
A Different Life in Tokyo

In a world where reincarnation is real, one man awakens to find himself in a body that is not his own. Kazuya Kinoshita, a college student with a broken heart and a failing love life, is now the vessel for a warrior's spirit from a bygone era. With newfound confidence and a mysterious system guiding his way, Kazuya navigates the treacherous waters of college life, seeking to unlock his true potential and uncover the secrets of his past. But as he delves deeper into this new world, he finds himself entangled in a web of romance, intrigue, and danger. From the dojo to the classroom, from the streets of Tokyo to the depths of his own mind, Kazuya's journey will test the limits of his strength, his wit, and his heart. With each twist and turn, he'll discover more about himself, his past, and the incredible power that lies within. So gear up for a wild ride through the highs and lows of college, the thrills and spills of romance, and the mind-bending mysteries of reincarnation. Because when a warrior's spirit collides with a peaceful world, anything can happen. And for Kazuya Kinoshita, the adventure is just beginning. === THIS NOVEL IS INSPIRED BY: - KanoKari: A Different life - I Refuse to become a Scumbag in Tokyo. === I will be writing this in tandem with a novel I am making. This is just a fun project for me as the book I am writing, Shadow Regressor can get pretty dark. No harem but MC will have relationships with different women. If you have any ideas for characters (Male or Female) you would like to see in the story let me know in the comments. I have permission from Addyctive7 to rewrite their story and the inspiration from Akikan is because they are the biggest fanfic writer when it comes to these stories. First time writer so please be gentle.

OsakaNovels · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Campus Collision Course

The train pulled into the station near my college and I hopped off, ready to face another day of lectures and labs. As I made my way towards campus, I spotted a couple of familiar faces - well faces I'd seen in Kazuya's memories.

"Yo, Kazuchiun!" Kibe waved at me, his trademark grin plastered across his face. Beside him, Kuri offered a more subdued nod of acknowledgment.

"What's up, Kibe?" I called back, closing the distance between us. I turned to Kuri, making sure to include him in the conversation. "How're you doing, Kuri?"

Kuri mumbled something inaudible, his eyes darting away. I didn't take it personally - the guy was about as socially adept as a hermit crab.

As we fell into step together, I noticed Kibe giving me a strange look. "Hey man, what's with the new look? The black hair, the golden eyes... it's different."

I shrugged, trying to play it cool. "Just felt like a change, you know?"

Kibe winced, realization dawning on his face. "This isn't because of Mami, is it? The breakup and all that?"

I hesitated, weighing my options. The truth was, my transformation had nothing to do with Mami. But trying to explain the whole "reincarnated warrior" thing to these guys? Yeah, that wasn't going to fly.

So I went with the easy out. "Yeah, I guess you could say that. I'm ready to start a new chapter, leave the old Kazuya behind."

Kibe clapped me on the shoulder, his expression sympathetic. "I feel you, bro. Breakups suck. But hey, new look, new start, right?"

"Something like that," I agreed.

We continued on towards class, but as we crossed the quad, something caught my eye.

A girl, walking just ahead of us. Double braids, nerdy glasses, baggy sweater and jeans. Definitely not a college fashionista.

But there was something about the way she moved, the set of her shoulders...

Realization hit me like a thunderbolt. Chizuru. She was in my college?

As if she could feel my gaze, she glanced back. Our eyes met, and I saw the flash of recognition, the moment of panic.

The next thing I knew, she was tripping over her own feet, papers flying everywhere as she stumbled to the side.

"Whoa, is she okay?" Kibe asked, craning his neck to get a better look.

I was already moving, closing the distance between us. But by the time I reached the spot where she'd fallen, she was gone, vanished into the crowd like a spooked rabbit.

I knelt down, gathering up the scattered papers. A quick glance showed they were notes from a drama class. Fitting, considering her dream.

"What's up, Kazuya? You know her?" Kibe was at my shoulder, a suggestive grin on his face.

