
A Dragon ball System With A Cultivation World

I got Bad Grammer

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

12 v 1

"Damn, a draw," Sora said while on one knee, looking at the 5 old men who were struggling to stand. it was a bloody battle, Sora didn't just push himself, these gold men had pushed themselves as well, and currently, both sides were tired and low on energy.

"Shockingly, someone not even at the second stage of cultivation could have so much energy," the old man who was the former mayor said coldly while swallowing a pill, which quickly allowed him to recover his energy. everyone seeing this was stunned, the old man was hiding a trump card this whole time.

that was no normal pill, maybe a mid or even high-second-grade pill, such things were hard to come by. Sora was also caught off guard by this and quickly forced himself off the ground, but he didn't dodge the old man's spear, a huge hole stabbed through his leg, creating a huge hole,

Sora quickly pulled out the power pole, which stretched out, hitting the ground and pushing him up into the clouds in a matter of seconds before disappearing. the old man waited for Sora to fall, but he whole saw a golden cloud with Sora laying weakly upon it,

"I will be back in 3 days," Sora said with a laugh, causing the old man's face to turn dark with rage. Sora's power pole caught not only him but everyone off guard. again, Sora's instincts toward combat allowed him to escape sure death, giving him time to grow. he thought at least crippling Sora's leg would cut off all chances for Sora to escape or even fight back, but the guy didn't show all of his trump cards.

"damn it, I'm about to faint," Sora said weakly while laying on the flying nimbus, he lost too much blood and suffered too many injuries, and he was too low on energy to stop and suppress the injuries.

weakly pulling out 3 pills, Sora swallowed them and lay there trying to refine its energy, but slowly he fainted. this is the most injuries Sora had ever been, but the gains through this battle were great, his energy control had reached the skillful realm, giving him a 6.2 times increase to all 3 of his cultivation power levels

and when he merge them, he got a shocking 4.1 times boost. altogether, it gave Sora a power level of 2,516, which was just barely enough for him to fight those 5 guys, although if one were to look at it, Sora had suffered a huge amount of injuries compared to the 5, who only was low on energy and had suffered some injuries,

Sora soon woke up and found it was the middle of the night, seeing this, he quickly got up and found himself still on the flying Nimbus, which was hiding among the flies, as if to hide Sora.

"Thanks, big you..." Sora said with a smile as he patted the Flying Nimbus, the flying Nimbus had a will of its own. it had gotten bigger since the last item he had seen, it was growing stronger as its strength was growing due to the effect of QI in the air,

The Nimbus flew down, allowing Sora to jump off. by now, he had fully recovered, Sora thanked the Nimbus once more, and as if shaking its head, the Nimbus floated up and down, before it flew off.

Sora checked his body for some time, before asking the system how long he was out, and he was only out for 10 hours, he only had 3 hours of the night to train. he had also broken through,

He had reached level 8 Body refinement, giving him a power level of 60 fist

He had reached level 6 Qi refinement, giving him a power level of 58 Fist, allowing him to fight those at level 8 Qi refinement

He had reached level 6 Soul refinement, giving him a power level of 55 Fist, allowing him to fight those at level 8 Soul Refinement. His spiritual sense could also cover a range of 200 meters around him.

Sora didn't focus too much on this improvement, after all his peak power level remained at 2,516 Fist. Sora looked at the mood and went on to begin his training...

meanwhile, the world was hit with another wave of shock, Sora had fought 5 powerful elders with power levels of around 1,500 fists and could fight to a drawl. of course, everyone pointed this to the inheritances he surely got his hands upon. the fight was spread all across the nearby cities, and pretty much everyone within 1,000 miles knew about this.

Among them, Fang Mei was in shock at how capable Sora was, how could she not when she knew he was but a cripple not too long ago? now what can she do to help him? so she returned to the sect and began focusing on getting stronger, She refused to let Sora leave her behind, not when she had the advantage of a head start. she was more worried she would lose the only friend she ever had,

With something like this motivating her, a strange change began taking place within her body, and something slowly began awakening.

Fang Mei and her elder sister were talented, and from a young age, Fang Mei's elder sister had awakened her unique physique which caught the attention of a powerful expert. Now, she was about to awaken what seemed to be a unique physique,

you ask how is it that these two sisters could be so powerful. what are the chances of something like this happening? well, you would have to look at their mother. a strange woman who one day stopped at the village, injured. she fell in love with the girl's father and soon birthed the two.

