
A different path

What would happen if before the beginning of Stars and Marcos adventure? That Macro's life was changed before they met. That the change was something he never expected. That it was both mysterious and exciting.----To any one who shall read this be warned. This is not the story you have come to know.

taticus · TV
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12 Chs

Chapter 5. The day goes on

When Marco was done admiring himself in the mirror. He pondered on what to do with his day. Then he remembered that he had a status page.

Marco:"Status"Marco said with calculative eyes.

Name: Marco Diaz


Status:N/A |A/N He awakened more of his mewman side when he fused with the wand.|

Race:Human:50% mewman:50% Werewolf:100%-Due to accepting bloodline

Job: High school student


Level:4 Next level:69%

Hp:831/831(14.2)per minute

Mp:1135/1135(24.5)per minute







Stat points:5


Appearance :Wolfishly Handsome


Hair:Midnight Black


General Appearance:Tan skin, has a mole under his right eye,.

Dressing Style:He likes blue jeans, tenny shoes and red hoodies Or anything he thinks looks cool.

Personality:hard headed and kind. Also playful.

General Character Traits:He's energetic and courageous.

Likes/Dislikes:Likes having fun. Dislikes Bullies.

Strengths/Weaknesses:He can do karate. He's strong but is easily angered. He has the abilities of a werewolf now.

Skills:Intermediate sword proficiency, Basic karate, Werewolf transformation-Partial-Complete, Basic magic control-Gained from fusing with the wand.

Marco:"Talk about a big jump in stats. Accepting that bloodline was really a good thing."Marco said in awe.

Sebastián:(You're right about that part. The Bloodline could have been dangerous though. The good thing about this is that it has none of the normal weaknesses. Normally you would have been weak to silver and a whole bunch of other things. Also you would have had the normal urges of a cannibalistic werewolf if not for the Gacha taking away all weaknesses.)

Marco was sweating in both fear and relief because he got lucky. If not then things would have ended very badly.

Marco:"Talkin about dodging a bullet there huh? I'm glad things turned out well. Now I'm gonna go through the stuff in my inventory and see what I should with them.

[Inventory]Marco thought.

Appearing in front of him was the customized panel, but this time there were many more items in the boxes. In order they were the Customizable Skateboard, Self repairing leather jacket,Infinite Mixed drink metal Tumbler-Any type of alcohol with beverage mixed in of choice,Infinite dab pin with any strain of choice,Self repairing black combat boots,Ozpin's infinite coffee mug,The Ocarina of time, Sword/Necklace, Gravity bracelet, and the leather wallet. In the top right corner where it said currency it held a number of ten million dollars.

Marco:"Wow, that's a lot of stuff. Hey Sebastian whats a dab pin?"Marco asked in what's going to be a short lived innocence.

Sebastián:(Well Marco it's similar to vapes But instead of using regular vapor and chemicals. This uses Pure 100% THC. AKA marijuana. I'd advise you to not use it around your parents. If you do use it don't tell anyone and don't be stupid with it. It won't harm you so don't worry about the side effects.)Sebastián said with an air of experience in his voice.

Marco:"Why do you know this? You're supposed to be me."

Sebastián:(Marco, I'm a system of course I have more knowledge than you. Now if you're going to use it you better sort the rest of the inventory first.)

Marco:"Alright then." Marco said with a confused face

After Marco said that he went and took out the jacket,boots,and necklace. Then he proceeded to turn the necklace into a sword and played with it for a little while. When he was done with the sword it turned back into a necklace So he put it on. Then Marco tried on the boots and surprisingly they fit perfectly and were comfortable. Since they were so comfortable he left them on. Next he tried on the leather jacket before that he took off his hoodie. When he tried it on, the same thing happened with the jacket as with the boots. It fit better than his hoodie and it looked great on him. So he decided to wear both his leather jacket and boots. Marco then proceeded to put his hoodie and tenny shoes in his inventory.

When Marco looked at himself in the mirror he decided he liked how he looked in his new clothes. After he did so Marco clicked on the dab pin in his inventory and it appeared in his inside jacket pocket.

Marco:"Hey sebastian are you sure it's safe?"Marco asked in a nervous tone.

Sebastián:(Yes Marco it's safe. It even has medicinal properties. If you don't want to do it then don't. It's only you who can make the decision.)

Marco:"Alright then. I'm doing this because I want to."Marco said with conviction.

Marco then Proceeded to take a hit from the pin. When he stopped noticed that he was already coughing. He decided to take a shorter drag next hit. After four more hits Marco was High off his ass and decided he was hungry.

Marco then got off his bed, stood up and went downstairs to his kitchen. |A/N To any one who doesn't know what his house looks like. Then google it. It's a nice house. Just search Marco Diaz's house SVTFOE.|

When Marco entered the kitchen he noticed his parents were already sitting down eating.

Marcos Mom:"Good morning mijo how did you sleep?"

Marco:"I slept fine mom. What did you make for breakfast?"Marco asked hungrily.

Marcos Dad:"We made some Chorizo and eggs. Grab a plate and eat before the food becomes cold."Marcos Dad said with a smile.

Marco then proceeded to eat all of the remaining food leaving no leftovers from breakfast.

Marcos Dad:"Wow son you were hungry today. It makes since seeing how much you grew within the last night."Marcos dad said laughing.

Marcos Mom:"I know right he's almost as tall as you now. Puberty hit him hard." Marcos mom said with humour in her voice.

Marcos Dad:"Like a truck"Marcos dad chuckled after saying this.

Marco:"Ha Ha very funny."He said in a deadpan voice.

Marco:"Well I'm going to the mall to buy new clothes since I grew out of the rest. Don't worry I have money."

Marcos Parents:"Ok son see you later/Bye love you son."Marcos parents said at the same since.

Time skip:6 hours later/3:00PM Location: Marcos room

Marco:"Ok then I got all the clothes I needed. I got six pairs of blue jeans. Six t shirts and six denim long sleeve shirts. I also got a pack of boxers and socks. Enough for everyday till I do my laundry. Also I got a pair of Nikes and Vans."Marco listed off everything seeing if he didn't get something he needed.

Sebastián:(You got everything so you should be fine. All you need to do now is to put everything away and you're done.)Sebastián said to help Marco.

After Marco put all of his clothes away he checked the time and saw that 2 hours went by making it 5:00pm. When he saw the time he saw he had an hour till dinner.

Marco:" Sebastián since it's Sunday do you want to see how high I can get before passing out?."Marcos asked with a bored look on his face.

Sebastián:(Marco i'd advise against that since you will have to be near your parents for dinner. If your bored, why don't we listen to music and relax because I have an idea for us to do tonight.)

Marco:"Ok what's the great idea then?"

Sebastián:(It's your first night as a werewolf and luckily it's a full moon. On full moons werewolves are stronger than they normally are. How about you try transforming for the first time?.)

"Ding" First Quest-The mission tonight is to transform for the first time. Let your inner wolf out. Rewards:Bow of artemis-Makes arrows from moonbeams you have to learn how to use it first. And animal transformation magic-lets you transform into any animal.|A/N I wanted to put a restriction on the transformation magic, but I thought who likes restriction? I certainly don't.|

Hello my people. I just whent through the chapters fixing any mistake I could find. I worked hard on this chapter so I hope you like it. Anyways in the words of Dan Vasc"Have yourselves an Epic day."

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