I shook my head, playing dumb. "Not really. Guess I mistook her for someone else."

"Boo." Kibe pouted, disappointment evident. "And here I thought you had a secret admirer or something."

I stood up, tucking the papers into my bag. "Nah, nothing like that. But these might come in handy. A good conversation starter, don't you think?"

Kibe's grin returned, wider than ever. "Good on you, my man. You're already moving on from Mami."

I glanced at my watch, realizing time was ticking away. "Well, I gotta bounce. English 101 awaits. Catch you guys later!"

Kibe and Kuri waved their goodbyes, splitting off to their own classes. I was alone now, just another face in the college crowd.

Suddenly, a blur of black yanked me by the shirt, dragging me into a file storage room. I barely had time to blink before I was shoved against a shelf, a finger jabbing at my chest.

"Don't you dare tell anyone."

I found myself staring into a pair of fiery eyes, framed by nerdy glasses and braided hair. Chizuru, in all her disguised glory.

I couldn't resist. "Please be gentle, it's my first time," I quipped, putting on my best innocent face.

"W-What?" She sputtered, clearly thrown off balance.

"I mean, you manhandle me into a closet and pin me to a wall. What's a guy supposed to think?"

"Cut it out, Kazuya." Her fierce facade crumbled, revealing the exasperated girl beneath.

I grinned, enjoying her flustered reaction. "How's it going, Mizuhara? Missed me since our hot date?"

She sighed, composing herself. "I'm fine. But we need to talk."

"Let me guess. The rental thing stays hush-hush, right? I'm not an idiot. Why do you think Kibe and Kuri are clueless about you?"

"Good. Just... under no circumstances can this get out. Got it?" Her tone was serious, bordering on pleading.

"Yeah, yeah. I got it."

"Promise me, Kazuya."

An idea sparked in my mind. "Geez, so demanding. How about I make a request of my own?"

Her eyes narrowed. "What is it?"

I took a breath, going for broke. "Go out with me. For real this time."

"What?" She blinked, uncomprehending.

"You heard me. Be my girlfriend, Chizuru."

"No. Impossible. I'm swamped as it is. I don't have time for... for that." But there was no real heat in her words. She knew I wasn't the type to leverage her secret.

"Can't blame a guy for trying." I shrugged, then softened. "But seriously, I promise. No one finds out. Not from me."

She deflated, the fight draining out of her. "Ugh. So much for keeping my date spots far from campus."

"Hey, I tried that too. Guess fate had other plans."

She fixed me with a look, part pleading, part warning. "Just keep this under wraps, okay? I love my job. I don't need people gossiping."

I held out her fallen papers, a peace offering. "Here. You dropped these in your daring escape."

"I did not escape. I strategically avoided you." She snatched the papers, hugging them to her chest.

"Looked like a panic to me. I'm gonna go with escape."

"Shut it." Her hand clamped over my mouth, silencing me. She froze, head cocked. Footsteps echoed outside the door, passing by. When silence returned, she released me.

"You know," I mused, "this is all very couple-y behavior."

Her cheeks flamed. "I'm leaving." She spun on her heel, ready to bolt.

I caught her arm. "Wait!"

"What now?" Cranky Chizuru was unfairly cute.

"One date," I said, holding her gaze. "A real one. Give me that, and I'll never bug you again. If you don't want to, after."

"Kazuya..." She wavered, torn.

I waited, letting her wrestle with it. Pressuring her would just make me look like a whiny punk.

Finally, she heaved a sigh. "...Fine. One date. That's it. I'm not... I can't do this regularly. Understand?"

My heart soared, but I played it cool. "Totally. One date, no strings. I promise."

She searched my face, looking for the catch. When she found none, her shoulders relaxed a fraction. "Okay. We can... we can do one date."

I beamed. "Awesome. I promise, Chizuru, you won't regret it."

