
A Doctor's Challenge Winning the Spoiled Girl

Who a- are you? How have you been here?" Kim's lips stuttered with fright as she immediately pulled the blanket to cover her breast. "Are you scared!? Eh?" The man sniffled, taking small steps towards her, making her drag her back. In a moment of passion, Kim's life is shattered when a drunken stranger mistakes her for his lover. The price she pays is steep, as she loses everything she holds dear and must forge a new path in life. Enter a mysterious doctor, whose charming presence is a balm to her wounded soul. But he too carries a heavy burden - an incurable disease that threatens to consume him. As they navigate their own emotional turmoil, they find themselves drawn to each other, despite their reservations. Can they unlock the key to each other's hearts and find love amidst their pain? Or will their kiss remain forever locked? This poignant and captivating story will keep you turning the pages until the very end.

queen_ofashes · Urban
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108 Chs

Under the Influence of his Gaze

Carl's piercing gaze fixed on Jess as he spoke, "So, you again drooled the whole bottle inside you?" The words were delivered with a hint of accusation, and Jess responded plainly, "I don't know." I couldn't help but turn my eyes to Jess, curious about what was going on between them.

Carl continued, "I think I don't need to tell a doctor what impact even a single sip of alcohol can have on your organs." He turned around and walked towards the kitchen, leaving me with my mouth agape. I glanced at Jess, who didn't seem affected by Carl's words. He briefly met my gaze before striding towards the door and slamming it behind him.

Left alone, I found myself staring at the blank wall in front of me. As I blinked, a sudden image of Jess in a doctor's coat and blue pajamas with a stethoscope around his neck filled my mind. The realization of his profession shocked me, and I struggled to contain the smile that threatened to emerge.

Suddenly, Carl's voice broke through my thoughts. "You ate something?" he asked. I replied, "No, I'd like to sleep a few more hours. Make plans for lunch." I retreated to my room and closed the door behind me.

Hours later, I was awoken by the sound of boisterous laughter coming from the lounge. Groggy and disoriented, I reached for my phone to check the time. It was 8:30 pm, and I realized I had slept the whole day.

I got out of bed and slipped my feet into my bunny-face slippers. As I made my way to the kitchen, I could see that there was a gathering of men in the lounge, although I only recognized two faces. Carl sat on the couch, sandwiched between two unknown men, while Jess stood by the kitchen counter. I lifted my hair up into a bun, trying to shake off the last remnants of sleep, and headed towards the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee.

As I entered the kitchen, I could see his back facing towards me, while the other boys were all occupied with their games in the lounge. Slowly, I made my way towards the fridge, which was wedged in the right corner of the kitchen, and pulled it open to grab a bottle of milk. However, I could feel his gaze on me, following my every move. I tried to ignore him and moved towards the stove to pour the milk into a pot, my body weighed down by the heaviness of his gaze.

As I was stirring the milk, I felt something crawling around my waist, causing me to abruptly move towards the pots piled up in a corner on the shelf to grab one and start stirring the milk faster. Meanwhile, my heart was beating faster as the burden of his stare intensified, following me wherever I went. I couldn't help but wonder what his problem was as I tried to focus on beating the coffee in the mug.

Eventually, the coffee beans turned into a fine creamy paste, and the milk started boiling. However, as I felt his gaze increase in intensity, a strange and exciting feeling stirred within me like a volcano ready to erupt at any moment. I couldn't bear to be under the weight of his stare any longer, so I looked up to see his expressionless face, covering him fully with no room for me to read him. His stare was focused right at me, as if I had stolen his most precious possession, and he was demanding it back from me.

I struggled to understand the meaning behind his heavy words, but eventually surrendered to his stubbornness. "What do you want?" I asked, trying to sound confident.

"Like you don't know?" came his cold and harsh voice from the void of his expressionless face.

I tried to deny it, "Yeah, I don't," but a hand suddenly emerged from the void, curled around my waist, and pulled me in, making me feel uneasy and scared.

"Really?" he asked, as he pulled me closer, his breath hot on my neck.

I felt my breath ragged, and a knot of fear lodged itself in my throat, forcing me to swallow it down. He was a cruel doctor, and I couldn't even begin to imagine how he would treat his patients with such ruthlessness.

The air was thick with tension as I stood before him. His breath was icy and rough against my cheek, his voice a low murmur in my ear. "C'mon," he urged, his grip on my waist firm.

I had found him the previous night, drunk and passed out on the doorstep. I had moved him inside, laying his body on the sofa, but he had clasped onto my ankle and refused to let go until I had agreed to stay with him.

Now, I recounted the events of the previous night to him in excruciating detail, hoping for some semblance of gratitude or acknowledgement, but he simply released me and turned away without a word.

My frustration and pent-up anger boiled over, and I couldn't stop the words from tumbling out of my mouth. "I can guess why she left you. What's her name? Oh, yeah. Bella."

He turned around so quickly that it was as if he had been struck by lightning. His gaze was narrowed, and I felt as if I had summoned Lucifer himself with my careless words.

I should have known better than to provoke him, but the damage was already done. His eyes were cold and numb, and there was a cruel, hard edge to his voice as he stepped closer to me.

My heart raced as his scent enveloped me, and I braced myself for the worst. But to my surprise, he didn't lash out or attack me. Instead, he simply stared at me, his silence more cutting than any words he could have spoken.

My body was rigid, as if under a spell, and I couldn't make a single move. It felt like time had stopped, and the world had gone silent. The air around me seemed to thicken, making it harder to breathe, as he stood there like a statue of wrath, towering over me like an angry giant.

His eyes were dark and cold, with an intensity that made my heart race. I felt his gaze pierce through me, searching for something that I couldn't fathom. It was as if he was trying to see right through me, into the darkest corners of my soul.

My mind raced with thoughts of regret and self-loathing. I couldn't believe I had let my anger get the best of me, and now I was facing the consequences. I wished I could turn back time and take back my words, but it was too late.

Suddenly, he turned and walked away, leaving me alone with my shame. His footsteps echoed in the room, each step like a hammer pounding in my head. I watched him leave, feeling as though a part of me was going with him.

As the door closed behind him, I let out a deep sigh, and tears streamed down my face. I knew I had messed up, and there was no going back. The only thing left to do was to accept my mistake and try to make things right, even if it was too late.