
A Dragon's Perspective

[UPDATES EVERYDAY AT 4PM GMT] "So here I am, the First Son of the High-and-Mighty Noble Dragon House, with a plan so brilliant it’s stupid: screw the heir’s mantle and kick back with a life full of leisure, money, and women. But here's the kicker—I had no damn clue that during my drunken blackout, I got zapped into a friggin' novel I once skimmed. Turns out, the character I’ve become was meant to die early on. Great. My lazy-ass plan just flipped the script. Now, instead of living easy, I’m a walking Calamity Magnet, scrambling to survive in this godforsaken world. Talk about ironic bullshit." "I'll carve out my own path, even if it means dealing with all the BS that comes with it." ________________________________ ●Magic Castle- 10 Extra chapters (RIP my Sleep Schedule) [THE DISCORD IS UP AND RUNNING COME SHOW SOME LOVE... LINK: https://discord.gg/WFaZeMPaCM [N/B: The Cover and Character Illustrations are mine.]

HeavenlyMike · Fantasy
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44 Chs


The ground was shaking, and so was the house with each swing and as each horde of undead fell.

Inside the mansion, the maids and every servant watched from within, their faces pressed against the windows.

Some were filled with fear for their lives, while others maintained faith in the young masters outside.

"Did you see that one? He chopped its head clean off!" a maid exclaimed, her eyes wide with excitement.

"Yeah, and look at that one over there! Just bashed its skull in with his shield!" another responded, her voice trembling with both fear and excitement.

An older maid chuckled. "With two young masters out there, there's no way we can lose. They'll protect us."

"But what if more come? What if we get overrun?" a younger maid asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

The older maid patted her shoulder reassuringly. "We've got Master Adrian and Master Diaval out there. They'll handle it. Trust in them."

In the grand hall, the household members gathered, watching the battle unfold through the large windows. The walls of the mansion trembled with the force of the combat outside.

Lady Jade, in her nightgown, joined the others, her regal presence undiminished despite her informal attire.

Beside her stood Lady Seraphina, her pride for her son Adrian shining through her eyes. Lady Isolde was there too, her face a mix of worry and pride as she watched the chaos.

"Look at Adrian go," Seraphina said, her voice filled with admiration.

"He's magnificent, isn't he? Such strength, such grace."

Lady Isolde nodded, her eyes scanning the battlefield. "Yes, he is. But where is Diaval?"

Seraphina smirked. "Probably sleeping in his room, as usual. Not everyone can be as dedicated as my son."

Before Jade could respond, Anna, Betty's mother, burst into the hall, her face pale and eyes wide with panic.

"Has anyone seen Betty? I can't find her anywhere!"

Lady Jade immediately moved to comfort her, pulling Anna into a reassuring embrace.

"If she's with Diaval, rest assured, she's safe. He would never let anything happen to her."

Anna nodded, though her body still trembled with anxiety. "I hope you're right. I can't lose her."

Outside, the guards fought tirelessly. Despite their exhaustion, they maintained their humor and camaraderie.

"Hey, remember when we thought skipping those drills was a good idea?" one guard panted, slicing through a skeletal warrior.

Another guard laughed, slamming his axe into an undead. "Yeah, well, I wish I hadn't fucked up the training routine now!"

The undead continued to swarm, but the guards were relentless. They shared jokes, curses, and encouragements as they fought.

"Can you believe these bastards just keep coming?" one guard shouted, wiping sweat from his brow.

His comrade grinned, swinging his sword. "Ah, don't complain. We needed to stretch our muscles anyway. Our bones were getting rusty!"

On the rooftop, Diaval held Betty close, ensuring her safety above all else. Any undead that approached him met a swift end.

"Stay close, Betty," Diaval murmured. Betty, her childish innocence intact despite the chaos, occasionally cheered on the guards below.

"Go, Mr. Guard! Get 'em!" she yelled, her tiny voice filled with excitement. "They're bad skeletons!"

Diaval smiled at her enthusiasm. His eyes drifted to Adrian, who was in his partial draconic transformation. Adrian's black scales glistened, and his eyes shone a fierce blue. His massive sword swung effortlessly, cutting through the undead with precision.

Suddenly, an overwhelming pressure descended upon the battlefield. The air grew thick, and everyone, including the undead, was forced to their knees. Diaval struggled to stand, fighting against the crushing force.

Inside the mansion, the pressure was felt just as intensely. Even the ladies, strong as they were, found themselves dropping to their knees. Out of the window, they could see two figures descending, their wings spread majestically in the moonlight.

Seraphina, her voice strained, tried to maintain her composure. "What... what is happening?"

Lady Jade, despite the pressure, recognized the figure. "It's Valtor," she whispered, awe and relief mingling in her voice.

Valtor landed gracefully, his immense presence commanding attention.

The figure that had been following close behind him was none other than Sir Eldric, who remarked, "My, my, what has the House turned into?"

He then turned to Valtor, saying, "Master Valtor, I suggest you retract your aura and pressure. It's affecting the young girl in Diaval's arms."

Valtor nodded, and with a subtle wave of his hand, the overwhelming pressure dissipated. Everyone began to stand up, breathing heavily and sweating from the intense experience, including the maids and Valtor's three wives.

Valtor's eyes locked onto Diaval as he asked in an angered yet calm tone, "What happened here, Diaval? What caused all this madness?"

Knowing there was no escape, Diaval took a deep breath and began to explain.

"Betty got hold of one of the keys I had. They're gateways to dungeons, and it opened a speed run dungeon." He continued to describe how he had acted quickly, stationing guards and warriors to redirect the undead from his room, where the gate had opened, into the training grounds.

Valtor's eyes narrowed, but there was a glint of approval.

"You acted quickly and thought well in such a short amount of time," he said, his tone softening slightly. "I commend you for that."

Diaval felt a wave of relief wash over him, but it was short-lived as Valtor added, "I will take it from here."

Confused but obedient, Diaval watched as his father moved past him and through the window into his room.

Expecting Valtor to transform, Diaval was taken aback when his father began an incantation instead. Blue magic circles appeared, spinning and intertwining as Valtor pronounced a complex spell.

Eldric, seeing the need for battle readiness, entered his partial draconic transformation. His eyes glowed a bright blue, his dark blue horns glimmering in the light. His arms and part of his face were covered in dark blue scales as he unsheathed his daggers, ready to assist.

Valtor's voice resonated with power as he continued his enchantment. A tiny circular gate materialized before him, and blue chains shot from it, wrapping around the green portal. The portal resisted, crackling with intense energy, but the blue chains tightened, locking it in place. With a final surge of magic, the green portal vanished into thin air, accompanied by a strong gust of wind.

The skeletons piled up in the training grounds dissipated, leaving behind cores of various colors. Valtor stepped out of Diaval's room and onto the roof, addressing Eldric.

"Tomorrow, instruct the cleaning and renovation of the training grounds and any parts of the house that were damaged. Collect the beast magic cores and take them to the Adventurers Association branch in Claire. Exchange them for money."

Diaval's eyebrows shot up, thinking his father wanted the money for himself, typical of a dragon's greed.

However, Valtor surprised him by continuing, "Distribute the money to the brave guards and warriors who fought tonight."

Eldric nodded, his respect for Valtor evident. "As you command, Master Valtor."

Diaval, holding the now-stirring Betty, felt a new admiration for his father. Valtor's leadership was unquestionable, and his actions tonight had reaffirmed that the Astarot family was in good hands.


The other 4 chapters as promised will be released at 3PM GMT+

Thank You :)

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