
A Doctor's Challenge Winning the Spoiled Girl

Who a- are you? How have you been here?" Kim's lips stuttered with fright as she immediately pulled the blanket to cover her breast. "Are you scared!? Eh?" The man sniffled, taking small steps towards her, making her drag her back. In a moment of passion, Kim's life is shattered when a drunken stranger mistakes her for his lover. The price she pays is steep, as she loses everything she holds dear and must forge a new path in life. Enter a mysterious doctor, whose charming presence is a balm to her wounded soul. But he too carries a heavy burden - an incurable disease that threatens to consume him. As they navigate their own emotional turmoil, they find themselves drawn to each other, despite their reservations. Can they unlock the key to each other's hearts and find love amidst their pain? Or will their kiss remain forever locked? This poignant and captivating story will keep you turning the pages until the very end.

queen_ofashes · Urban
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108 Chs

The Uncertainty of Love: A Tempestuous Journey

In that moment, I found myself wrestling with the search for the true essence of life, as she had declared that it couldn't revolve around any individual or object. I questioned what life meant to me, if not her. Who or what could fill the void within me? My mind offered me signals, but my heart vehemently rejected them, leading to a tumultuous battle within me. My soul felt crushed, like a grain of wheat being ground into flour.

As I gently nibbled on her jawline, I turned her body and ensnared her legs around me. Her voice, barely above a whisper, called out my name, "Arthur!" Our eyes locked in an intense gaze as I explored the depths of her being, kissing her passionately, my lips traversing the contours of her body, teasing the boundaries of her bosom.

Engulfed in the chaos swirling within me, I yearned to avoid any conversation with her. The internal turmoil was already too overwhelming, overpowering my every nerve. I shut my eyes tightly, attempting to suppress the surging emotions.

"Liesel," I uttered instead of saying yes, my voice strained with desire. She raised her head, her tresses dancing in the wind that seemed to echo our passion. "Your life can't revolve around another person, just as the Earth revolves around the sun, forsaking its own self to orbit around something else."

Her words bore down on me, burdening me like a colossal rock. Nothing could weigh me down so heavily as the words escaping from the mouth of the person who only served to complicate my life further. Brushing her face with my breath, I delicately brushed my lips against hers before suckling on them, my thoughts spiraling into a whirlwind of desire and heat.

A primal instinct within me yearned to unleash a howl, much like a hungry wolf standing atop a mountain peak. I wanted to devour her body, piercing through every inch of her being, marking her as mine and mine alone. But despite my efforts to dismiss her words, they persisted, grinding against my consciousness with each passing moment.

"For love is an uncertain thing. It fades with time, much like a color that grows faint with every wash," she had said. Her words had become an ever-increasing weight upon me, threatening to bury me beneath their enormity. Yet, my love for her would never wane. My love was not akin to any fleeting color, but rather resembled the boundless expanse of the sky—limitless, vast, and immeasurable. It was a love that defied quantification and irreplaceability.

As I kissed her lips, our tongues entwining in a fervent dance, a searing heat emanated from the depths of her concealed desires, colliding with the protective barrier of my restraint. I suppressed the surging passion, holding it back like a trapped bubble, refusing to let it burst forth.

"Love is an uncertain thing," she had asserted. Yet, amidst the uncertainty, I remained resolute in my conviction that I could make her mine. I could compel her world to revolve around mine, orchestrating her every movement to the rhythm of my desires, marking every part of her being with the fiery intensity of my passion.

With a single touch, I could ignite an intense wave of pleasure within her, and she possessed the power to arouse an entire symphony of sensations with the mere utterance of my name. "Arthur!" she exclaimed, pushing me against the sturdy trunk of a nearby tree. However, today, I refrained from granting my consent. Instead, I found myself immersed in the labyrinthine puzzle of emotions, the complexity of which continued to escalate within me.

What if love truly was an uncertain thing? Though the nature of love might be enigmatic, my feelings for her remained steadfast and unwavering. "I am certain," I whispered to myself, resolute in my conviction. And I was determined to render her equally certain through the sheer force of my passion.

Gently, I cupped her bosom, applying a firmer pressure that elicited a slight wince and tears welling in her eyes. "Arthur!" she moaned, unable to contain her desire. However, nothing could dissuade me from bringing about certainty for her, for the internal war that raged within me had now begun to manifest itself outwardly.

Slipping my hand into her pants, I found her drenched, her arousal akin to the moist sand beneath my feet. I delved my fingers into her essence, navigating the intricate terrain until I reached the deepest recesses of her being, like ants exploring the grains of sand.

"People should not sacrifice their lives for the sake of others," she interjected, her voice infused with a hint of caution. Yet, I knew I could dedicate my life to her. I could breathe for her, exert control over every breath in her honor. I could survive for her and, if need be, I could even die for her. She was the one I could truly live for.

Penetrating her innermost sanctum, I stretched the boundaries with each forceful thrust. Her screams reverberated in the surrounding silence, pounding against the tree as sparrows hastily fled their nests, abandoning their young.

"Arthur!" she bellowed, her voice carrying her fervent longing. Undeterred, I pressed on, unwavering in my pursuit. "Stop it," she pleaded, her fist clenched against my shirt, her other hand gripping my shoulder.

"Love is an uncertain thing," her words resounded in my ears one final time. Suddenly, a hand seized my collar from behind, forcefully propelling me backwards. My back collided harshly with the sandy ground as I locked eyes with a masculine figure towering over me. With a sudden jolt, he kicked me in the ribs, sending me tumbling across the bed of sand.

"Arthur!" she cried out, her voice laced with anguish. I remained silent, unable to articulate a response. My assailant kicked me again, leaving me writhing in agonizing pain.

This time, I neither uttered her name nor any other words. Instead, I stared up at the expanse of the sky above, tears streaming down my face. "Love is an uncertain thing," I whispered, a tremor in my voice. Yet, in that moment, I remained resolute in my conviction that I could make her mine, compelling her world to orbit around mine. I could make her dance to the melodies I composed, leaving my mark upon every fiber of her being. I was certain.