
A Dragon's Perspective

[UPDATES EVERYDAY AT 4PM GMT] "So here I am, the First Son of the High-and-Mighty Noble Dragon House, with a plan so brilliant it’s stupid: screw the heir’s mantle and kick back with a life full of leisure, money, and women. But here's the kicker—I had no damn clue that during my drunken blackout, I got zapped into a friggin' novel I once skimmed. Turns out, the character I’ve become was meant to die early on. Great. My lazy-ass plan just flipped the script. Now, instead of living easy, I’m a walking Calamity Magnet, scrambling to survive in this godforsaken world. Talk about ironic bullshit." "I'll carve out my own path, even if it means dealing with all the BS that comes with it." ________________________________ ●Magic Castle- 10 Extra chapters (RIP my Sleep Schedule) [THE DISCORD IS UP AND RUNNING COME SHOW SOME LOVE... LINK: https://discord.gg/WFaZeMPaCM [N/B: The Cover and Character Illustrations are mine.]

HeavenlyMike · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
44 Chs


The sun had barely risen when the bustling activity began in the training grounds and the West Wing of House Astarot.

Sir Eldric stood at the forefront, orchestrating the renovation efforts with his usual meticulousness.

The guards from the previous night's battle, along with orcs, dragons, and beastkin, were hard at work, their spirits high despite the laborious task ahead.

Diaval, having barely gotten any sleep in the East Wing where he had been relocated, awoke groggily.

Deciding he could learn a thing or two about construction and renovations, he headed to the training grounds.

As he approached, he noticed the lively chatter and camaraderie among the workers. The sight brought a smile to his face.

Sir Eldric spotted Diaval and greeted him with a nod.

"Morning, Diaval. Sleep well?"

"Not really," Diaval replied, stretching his arms and yawning.

"But I figured I might as well join in and see how things are done around here."

Eldric grinned. "Good. We could use the extra hands."

As they walked side by side, Diaval couldn't help but engage with the guards and workers.

The atmosphere was filled with humor and lively banter.

One of the dragon guards, a burly beastkin with emerald scales, wiped sweat from his brow and said, "Hey, Diaval! Didn't think I'd see you up this early. Thought you'd be snoring till noon!"

Diaval chuckled. "Well, someone has to make sure you guys don't slack off."

An orc named Grun laughed heartily, his tusks gleaming in the sunlight.

"With Eldric around, slacking off ain't an option. But it's good to see you, Diaval. Keeps things interesting."

A young beastkin, part wolf with silver fur, piped up, "Yeah, ever since you started showing up more often, things have been different. Better, even. You've been pretty lively, but sometimes you give off this aura that makes us all tremble. Keeps us on our toes!"

Diaval smirked. "Maybe it's my charm."

"Charm, right," one of the dragon guards muttered sarcastically, making the others laugh.

As they moved through the renovation site, Diaval observed the various tasks being undertaken.

The guards and workers were repairing walls, replacing damaged training equipment, and reinforcing the structures.

He noticed a group of dragon guards lifting a massive beam into place, their combined strength impressive.

Eldric and Diaval stopped to watch, and Eldric commented, "You know, this kind of teamwork is what makes House Astarot strong. Everyone here knows their role and works together seamlessly."

Diaval nodded.

"It's impressive. Makes me appreciate how much effort goes into maintaining this place."

They continued their walk, with Diaval occasionally stopping to chat with the workers.

He found himself enjoying the conversations, the humor, and the sense of camaraderie.

A group of beastkin were busy clearing debris, and one of them, a fox-like beastkin with bright orange fur, called out, "Hey Diaval, how come you're not helping us with this heavy lifting? Scared you might break a nail?"

Diaval rolled his eyes playfully.

"I think I'll leave the heavy lifting to you professionals. Besides, someone has to supervise."

Another guard, a dragon with deep red scales, laughed.

"Supervise? Is that what you call standing around looking pretty?"

Diaval grinned.

"Exactly. And I do it so well."

The laughter and banter continued as they worked.

Despite the hard labor, the mood was light, and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves.

Eldric, observing Diaval's interactions, said, "You've changed, you know. People notice it. You've become more involved, more present."

'He's right, the original Diaval was a lazy bum, not that I'm not. But its great to work just a bit so as to not tarnish my name or the Astarots name,' the inner Adam mused.

Diaval shrugged.

"I guess I just realized there's more to life than lounging around. Plus, it feels good to be part of something."

One of the older guards, a grizzled veteran with a scar running down his cheek, approached and clapped Diaval on the back.

"It's good to have you around, Diaval. You've got a good heart. We all appreciate it."

Diaval felt a warmth spread through him at the words. "Thanks. That means a lot."

As the day progressed, the renovations continued at a steady pace.

Diaval found himself learning a lot about construction and the effort required to maintain the grandeur of House Astarot.

He also discovered a newfound respect for the guards and workers who dedicated themselves to the house's upkeep.