She was saved by Sora's uncle, leading to the arranged marriage being formed. but now that Sora thinks back on it, his uncle mostly saw through her, and the talented twins and took the opportunity to give him a wife... who ended up ignoring him.

Anyways she was soon forcefully taken away when the girls were kids. This leads the eldest of the sister to fall into cultivation, with the sole goal of finding her mother. meanwhile, Feng Mei was never treated with the same love and care as her elder sister, so she didn't care much that her mom was missing.

Fang Yan awakened her talent thanks to such a mindset, meanwhile, Fang Mei awakened her talent because of Sora. One wanted to save her mother, while the other just wanted to hold onto the only friend she had...

"This isn't bad," Sora said while feeling the power flowing through him. 3 days had passed, and Sora could now remain in this state for a good amount of time, even longer thanks to the pills.

It was similar to how Frieza from dragon ball had trouble using his full power, Sora was tiring himself out similar to Frieza. but this shouldn't be as this should be his base form, so he needed to start to get used to this power, and maybe he could enter this form as he wish without a full moon,

So, Sora went on remain within the true Saiyan state for the following few days. A huge amount of pills were needed to give him enough energy to remain within this form. at first, he struggled to remain in this state for an hour, but with each passing hour, his control within this state grew better and better.

Days passed, and in the blink of an eye, the time for the next full moon was nearing. Sora had stayed within this true Saiyan all this time and was now able to hold this form for a long time so long as he used a max of 20% of this form power. that was still 20 times stronger than his base form,

Sora didn't want to return to that city as he was not foolish enough to tell them when he would return when the whole world wanted him. So, he was going to ignore that city for some time.

when the full moon arrived, Sora left the true Saiyan form and went on to try and enter that state without looking at the moon. this is the first time Sora did something like this, but thanks to the fact he has been in The True Saiyan state, he was capable of entering that even without a moon.

Sora was not sure of this, so he wanted a week before he tried something like this. but now that he was sure, he didn't mind trying to master this form of full power, and that was easier said than done, So Sora spent another month training.


On top of the mayor's mansion, a person suddenly fell from the sky, destroying the barrier around the mansion, and went on to fall straight through the building. instantly, guards moved to surround the person who suddenly dropped in, but they froze upon seeing who it was.

"Sorry for suddenly dropping in. I would have sent a natter, but I didn't know the address." Sora said with a mocking smile, the guards sweated heavily, they knew they were no match for Sora, the 5 strongest experts in the city had to work together to face off against this guy.

"Don't worry, I'm only here seeking the 5 old men. and by the looks of things, there are many powerful experts in the city, so I will wait for them all to gather." Sora said with a mocking smile, the guards were stunned at Sora's words, how arrogant can a person be? but since Sora was going to let them call for backup, they were not going to cry about it

Sora ignored the guards and went to the mansion kitchen, where he found something to eat. this enraged the guards, so he broke in and went on to make himself home before them, he was not putting them in their eyes.

"you guys are well trained, not letting your greed take over you. I haven't seen such a well-behaved group of guard dogs." Sora said lazily, the guards froze for a moment upon hearing Sora's words, before they exploded with rage. but before they could rush at Sora, they were stopped by a powerful aura that came from afar. they quickly got out of the way, and went far away, as they didn't want to be caught in the shock waves of this battle.

The mayor's father, along with a group of other experts walked them, their eyes looked on Sora. After the video of the battle which took place here spread, many experts came to the city, awaiting Sora to return as he said so. even so, Sora was more than 50 days late, they remained waiting just in case.

there was a total of 12 powerful experts who have been waiting, adding the 5 experts Sora fought that day, there was a total of 15 experts. the 5 Sora fought that day were the weakest there, with the rest being at level 10 Qi Sea, with some being at half-step Core formations.

"wow, you guys because others bitches. how sad." Sora said mockingly seeing that the 5 experts he fought last time didn't dare to even speak up before these 12 experts. the 5 old men secretly gritted their teeth, but they didn't dare to show their rage before these 12 experts, just one of them could slap them to death. they only had a power level of 1,600 Fist currently, but before them they were nothing.

