
A different path

What would happen if before the beginning of Stars and Marcos adventure? That Macro's life was changed before they met. That the change was something he never expected. That it was both mysterious and exciting.----To any one who shall read this be warned. This is not the story you have come to know.

taticus · TV
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Chapter 9. The Realm of Magic

|A/N:To:Daoist526964,louis_champagne_7641, and Cronnan. Thank you for the support I appreciate the power stones-The Author|

Two days after Marco first went into an ID he can be seen in the time dilated one training his magic. After his first real fight Marco decided to train himself. On the first day of training he trained his physical strength, archery, and swordsmanship.

Today he decided to train his magic and see what his limits are. At first he just manipulated his magic to do simple things. Like forming magic shields or spheres of spinning magic. Then he thought why don't I see what happens if Immerse myself in magic? So he took in a deep breath, closed his eyes and let all of his magic flow throughout his very being. The magic strengthened his whole body, even his organs. When he opened his eyes he saw what looked like waves of different color lights. Each and every light was different, but similar to one another. The lights seemed to be connected to one another. They were not entangled with each other, but the lights came from the same source.

Marco seeing this was entranced by the beauty of the scene before him. It was like he was truly seeing for the first time. He took in every detail that he could engraving it into his mind. When he snapped out of his stupor Marco tried touching the different colors. His hand could push and pull it as he liked but he couldn't truly physically touch it.

Marco then tried using his skill magic manipulation on the lights. As he did so Marco noticed different colors affected different elements. When he noticed that Marco pulled out the skill book Elemental magic manipulation and learned it by pressing yes on the screen asking him if he wanted to. Doing so brought forth a torrent of knowledge about the magic. It seemed that there were many different elements. Some he never even heard about nor knew existed.

The light he was seeing was the true form of magic. The elements were only a tiny part of the vast shades of colors that he saw. It seemed that magic affected not just the elements, but reality as a whole. Magic was like the coding of the universe, and with certain commands magic could do certain things. This meant that if a person knew the right commands they could do untold destruction or unimaginable creation. It only depended on a person's connection and knowledge of and to magic.

Magic also had infinite dimensions and realms. That meant if a realm or dimension of magic was destroyed a new one was created and took its place. What Marco was seeing is the magic connecting to him and him alone. Instead of being tied to the realm of magic that existed in his universe. Marco's very being was now connected to all of them. Basically he was now tied to the origin of magic. Thus Marco was now a being of magic. His only limit to the potential he could harness was his body. It didn't matter if he had unlimited magic it all depended on how much his body could handle channeling through him.

Marco now could use this magic to cultivate his physical body so that he could have a better grasp on what he could accomplish. Now his only true limit is on how much strength he wanted. If he wanted to live life as an average human then so be it, or if he wanted to become a being of such power that he could destroy universes with just a thought then that was also an option. All that matters is what he truly desires. This made it to where if Marco went on adventures with his friends he could choose to have normal human strength. What this gifted him is the option of control. The option to control his strength and power so that if he wanted to be of equal in terms of strength to a regular human then he would be.

|A/N:I did this so that if he ever was in a situation where he faced an opponent of unimaginable power he could fight said opponent head on. Also I did this so he wouldn't be in a Saitama situation. Now he's not OP unless the situation calls for it. Like any anime protagonist LOL.|

Marco who now felt this connection decided to go to it. He was then sucked into a vortex of magic that formed a portal. Once he crossed the portal Marco appeared in what seemed to be a place of pure energy. As he looked around Marco noticed what seemed to be a woman formed from this energy. As soon as the women noticed Marco she smiled at him and then just appeared directly in front of him. Marco then used observe on her.

Observe:"Hecate The mother of all magic, Any being connected to magic is considered a child of Hecate."

Hecate:"Hello there Marco it seems that you have finally become one with your magic. You have many questions, but let me speak first. I know who you are because I'm the goddess of magic. Any being who becomes one with their magic is considered my child. There have been both many evil and good beings who have become one of my children. So I am usually neutral concerning any of their conflicts. As you have become my child you now hold my blessing. I'd advise you to go into the realm of magic that is connected to your universe. This is the only help that you will receive from me for now. Seeing as you are clueless on how to get into the realm the portal to it is behind you. Now good bye my newest child." Hecate said with a smile that held an aura of mystery.

