
Chapter 8

I walked around, hoping to find somewhere to call home. Then I saw a man walking on the sidewalk. I ran up to him.

"Where did you come from?"he asked. I wagged my tail. "Are you lost?'' No, I was not lost. In fact, I was looking for somewhere to live.

"You're really dirty." he told me. Then the man took me to his house.

"You're only staying here for tonight. I am taking you to the shelter first thing tommorow morning." he said. What in the world is the shelter? The man gave me a bath and fed me chicken for dinner. Now, let's go to bed. Then I heard something buzzing in the man's pocket. He took out the device and put it to his ear.

"Hello?" asked the man. "Oh yes, I will be here tommorow morning." I had no idea what he was talking about! Oh ya, I found out his name was Sam about 1 hour 3 minutes and 45 seconds ago.

"Wait, dogs. You need dogs! Well I found a dog today, he should work out." Then Sam put the device back in his pocket.

"Come on, let's get some rest."