During a break, the workers gathered in a shaded area, sharing stories and jokes. Diaval joined them, sitting on a large stone and listening intently.

Grug, the orc, was recounting a particularly amusing incident.

"So there I was, swinging my axe, and this skeleton just wouldn't go down. Turns out, I was hitting it with the blunt end the whole time!"

The group burst into laughter, and Diaval shook his head. "Only you, Grug."

The fox-like beastkin added, "Remember the time Grug tried to flirt with that elf ambassador? She thought he was offering her a challenge to a duel!"

More laughter ensued, and Diaval found himself laughing harder than he had in a long time. The camaraderie and shared humor made the hard work seem lighter.

As the break ended, they returned to their tasks with renewed energy.

Diaval continued to help where he could, offering a hand with repairs and learning from Eldric and the more experienced workers.

Eldric surveyed the progress and nodded in approval.

"Good work, everyone. We've made great progress today."

Diaval, feeling exhausted but satisfied, looked around at the smiling faces and realized how much he had grown to appreciate his family and their legacy.

As they wrapped up for the day, one of the dragon guards called out, "Hey, Diaval, you planning on joining us for the next battle practice? We could use your supervision skills."

Diaval laughed. "You bet. Someone has to make sure you all stay in line."

The sun hung high in the sky, casting a golden glow over the training grounds.

Diaval, having ensured that the day's work was progressing smoothly, turned to Sir Eldric.

"Eldric, do you think we could head into town and check on Mother's bakery? I'd like to see how it's coming along."

Eldric, inspecting a set of blueprints, looked up and nodded.

"You're right, Diaval. Everything seems to be in order here. Grug and the others can handle the rest."

Just as they were about to leave, Lady Jade appeared behind Diaval, her sudden presence startling both him and Eldric.

Despite Eldric's usual alertness, Lady Jade had a knack for appearing unnoticed.

"Mother's what?" she inquired, raising an eyebrow.

Eldric, ever composed, greeted her formally.

"Lady Jade, we have some matters to attend to in town."

Diaval, quickly regaining his composure, turned as fast as Eldric did.

They moved with such synchronized precision it seemed as though they had rehearsed this scenario multiple times.

To their surprise, Lady Jade did not press further. She merely smiled and stepped aside, letting them pass without a word.

Diaval felt a wave of relief wash over him.After preparing himself, Diaval met Eldric at the carriage.

He wore an elegant attire reminiscent of old money fashion, which he had grown to love.

His outfit consisted of a tailored black coat with silver embroidery, a crisp white shirt, dark trousers, and polished boots.

A silver chain hung from his vest pocket, adding a touch of sophistication.

As he approached the carriage, Diaval asked, "Why do we use carriages when we could just fly?"

Eldric, waiting by the carriage, promptly smacked him on the head.

"You've been taught since childhood that it's always best to remain humble, no matter your status."

Diaval, scratching his head, recalled the teachings Eldric had imparted to him and his brothers during their youth.

"Right, right. I remember now."

They climbed into the carriage, and the horses began to trot towards town. The journey was serene, the countryside rolling by in a blur of greens and blues.

Diaval used the time to reflect on the day's events and the importance of their mission.

Upon arriving at the construction site, Diaval was immediately struck by the progress being made.

Workers bustled about, erecting walls and laying bricks with remarkable efficiency. The framework of the bakery was already taking shape, and it was clear that a lot of effort had been poured into the project.

Diaval and Eldric disembarked from the carriage and made their way towards the site.

Taren, one of the key workers and formerly known for his laziness, spotted them and hurried over.

"Young Master Diaval! Sir Eldric!" Taren greeted them with a broad smile.

Diaval returned the smile, genuinely pleased to see the progress.

"Taren, it looks like things are going well here. I'm proud of the work you're doing."

Taren beamed with pride.

"Thank you, Young Master. I'm doing my best to make up for lost time. The bakery is coming along nicely. We should have it ready well before the planned opening."

Diaval nodded appreciatively.

"That's great to hear. Keep up the good work. Mother will be delighted when she sees this."

They spent some time inspecting the site, conversing with the workers, and ensuring that everything was proceeding according to plan.

Diaval engaged in lively chatter with the workers, appreciating their efforts and sharing in their humor.

One worker, a burly man with a thick beard, joked, "Young Master, you should roll up your sleeves and join us. Maybe we'll get it done even faster!"

Diaval laughed. "I'd probably slow you down. But I'll take that as a compliment."

Eldric, overseeing the progress with his keen eye, occasionally interjected with suggestions and improvements

Despite his stern demeanor, the workers respected and appreciated his input, knowing it came from a place of experience and wisdom.

As the afternoon wore on, Diaval and Eldric decided it was time to head back.

Diaval approached Taren one last time. "Keep me updated on the progress, Taren. You're doing a fantastic job."

Taren nodded enthusiastically. "Will do, Young Master. Thank you for your support."