
Family of Havoc

Chapter has some dark subjects that might make some readers unsettled.


There was once a team of extremely powerful people.

Some of the members had been reborn and some reincarnated.

Surviving many apocalyptic events.

Wanting a break, they split up until they all finished the things they wanted to do.

They each found a child.

Those kids were the second generation.

When they became adults, a certain emergency led them to…


"Ben is late."

"Five of us are already here."

Knock knock

"And he's here."

A short girl walks up and opens the door.


"Since everyone is here, let's start off from last month."

"We found all of the kids, right guys?"



"After 2 weeks, hopefully we have all gotten the kids, we'll meet up after the 2 weeks."

"Then can we go now?"

"Yeah, shoo shoo go find them."

Everyone started walking out of the room.


"Noah, can I ask you something?"


"Ella asked me for help with getting her kid and it's basically the opposite of where mine is. So can you get my kid?"

"Ah, alright."

"Thanks alot."


3 days later.


I had gotten lost while traveling the desert.

"Pixie! Are we almost there?!"

A large ferret digs out of the sand and nods its head.

We kept walking to a cave to rest, it was almost night, I summoned Lia to protect us if we wanted to sleep.

"Should we go at night?"

A cougar laying near nodded.

"Okay then, now I'm going to take a na-"

'Target is currently moving and moving fast.'

"Sh*t, is the target getting farther or getting closer?"

'Target is getting farther.'

"Where is it moving towards?!"

'Alfredian Forest.'

"Lia, we have to go now!"

Quickly getting on Lia, we managed to get to Alfredian Forest by morning.

Alfredian Forest was known for its questionable past.

It was a hot spot for selling slaves of any race, although the government had gotten extremely strict on it.

Slave selling was basically zero except for the occasional idiots.

But getting slaves from there to sell in another place was possible albeit difficult.


"Lia, rest for a bit, I'll go with Pixie to search."

Lia closed her eyes and slept.

Pixie and I went out of the hotel and searched.

"The kid should be around here…"

Some loud screaming came from a large tree on fire.

Many elves gathered and used water spells on the fire, only for it to get worse.

"I think I found Ben's kid. Pixie come on! We're going up the ladder!"

The branches were in a way that made them look like walls, so it looked like a wooden house from afar.

Pixie helped me miss some falling branches on fire while running through the house.

"I think there's someone banging on the basement door."

Quietly walking to the basement door, I opened the door.

"Please save me and my kid!"


"You can stop the fire with your beast so please!"

"Well… Where is your kid?"

"The second floor bedroom."

"Pixie, go open the bedroom door, I'll come after I get this man out!"

Slowly walking the man to safety, a firefighter had come in, I gave the firefighter the man and left to go to the bedroom.

Going inside the room, I see an unconscious child on pixie's back.

"Can you carry him? The smoke is going to make me puke."

Pixie and I ran and jumped off the tree as fast as we could.

The child and man were sent off to a hospital.


2 days later.

Having a complicated mind over the child which I thought was Ben's kid to have a father…

"Ella did say he was a slave… Maybe he got freed and is having a happy life?"

I had gone back to the desert but this time for my kid.

Riding on Lia, I found a large cage moving far but close enough to notice.

"Pixie, dig through the sand and check who's in the cage, Lia slowly walk to the cage from the back and take out any guards near the cage."

Both of them started going to do their task and I activated a spell to look from far away.

"Isn't that the kid from 2 days ago? And why is the dad driving while the kid is in a cage…"

Lia and pixie were ready to swiftly kill them any second.

"Make them all unconscious but try to not injure the kid much."

I walked to the cage and Pixie gave me some cards.

These cards were for selling slaves.

"Kill all the adults."


3 days later.

The kid would wake up occasionally to eat but soon fall asleep.

We were also at Oceanus.

Oceanus was known for its beautiful and clear water, and maybe the many large extinct leviathan skeletons found in many of its waters.

Not only were there skeletons of large extinct leviathans, there were live ones, the country had many names.

I checked if the kid was Ben's using the device Zane gave us.

The device would tell us the location and tell us if it was just some random kid or not.

It was night time and I left the hotel for a walk outside to where I found some light on a mountain.

In the morning, when I went to a coffee shop, someone said something about a festival on a mountain.

Wanting to go to a festival once without two beasts who usually acted like children and a literal child.

I walked all the way to where I thought the festival was.

It was extravagant with all different kinds of blue coloured things.

"Excuse me sir, what is this festival for?"

I asked a man who seemed to know a lot about the festival.

"Oh? You must be new here, this is a festival for the new sea empress."

"Sea empress?"

"You'll see soon enough, have fun!"

The man disappeared into the crowd after that.

I tried to ask others but they all answered the same.

So I ate, drank and danced until the festival "officially started" as almost all of them said.

Thankfully it started before I got drunk.

A girl sitting on a platform carried by six men comes into the crowd.

Everyone makes way for them.

Unfortunately, the device started beeping.

I quickly looked around but didn't see any kid with blue hair.

When the festival ended, there were some people giving out a jar with water at the exit.

When I was getting out, one of them told me that the festival would be going on for 2 more days.

I went back to the hotel and quickly searched up and gathered any information available about the festival.

I felt there was something strange so I searched far and wide, not really though.

Fortunately, it wasn't difficult, unfortunately, it was not good information.

Apparently, it was something like a cult.

They would literally sacrifice people.

They worshipped some sort of oceanic god.

There was also a site for specifically reporting their activities.

There was information about the Sea Empress.

The Sea Emperor and Sea Empress would be forced to marry each other.

The Sea Emperor would be thought as the ocean god's son.

Both the empress and emperor would be people who are Kidnapped.

They could be married as early as 16.

But the people would usually want them to be older than 16.

Kidnapped as kids or as teens, rarely adults.

When I saw the information about the newest empress.

I knew I was going in for a massacre.

The current empress was the damn child that I had to look for.

Having my soul leave my body from the heat of the desert to this was tiring.

So I quietly sucked in my bed to where I was snuggled to near death.



I woke up to hissing.

"What is the damn thing you're hissing at?!"

Rubbing my eyes, I see a child being hissed at by Lia and Pixie.

It was Ben's kid but this time with horns, a devilish tail and long, sharp nails.

Small flashes of fire appeared on his hands.

"Oh, hell no. You better put out your hell fire or your gonna be knocked out."

Hearing this, he immediately sat down on the ground.

"You guys too, stop hissing."

Hearing my annoyed voice, they bowed down with no hesitation.

"So, what's your name?"

"Lucifara Samel…"

"Not surprised."


Making these character things so that the story can smoothly go on without having to explain the appearances.

Noah Ansel

Gender : Female

Age : 26 (actually 237 years old)

Hair colour : Dark red

Eye colour : Bright red

Ability : Medium sized beat taming

Personality (said by Ben) :

Used to be kind and a bright person until after the war.


Lucifara Samel

Gender : Male

Age : ???

Hair colour : Dark grey

Eye colour : Bright red

Ability : Hellfire

Nothing known about personality yet.

Hellfire can't be extinguished unless by abilities.

It only has one ability user, only when the person dies does it transfer.


Ben ???

Gender : Male

Age : 25 (193)

Hair colour : Blonde

Eye colour : Light grey

Ability : Holy flame

Personality (said by Ella and noah) : Goofy, annoying but willing to fix his mistakes and other's.


Ella was the short girl.