"I already do," she muttered, but there was a hint of a smile on her lips. "Now, can I go? Some of us have classes to get to."

"Oh, shit. English!" I'd totally forgotten. "Uh, talk later? To plan?"

She nodded, already slipping back into her nerdy persona. "Sure. Just... be discreet, okay?"

"Discreet is my middle name," I assured her, edging toward the door. "Well, actually, it's-"

"Go, Kazuya!" She shooed me out, fighting back a laugh.

I went, looks like I have two dates to plan for, I should be able to fit her in Saturday or Sunday, I have free time those nights.

Now I just had to survive English 101. And plan the date of a lifetime.

No pressure, right?

I slipped into the English 101 lecture hall, my mind still on possible ideas for my upcoming date with Chizuru. The room was small, maybe 45 seats total. Cozy, by college standards.

I scanned the rows, looking for an open spot. There, near the middle. An empty chair next to a guy with black hair and eyes the color of olive leaves. Bingo.

I made my way over, weaving through the chattering students. "Hey, this seat taken?" I asked, gesturing to the empty chair.

The guy glanced up, shaking his head. "Nah, it's all yours."

"Thanks, man." I slid into the seat, offering a friendly smile. "I'm Kazuya, by the way. Kazuya Kinoshita."

"Natsuo," he replied, returning the smile. "Natsuo Fujii. Nice to meet you."

We shook hands, the universal greeting. Natsuo seemed cool, laid-back. The kind of guy who'd be good for a laugh or a late-night study session.

"So, Natsuo," I said, leaning back in my chair. "What's your story? What brings you to the thrilling world of English 101?"

He chuckled, running a hand through his hair. "Oh, you know. Gen ed requirements, the bane of every college student's existence. You?"

I shrugged, grinning. "Same, pretty much. That, and I figured it might come in handy. You know, for all those international business deals I'll be making someday."

Natsuo raised an eyebrow, amused. "Oh, so you're an entrepreneur in the making, huh?"

"Something like that." I winked, enjoying the easy banter. "Gotta dream big, right?"

"I can respect that," Natsuo said, nodding. "Personally, I'm more of a take-it-as-it-comes kind of guy. But hey, to each their own."

We chatted for a few more minutes, swapping college survival tips. Natsuo was a cool dude, the kind of effortless companion that made the college grind a little more bearable.

Suddenly, a voice from the front of the room cut through the chatter. "Hello, everyone. Due to Miss Kawakami's pregnancy, I will be your professor for English 101 this semester."

I turned, ready to size up our new-

Holy shit.

My eyes went wide, my jaw dropping. Because there, standing at the front of the room, was none other than her.

The girl from the train. The one with the laugh like sunshine.

She was smiling at the class, the very picture of professional poise. But then her gaze swept over the room, over me... and she blinked. Did a double take.

For a second, just a second, I saw the surprise on her face. The flash of recognition, of shock. But then it was gone, smoothed over by a mask of calm competence.

"If you could all turn to page 15 in your textbooks," she said, her voice steady as she turned on the projector. "We'll be starting with a review of grammar concepts."

I stared, my mind reeling. Hina Tachibana, my English professor. The same Hina Tachibana who had slipped her number into my pocket, who had agreed to a real date just yesterday.

What were the fucking odds?

Beside me, Natsuo was flipping through his textbook, oblivious to my mini-crisis. I shook myself, trying to focus on the lesson.

But it was hard, with Hina standing right there. Lecturing about verb tenses and sentence structure like she hadn't just knocked my world off its axis.

I snuck glances at her throughout the class, trying to reconcile the girl from the train with the woman at the front of the room. They were the same, but different. Like Two sides of a coin, flipping back and forth.

It was dizzying. Thrilling.

Hina Tachibana, my English professor.

Chizuru Mizuhara, my rental girlfriend.

And me, Kazuya Kinoshita. The guy caught in the middle of it all.