like suffering backlash from using this technique as it would not give him a Zenkai boost. But his defense was strong, so although he would suffer a backlash, it wouldn't be huge.

With the boost in power, the battlefield got slightly more even as Sora was now landing blows on them, but he was suffering more blows and was forced to use up more energy to help himself heal. in the end, seeing that he would run out of energy, Sora gritted his teeth and at the cost of the left half of his body, he slammed his fist into the youngest of the ancestor, sending him flying straight into the ground

with the chain connecting them gone, the other teamwork dropped allowing Sora to quickly go on and try and kill them. he managed to kill 2 of them, but the other 2 used treasures which ripped open a hole in space which allowed them to escape. Sora didn't follow and went on to drop to the ground, breaking heaving.

"for a moment I thought I would have to use Kaio Ken times 5," Sora said as he threw pills into his mouth, before falling backward, breathing like he was drawing a moment ago.

"... why are you so reckless?" Fang Mei said as she jumped off the tiger which brought her to Sora's side. she couldn't help but feel uncomfortable seeing the injuries Sora had suffered, She knew about Sora's recovery capability but she saw that his body wasn't healing for some reason, which made her worry if Sora would stay like this.

"I will be alright... I think." Sora said softly, but it was hard for him to remain awake, Fang Mei panicked seeing this and quickly tried to have him remain awake. but slowly Sora's eyes closed while his body began transforming, going back to his base form, leaving her stunned as Sora just got shorter...

"Bring More!" A roar sounded, shaking heaven and earth, Sora's eyes slowly opened only to be horrified at what he saw. a wave of ink-black monsters was rushing toward someone Sora knew well, leaving Sora stunned at the sight which was happening.

Sora's uncle stood, an aura of slaughter so dense around him, it took the physical form of 2 blades with their ends connected to chains, which were connected to his arms. the number of monsters rushing forward was... a lot, the ground was made of their dead bodies, and even the planet they stood on was a planet of these ink-black monsters' dead bodies. and the planet was not small

they were all slaughtered by one person, Sora's uncle who was lost in the act of slaughter, slaughtering all monsters which neared him. but he was not unharmed as ink-black weapons were stepped into his body, but Sora could tell he had moved in a way those weapons would do the least amount of damage to him.

Sora watched the measure taking place, this was not a measure on the millions, billions, or even trillions. Sora couldn't even begin to imagine the number of enemies one would need to slaughter to have killing intent so powerful.

Sora began to lose while watching his uncle fight, at some point he lost himself in his uncle's movement, his uncle's martial arts had reached a level where his body could react to anything, and everything around him. but the number was too much,

after creating a sun size planet, his uncle began reaching his limits, he had already turned into a pincushion but was still fighting, his eyes still bright with the will to fight.

"I will blame as to why I love battle upon this family of mine." Sora said softly, he indeed loved battle. but it was only because he liked the feeling of breakthrough through your limits, overcoming all odds, and coming out of a visitor. that feeling was the drug that he might never be able to let go of.


from the sky, lightning fell from the void, killing countless of the ink-black monsters. Sora followed his uncle's gaze who was looking at a huge portal that had opened up, led by someone who looked a lot like Sora, the man rushed out to a blood-red house, with similar blades chained around his arms.

"what was I to gain from that?" Sora asked in confusion seeing the world had suddenly turned dark. he looked around in confusion for some time, before he suddenly awakened back in his body.

He slowly sat up but quickly found his left half of the body had yet to grow. As for the other half, his hands were growing, and seemed halfway there, along with his feet.

"don't move around, you need to rest up... how did you even awaken so fast?" Fang Mei said with slight surprise seeing Sora awaken, he was only out for a day, and with such heavy injuries she was expecting him to be out for months.

"Who are you? W-who am I? Where am I" Sora asked in confusion, stunning Fang Mei whose eyes widened in disbelief,

"N-no, you're joking." She asked in shock, to which Sora nodded as he had Qi gather to reform his missing body parts, before getting up.

"So, how long was I out," Sora asked lazily, Fang Mei's face was dark, she never wanted to punch anyone more than she wanted to right now. She snorted coldly at Sora before leaving the cave they were at, no longer caring to even look at him. but when Sora let out a soft moan of pain, she quickly rushed back to see if he was alright.

"it seems like using energy could cause my injuries to worsen," Sora said in shock, those guys did some serious injuries to him. By the look of it, he would need 7 days to recover.