
Chapter 14

I barked again. Still, nothing happened. I ran out door and ran to look for Carla. Then I found her. I barked.

"What's wrong Polar?'' asked Carla.

I kept barking, then I started running. I looked back to see if Carla was following me. She was'nt.

"What are you doing? asked Carla. I barked some more. I walked back to Carla and started pulling her shirt.

"Stop it Polar!" There was only one thing left to do. I took Carla's phone from her pocket and started running to Caidy's room.

"Come back with my phone!" yelled Carla. She chased me until we were in Caidy's room.

"Caidy!" yelled Carla. She picked her up and started doing CPR.

"Get the doctors, now!" yelled Carla. I ran out the door and started barking. I found the doctors and I was barking very loud. Then I started running. They followed. We ran to Caidy's room.

"It's Caidy!'' said Carla.

The doctors put Caidy on the bed and gave her a breathing mask. One of the doctors got her mother and she was crying. I went over to Caidy's mother and started licking her.

"Get the dog away from me!" She said. Carla came and walked me out the door.

"It's good what you did out there. You really do care about that kid." Carla stayed with me for an hour, and then we fianlly heard news.

"She's okay!" said one of the doctors. We walked into the room and I saw Caidy. I ran up to her and started licking her.

"Hi.... Polar." She said, but she still seemed weak.