Those at the 2nd stage of cultivation, such as the Qi Sea, Iron rank, and Nascent SOul realm had a power level of this,

Half-step Iron rank- 91 fist

Level 1 Iron rank- 120

Level 2 Iron rank- 156

Level 3 Iron rank- 202

Level 4 Iron rank- 264

Level 5 Iron rank- 343

Level 6 Iron rank- 446

Level 7 Iron rank- 580

Level 8 Iron rank- 750

Level 9 Iron rank- 975

Level 10 Iron rank- 1,275

The 5 had a power level of 1,600 when going all out, but just one of the 12 experts here had a power level of over 10,000. the average power level is 15,000.

"Brat, you're arrogant for such little strength." the strongest person here, with a power level of 17,500 said coldly. Sora just eats the apple while throwing him a sideways look. the old man had sect disciples' clothing, he seemed to be a core disciple of some sect, looking around there were a few others from other sects.

"you lived so long yet talk so much, don't you know that actions are louder than words? you're holding and might even be hard of hearing, don't try and act young. look at the others, surely they didn't keep their mouth shut because they think you were strong, it was because they were too old and couldn't care less amount wasting their breath." Sora said with a shake of his head,

"..." the old man's eyes burned with rage, saying nothing, and he disappeared. but the others didn't want him to take Sora's storage ring, so they all move, but before their eyes, Sora disappeared.

they quickly turned around and saw Sora holding 5 heads by the hair, Sora looked at them with a cold but mocking smile.

"Now that these ants are out of my way, it's time for you guys," Sora said calmly, the group of experts were stunned for a moment before they sneered, that was fast, but it was only because they were caught off guard. how could someone so weak show such speed?

So, they moved once more, they didn't want to waste energy on him, the first person to kill Sora would be able to run away faster than others with the storage ring, so they all moved at the same time. Sora didn't back down and jumped towards him, his eyes burning with the will to fight

the two sides clashed, and instantly the group of experts was caught off guard as Sora was showing a power level of 16,335. they were shocked as Sora was nearing perfection in both energy control and merging, this was unheard of. but this made them want to kill Sora even more, Sora might be strong, but he was no match for 12 people with a power level around his own,

Sora had to rely on his left eye while at the time using his instants to fight them, but he was losing. Sora wanted to use them to see if he could improve, yet he found he couldn't as he wasn't facing that much pressure, in the back of his mind, he knew he could always enter the true Saiyan State and become 100 times stronger, so what did he have to be fearful?

Sora didn't like this, and seeing as he wasn't going to improve much due to this, he transformed into the true Saiyan state shocking them.

"h-he is a wild beast?" they said in shock and horror while feeling Sora's strength and also Sora's appearance, over in fur, Sora looked like a wild beast that had taken a humanoid form, so, of course, they few scared.

"Now that's rude," Sora said with a cold smile, before he used his spiritual senses to destroy their mind, causing their head to explode on the spot. with over 1 million fists, Sora was a bit too powerful. but he couldn't use the full power of this form for long, maybe for 1 attack before he turn back to the base form, but he could go around showing a power level of over 100 thousand fists with some trouble,

Sora went on to look these experts of all their treasures before he went on too long not only the mayor's mansion, but the 4 great clans of their treasures. running off, Sora jumped into the sky, before disappearing.

A few days later, news of the battle which took place here spread, Sora alone managed to take on 12 powerful experts with a power level of around 15,000 and killed them all in less than a minute, and went on to loot the whole city.

Sora had killed experts from big backgrounds, so bounties were put out for him, and now more and more experts began laying their eyes upon Sora, their eyes burning with greed, but Sora was someone hard to find, even so with so many people now searching for him, it became hard for Sora to hide.

at the same time, Sora found out that these people managed to find out who he was, those who were from the same village as him and managed to enter the sect were paid a huge amount to spill the beans on his background,

Sora who had gone on to hide near the village found out about this, experts gathered at the village seeking out those close to Sora, yet Sora's uncle had disappeared long ago. Sora was caught off guard when he saw this, but seeing as his Uncle had left, he had no reason to stay there anymore, so he turned and left, heading off to the bigger cities to cause trouble... cough, I mean to get better cultivation resources