
A Doctor's Challenge Winning the Spoiled Girl

Who a- are you? How have you been here?" Kim's lips stuttered with fright as she immediately pulled the blanket to cover her breast. "Are you scared!? Eh?" The man sniffled, taking small steps towards her, making her drag her back. In a moment of passion, Kim's life is shattered when a drunken stranger mistakes her for his lover. The price she pays is steep, as she loses everything she holds dear and must forge a new path in life. Enter a mysterious doctor, whose charming presence is a balm to her wounded soul. But he too carries a heavy burden - an incurable disease that threatens to consume him. As they navigate their own emotional turmoil, they find themselves drawn to each other, despite their reservations. Can they unlock the key to each other's hearts and find love amidst their pain? Or will their kiss remain forever locked? This poignant and captivating story will keep you turning the pages until the very end.

queen_ofashes · Urban
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108 Chs

The Silent Disconnection

As I walked through the heavily scented living room, I could feel the aroma enveloping me, teasing my senses with its rich fragrance. My heart was pounding as I marched towards him, and I caged him in the wires of my arms. He took a moment to respond to my warm welcome, but soon wrapped his arms around me. However, there was something different tonight. That warmth that I always felt when he took me in his arms was missing. It was as if something had changed, but I couldn't comprehend what it was.

Perhaps he was shocked to see me like this today, with the decorated living room, or perhaps it was the scent that welcomed him in before I reached him that brought the difference in him. I tried to shake off the pearls of doubt as soon as they started popping up, and pushed myself back to look into his eyes.

"How's the party?" I asked, trying to break the awkward silence.

"It's good," he replied, his tone monotonous.

"Just good?" I pressed further, hoping to get more of a response out of him.

"Hmm..." he hummed, before turning around and walking towards the kitchen.

"Are you hungry?" I asked, trying to gauge his mood.

He turned around, and for a moment, his eyes seemed to bore into mine. "What do you mean? I can't be hungry? What were you expecting?" his voice was harsh, and it cracked the smile I had put on.

"Well, I thought you would have something at the party," I replied, my voice soft.

"No, I hadn't," he said, his eyes still fixed on me.

"Okay! You sit here, I'll get something for you," I said, trying to be helpful.

He changed his route and slumped his body on the sofa as I got into the kitchen and started to prepare food for him. As I served him the food, I couldn't help but notice his face, lost in thought, his mind clearly elsewhere.

"Who was that?" I asked, trying to make conversation and bring him back to the present.

"Who?" he replied, his eyes suddenly narrowing.

"You had a fight with someone. I could tell by the look on your face," I explained, hoping to reassure him that I was there for him.

"Who told you that?" he asked, his voice now tense with suspicion.

The flickering light of the yellow candles danced across the table, illuminating the man's chiseled jawline as he ate. The woman couldn't help but watch, her mind wandering to fantasies of making love to him in the most romantic way possible. As she cleared the table and made tea for him, she couldn't help but feel her desires being ignored by him. She had dressed up for him, hoping to show him how much she wanted to be intimate with him, but it seemed as if he didn't even notice.

As she sat down next to him on the couch, she wrapped his arm around her, hoping to catch his attention. However, his eyes remained glued to the TV screen, his thumb idly circling the power button on the remote. She asked him what was wrong, but he responded with a harsh tone, accusing her of nagging him with typical "wifey" questions. Though she felt humiliated, she knew that as his partner, she had to keep him happy.

Desperate for his attention, she pulled him closer, but he jerked away from her. She felt a sudden difference, as if the man in front of her wasn't the same man she had been living with for the past few months. He looked at her with torment in his eyes, causing her to feel terrified. As the walls of the room seemed to close in on her, she asked him what was wrong, and his response was a thunderous roar that made her heart race.

She struggled to find the courage to speak again, but finally asked what was wrong with him, noting that his behavior had been strange and indifferent. She watched as his face changed, his mood shifting in response to her words. The fire in his eyes turned cold, and she felt a sense of devastation wash over her. She had become a refugee in her own home, with no place to go and no one to turn to. It was as if he had snatched the roof from above her head and the floor from beneath her feet. She shattered like a jar of glass, her pieces irreparable.

As he sat there, head buried in his hands, not a single word escaped his lips. All I could hear was the sound of his muffled sobs echoing in the room. His whole body was shaking, his shoulders heaving with each heart-wrenching cry. I felt completely helpless, unable to console him or ease his pain.

Finally, I mustered the courage to reach out to him, my hand tentatively rubbing his back. But it was no use. The tears just kept pouring out of him, unstoppable, like a never-ending river of sadness.

I couldn't bear to see him like this. My heart ached for him, and I cursed myself for causing him such pain. Maybe I was too quick to judge, too harsh with my words. Maybe he had his own reasons for behaving the way he did, and I should have given him the benefit of the doubt.

But it was too late now. The damage was already done, and I could only pray that he would find it in his heart to forgive me.

"I'm sorry," I whispered softly, peeling his hands away from his face and cupping it in my own. "Please forgive me. I didn't mean to hurt you."

I leaned in to kiss him, my lips brushing ever so gently against his. But even as I did so, a sense of unease gnawed at my insides. Was this really the man I thought I knew? Or was there something more going on beneath the surface, something I had yet to uncover?