Once she said that she vanished the same way she appeared. As Marco was left floating there full of confusion. The portal behind him pulled him into it. As it closed behind him Marco appeared in a place made of what seems to be golden waterfalls and lakes of said golden water. Herds of different colored unicorns and floating jellyfish frolicked within this realm. Randomly placed multi colored crystals and portals could also be seen around the realm.

|A/N:Just google SVTFOE realm of magic|

Marco:"Sebastián this was not what I expected to happen today. So this is the realm of magic connected to my universe?"Marco said and asked

Sebastián:(Me neither Marco. Also yes this is. It's a realm of pure magic and pure beings. Also I believe you should connect with it directly to see what happens.) Sebastián said

Marco proceeded to so then he felt like something stabilized within him even more so than before. The crescent moons on his cheeks shined with light. Then a cocoon of golden magic surrounded him from the lake underneath him. Once it unraveled Marco's body seemed to be changed once again. He had two massive white angel like wings and three pairs of arms. His midnight black hair seemed to form something similar to horns and his eyes shined with white light.

Marco:"What happened to me? I seemed to have transformed again."Marco asked in confusion.

Sebastián:"Marco it seems that one of your ancestors was a royal mewman. Because of that when you connected to this realm in person your mewman DNA was completely activated within you. Mainly the females of mewman royalty have this form, but this is not completely unheard of. Why don't you try changing back to your regular form."Sebastián informed and advised Marco.

Marco then focused on changing back to normal and then a light surrounded him. As the light died down Marcos regular human form was revealed.

Marco:"Okay this is good i'm back to normal. Well my new recent normal form."

Marco:"I think we should head home. We've been gone for at least a couple hours."

Marco then tried focusing on the feeling from before. The one that created a portal to the realm of magic, but this time he focused on his room. Just as last time a vortex of magic formed and pulled him a portal that led to his room.

When Marco landed on his bed he heard a yell.

Marcos Mom:"Son is that you? If it is then dinner will be ready in about an hour."Marcos mom yelled to him from outside his room.

Marco:"OK MOM!"Marco yelled back.

Marco then went to his status page to see what had happened to him. When doing so Marco saw that some of it has changed.

Name: Marco Diaz

Title:Son of Hecate,One with magic.


Race:Human:100%Royal Mewman:100% Werewolf:100%

Job: High school student


Level:24 Next level:4.20%






LUCK:1480 |A/N:His stats doubled because he became one with magic and was blessed by a goddess. He can't die unless he chooses to and has unlimited magic. So no more Hp or Mp|

Stat points:100


Appearance :Wolfishly Handsome


Hair:Midnight Black


General Appearance:Tan skin, has a mole under his right eye,.

Dressing Style:He likes blue jeans, Combat boots, and leather jackets Or anything he thinks looks cool.

Personality:hard headed and kind. Also playful.

General Character Traits:He's energetic and courageous.

Likes/Dislikes:Likes having fun and his girlfriend Janna. Dislikes Bullies.

Strengths/Weaknesses:He can do karate. He's strong but is easily angered. He has the abilities of a werewolf now.He has infinite magic,but he needs a strong body.

Skills:Intermediate sword proficiency, Basic karate, Werewolf transformation, Expert magic control-Includes the Elemental magic controle,Blessing of EROS,Pregnancy control.

Marco:"Wow that's a huge change in everything. Does this mean I have to train any more? I mean if I wanted I could just channel a huge amount of magic in me to make myself stronger."

Sebastián:(You don't have to train for your physical abilities to increase, but it's advised to train you other skills. Also it would be best if you learn more about controlling your magic.)

Marco:"Alright then that makes sense."

Marcos Mom: "DINNERS READY!"


Marco then went down stairs to eat dinner with his family.

Author here! I decided to explore how exactly his magic works.

I hope you like the chapter!!!! Also he's not OP. He can be if he chooses to, but that's not happening any time soon.

-The Author

taticuscreators' thoughts