
A Doctor's Challenge Winning the Spoiled Girl

Who a- are you? How have you been here?" Kim's lips stuttered with fright as she immediately pulled the blanket to cover her breast. "Are you scared!? Eh?" The man sniffled, taking small steps towards her, making her drag her back. In a moment of passion, Kim's life is shattered when a drunken stranger mistakes her for his lover. The price she pays is steep, as she loses everything she holds dear and must forge a new path in life. Enter a mysterious doctor, whose charming presence is a balm to her wounded soul. But he too carries a heavy burden - an incurable disease that threatens to consume him. As they navigate their own emotional turmoil, they find themselves drawn to each other, despite their reservations. Can they unlock the key to each other's hearts and find love amidst their pain? Or will their kiss remain forever locked? This poignant and captivating story will keep you turning the pages until the very end.

queen_ofashes · Urban
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108 Chs

Dancing through Heartbreak

The night sky was a canvas of black, a velvety expanse dotted with stars that shimmered like a million tiny diamonds. It was as though a bottle of glitter had been tipped over and all the sparkling dust had fallen upon the heavens above. The buzzing sound of insects filled the air, their piercing hum breaking the silence that hung between the two figures seated close to each other.

Despite their proximity, the man's voice sounded distant, as though it was emanating from a deep dungeon. "No, I'm sorry," he said, his words barely audible.

"Sshhh..." The woman hushed him instantly, placing a gentle finger on his lips. "No words," she whispered, not wanting anything to spoil the peace of the night.

She couldn't bear to see him in pain any longer. The night had already taken its toll on him, and she didn't want it to claim any more of his peace. She wanted the two of them to be together, to love each other and soothe each other's wounds with their passion.

With a soft kiss, she reached for the remote lying beside him, switched on a music channel and let the soft, rhythmic melody wash over them. She took his hand and pulled him up, curling his arm around her waist as she rested both her hands on his shoulders.

Their feet moved to the rhythm of the music, their bodies swaying in unison, immersed in the ebb and flow of love and passion. The woman didn't dare ask him about his mood or what had caused him to weep like a child in front of her. She knew that it wasn't her questions that had made him cry, but she didn't want to risk shattering the fragile walls of peace she had built around him.

As they danced, she felt his grip around her waist tighten, his body drawing closer to hers. The scent of jasmine swirled around them like a protective shield, cocooning them in its fragrant embrace. They moved like kites in the sky, soaring high and free, their dance a reflection of their love for each other.

The woman swept her arm around his neck, and he rested his forehead on hers, their breaths mingling in a delicate dance. There were untold stories between them, secrets that lingered on the tips of their tongues, but for now, they were content to lose themselves in the moment.

He licked the tip of her nose playfully, teasing her. She scrunched her nose up in mock annoyance, but inside, she felt a sense of relief. She had him back, and the facade of indifference had vanished from his face, lost somewhere in the darkness that surrounded them.

"You're burning me with your hotness today," he whispered, his voice low and husky.

The woman smiled, feeling a warmth spread through her body. The night may have been dark and silent, but in that moment, they were the only two people in the world, lost in their love for each other.

I watched as he finally uttered the words that had been lingering in my mind since he returned home. My intention for the night was to set his heart ablaze with my undeniable allure and present him with the most precious gift of all - my virginity. I yearned for him to see me in this light, to bask in the radiance of my womanhood, and to feel the heat of my passion.

"I will serve you tonight like never before," I promised, my voice low and sultry. His eyes widened, and a sly smirk tugged at the corners of his lips. I quickly corrected myself, "Nah, not just for you, but for both of us. I want to make this a special moment to remember."

As he gazed at me with a hungry expression, I made my intentions clear. "I will offer you the most delicate delicacy." With a wink, I teased him, and his lips parted in a sensual response. His laughter filled the room, banishing any lingering shadows of sadness or unease, and replacing it with pure, unbridled joy.

He slipped his hand over my shoulder, guiding the straps of my black silk gown down to the floor, revealing my curves beneath. His breath tickled my skin as he inhaled the scent of my body, sending shivers down my spine. I let out a soft groan as he nipped at my collarbone, leaving a mark in his wake.

Without a word, he removed my maxi dress, his strong hands caressing my body as he lifted me up to his waist. We made our way to the bedroom, his lips still exploring every inch of my skin.

"I'll add spice to more sweet delicacies," he murmured against my chest, his hands roaming freely over my curves. I pulled his head up and pressed my lips to his, expressing my love for him.

He gently pushed me onto the bed, removing his shirt and tossing it aside. As he unfastened his belt and slid it off, I took in the sight of his not-quite-formed abs in the dim light of the room. He straddled me, his legs firmly planted on either side of my figure, and slowly unhooked my bra.

He leaned back, admiring my exposed breasts, and I giggled at the look of pure lust in his eyes. "I like it," I whispered, feeling bold and daring in his presence.

"But I love it," he replied, and I felt a surge of excitement at his words. He pulled me up slightly, his hands gliding over my back, and I felt my body respond to his touch.

With each passing moment, the heat between us grew, our desire and passion building with each caress and kiss. And as we gave in to our most primal instincts, I knew that I had found my soulmate - the one person who would always light the fire of my heart and fulfill my deepest desires.

"You so naughty."

"You so hot." He said without averting his gaze from my bosom.

His eyes became narrowed as a mischievous glimmer passed through it just like a child who had been wishing to get his favorite toy finally saw it lying uncovered in front of him.

Slowly, he snapped his hands on my stomach and started crawling his tips over it untill they reached the hills, climbing on them they clawed at their peak.

My sweet moans filled the room with rhythmic music as he groaned while sucking on my breast.

I caged his semi-naked body in the wires of my arms as he constantly accelerated on my bough.

"You taste like strawberries, sweet and sour" he blew out as white pearls of my product dripped from his chin.

"Probably, because I ate some today." I said as my gaze shy away from his and fell on the probed part of his jeans.

I could feel his bubble filling up to the brim, ready to burst out any moment if not it bled out the honey nectar it possess.

I snapped my hands at his rocks and slid them down slowly. His V got my orbs showing up, it traveled all around, my hands, on his rocks before hitting on the main target.

I seeping desires wetting his jeans touched my skin and I giggled.

His gaze followed the direction of my hands as I unzipped his jeans and slip it off.

His underwear was wet, and he shied looking at me.

I cupped his manhood like a precious gem and squeezed it softly just to tease him a bit.

The majestic play was about to start, our fantasies was about to unroll and take us both in when the unpredictable storm hit on our doors and shook the world we had been relishing some minutes before.