
A Doctor's Challenge Winning the Spoiled Girl

Who a- are you? How have you been here?" Kim's lips stuttered with fright as she immediately pulled the blanket to cover her breast. "Are you scared!? Eh?" The man sniffled, taking small steps towards her, making her drag her back. In a moment of passion, Kim's life is shattered when a drunken stranger mistakes her for his lover. The price she pays is steep, as she loses everything she holds dear and must forge a new path in life. Enter a mysterious doctor, whose charming presence is a balm to her wounded soul. But he too carries a heavy burden - an incurable disease that threatens to consume him. As they navigate their own emotional turmoil, they find themselves drawn to each other, despite their reservations. Can they unlock the key to each other's hearts and find love amidst their pain? Or will their kiss remain forever locked? This poignant and captivating story will keep you turning the pages until the very end.

queen_ofashes · Urban
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108 Chs

A Secret Tale

During recess, the school grounds were abuzz with activity. Some students were gathered under the shade of a sprawling tree, eating their lunch and sharing stories with their closest friends. Others were engaged in a high-energy basketball game on the rectangular court adjacent to the cricket ground. Still, others were embroiled in a spirited game of football, their legs tangled as they fought to take possession of the ball. The entire school building seemed to reverberate with the joyful voices of students, as if spring had finally arrived after a long, dry, and colorless autumn.

But for me, the cruelty of that autumn lingered on. I sat perched on the upper stairs leading down from the mouth of the school's main building, overlooking the newly-sprung springtime scene around me, yet feeling somehow unable to join in.

As the vibrant colors of springtime unfolded before me, many students passed by, ignoring my presence on the stairs. Even some of my own peers seemed to glide right past me, cascading down the stairs and into the colorful revelry below.

I tried to force a smile, to cheer myself up, but it felt like an insurmountable task. As I watched the other students below, I found myself pondering about their romantic lives.

How many of them had experienced the thrill of kissing someone they were attracted to? How many were actually in a relationship with someone they liked? And how many had ever had an intimate relationship with someone else?

I was fairly certain that many of them had been involved in these kinds of experiences, if not exactly like the kind of intimate relationship I had had with her the night before. Nevertheless, the thought weighed heavily on me, as I sat there feeling increasingly isolated and alone in a sea of happy faces.

As I walked through the halls of my high school, I couldn't help but notice the many couples kissing in secret. They snuck behind old oak trees, under benches, and even in the darkroom of the auditorium, all while evading the watchful eyes of the school's security cameras. I had seen it all, from abrupt and forced kisses to lingering and passionate ones.

Despite the normalcy of teenage romance, something weighed heavily on my mind and soul. It was a feeling that I couldn't quite put my finger on, and it was starting to consume me.

Exhausted, I finally made it home, but the weight of my emotions still crushed me. Sleep was elusive, and when it did come, it brought with it nightmares of the previous night's events.

I searched for an escape, but nothing seemed to work. Even turning on the TV only conjured up images of us together, tangled under the duvet, with her shiny figure enveloped in my embrace. I vividly remembered our passionate kisses, the panting breaths, and the tears that she shed.

Those heated moments had been cherished by both of us, but the aftermath brought a sense of embarrassment that made it difficult for us to make eye contact with each other. I struggled to interpret these emotions and name them, as they seemed to be going out of my control.

It was a feeling of shame that was crushing me, and I couldn't bear it any longer. I cried silently, tears streaming down my face, as I begged God for forgiveness. I vowed to never kiss a girl again, hoping that my prayer would relieve me of this overwhelming sense of shame.

In the midst of my tears and prayers, a fairy appeared beside me, her gentle touch breaking the string of my prayer beads. She asked why I was crying, and I couldn't help but feel embarrassed as I looked up at her. It was the first time I had ever seen a boy cry, and I couldn't help but feel like my emotions were somehow wrong.

But then I remembered the ethics and righteousness instilled in me from childhood, which had kept me from indulging in the same teenage delicacies as other boys my age. It was a solid wall between me and the feelings of shame and guilt that plagued me now.

A sudden avalanche of embarrassment fell upon me, engulfing my body and crushing it under its weight. I desperately tried to hide my tears, sweeping the back of my hand across my cheeks to erase the tell-tale streaks. But she saw through my flimsy facade.

"No, I'm not crying, something went in my eyes," I blurted out, my voice trembling with emotion.

"Oh, come on, you don't need to lie to me," she replied, a knowing smile on her lips.

I gazed into her eyes, wondering who she was and why she seemed to understand me so well. There was something about her that made me feel safe and understood, something that made me want to open up to her in ways that I never had before.

"Do I really not need to?" I asked, my heart beating fast with anticipation.

She smiled warmly, extending her hand towards me. "Friends," she said, her voice gentle and inviting.

My eyes flickered from her hand to her face, taking in the beauty of her perfectly aligned teeth and the soft curve of her lips. I hesitated for a moment, unsure if I was ready to take this leap of faith. But then something in her eyes gave me the courage I needed, and I took her hand in mine, feeling a jolt of electricity shoot up my arm.

"Sure, friends," I said, my voice filled with hope and wonder.

As we stood there, hand in hand, I felt a sense of joy and contentment wash over me, like a cool breeze on a hot summer day. It was as if my entire world had shifted, like the pieces of a puzzle falling into place after years of searching. I was in awe of this feeling, and I wanted to hold onto it forever.

Suddenly, I heard something ringing in the distance, a soft chime that seemed to herald a new beginning. It was a sound that filled me with a sense of wonder and possibility, like anything was possible if I just believed in myself and in the magic of the moment.

We both smiled, our hands still clasped tightly together. I didn't know what the future held, or if this was just the calm before the storm. But whatever it was, I was ready to embrace it with all my heart and soul, to love it and cherish it, for as long as it would last.