
A Different Kind Of Journey

The battle against a man named Kawaki, sends Boruto, Himawari and Sarada back in time. Now, They find themselves in a world that is so familiar yet different to them.

Dom2040 · Anime & Comics
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83 Chs

Arc 4: A Chance Meeting

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, Mr Kishimoto Does.

Expect Little Grammar and Spelling Mistakes

Arc 4: A Chance Meeting

Thousand Years Ago

It was an event that changed everything. An event that would create an endless cycle of conflict and corruption for many years to come.

Darkness had fully took over the whole world in those latter days. The atmosphere was unwelcoming and the air was in a chaotic mixture of hot and cold that gave an intense wave of fear and worry.

The once triumphant peace had vanished a long time ago, its replacement was an ongoing battle which was part of the grand war against the embodiment of evil itself.

A battle, unknown to many would be the last.

It took a long time or wait for a certain beautiful black haired young woman to arrived at the main battlefield, which was situated on the vast lands of the human world. Lands, which used to be part of a paradise and thriving civilzations that had been immediately transformed into a place of current destruction.

The last bastion of hope still remained in the confines of the human world, the place where the current seat of power of the Pure Land, was situated. The other worlds were already ravaged by his wrath.

Chaos, the embodiment of evil had reached the last bastion. Strong massive winds could be already felt amongst the cities near the devastated lands. The threat was fast approaching and In a matter of time all of them would be caught in the destruction.

Eiko, the main capital and seat of power of the Pure Land stood calm as evil was nearing its doorstep.

"Can you at least tell me which place Kami-sama had headed off to!?" Furious and Confused, Miyuki confronted an official, who was the one that last saw Kami before he suddenly left without informing everyone.

The poor official, a brown haired individual and a member of the court stood and leaned on a giant pillar, while being interrogated by the woman. "I-I'm sorry Miyuki-san but I also don't know where Kami-sama went off to, He only instructed me to stay here and evacuate everyone." His weary voice explained with all the truth in his eyes.

Miyuki gritted in annoyance. It was no use for her to force answers. Kami was a type that won't really reveal anything. He would often kept things away from anyone's knowledge.

"Calm down Miyuki." A male voice from behind then said." We'll find him." He assured her again.

There was silence that befell the black haired woman. Donning a white combat attire which consists of a white undershirt covered by vest like armor, with the small symbol of "来世" embedded on the upper right and a white long pants.

She had been restless for days now as she was the one in charged of making things as orderly as possible. With just a small fragment of Chaos' power it would automatically destroy the majority of human life. Those countless days were spent by taking every innocent life away from the main fire as possible.

"There must be a reason on why he had left." Her thoughts were interrupted. There was an encouragement for her to turned around, to which she did and came face to face with him, whom was her friend for a very long time.

This certain friend, named Yuu, was a tall handsome young man around the same age as her. He would often keep a slight haughty, poker face expression on his face. He had a platinum blonde hair, with dark gray eyebrows, and lastly he had this golden eyes with bold lower lashes.

"Everytime He leaves for something, there's always a reason behind it." He explained, He had growned accustom to the latter's habits. It was just him and the rest trying to guess the real truth.

Miyuki took a deep breath as she turned her gaze away, giving a blunt expression. She appreciated the reassurance but nothing can be done if all of them would be just standing here and not taking action.

"So if there really is reason, why do you think he left just like that?" She then asked, giving a silence to take charge again.

She didn't mean anything about having to lose her faith in him. She was just concerned. Even though, Kami was powerful enough to take on Chaos, she still wanted to protect him, because that was and always be her duty until the end.

At the same time, there was a sudden strong violent earthquake that struck the whole capital, reaching the area that they're currently in right now.

The tremor was so strong that the rest were forced to hold on the large pillars supporting the roof. It lasted for more than twenty seconds before a loud massive roar was heard all over.

The roar itself was terrifying enough that it caused automatic shivers and it totally raised the fear on everyone.

The roar was enough to wake up someone from a deep dream.


Miyuki opened her eyes wide as she jolted up from her desk. She was breathing heavily in and out, trying to catch her breath. She was caught in her dreams again for the hundreth time in this particular week.

Realizing that nothing significant had really happened around her at this time, she gave a sigh in relief and shook her head.

As soon as she regathered herself, she rubbed her eyes and gave a yawn. Finally in the position of seeing the surroundings of her office and the rest the clinic which turned out to be quiet and empty.

Her eyes then caught something and it was a single powerful ray of the sun that penetrated the nearby window. She then turned her attention to the wall clock beside the door and it gave her a little surprise and realization.

The morning had arrived.

She gave a sigh, knowing that another day had been given to her, another day for her to wait for the two teens and Showtaro to arrived home safely from their journey, and another day to carefully revitalized the next step of her plan.

It was a good thing that her patience was much more stronger nowadays compared to her old self back then. She understood there were always be circumstances of working alone without any aid from the council and in truth, It was indeed just a part of her main goal.

Finally deciding to stand up from her seat, she gave a yawn and slowly stretched her her joints and muscles. Even though in this kind of form, the remnants of that old age was obviously visible, but at least just to herself.

She's a thousand something year old woman, who still yet to experience the wonders of retirement because of bullcrap happenings throughout the course of history.

(Unexpected Growls)

Then in the midst of all that, there was something that began speaking up as if it was telling her something more important than her thoughts right now.

The unexpected whining growls came from her stomach, who began its early demands for breakfast. Sensing that this was more important than anything overwhelming right now, she finally had enough and headed straight towards the door as fast as possible.

The place where she was going to eat her breakfast is still a mystery for now.


"This is what life has to offer to me so far and I'm taking it, and I'm going get used to it slowly.



The colour brown had been always a part of her life. Since she began her training at a very young age, she was seeing all brown in its glory around the compound, especially inside a certain room, where she spends the rest of her time on a single day.

Sweat was dripping from all over her body. The amount of bodily liquid was already enough to create a small puddle on the color brown, which was revealed to be that of a wooden floor.

Hanabi was breathing in and out as the young teen had finished the last of the training sessions for today. She was supposed to be fully exhausted, but somehow there was this mysterious encouragement that continued to push her to the next level.

"Another Hard day's work!" She thought to herself as she slowly return back to her original posture, wiping the sweat out of forehead, she found herself standing in front of her a certain Hiashi Hyuuga, her father and beside her where the usual two sparring mates, still recovering from the ground.

They were all groaning because of the beatdown that they received from young teen but they were somehow used to it already. They were given to instructions to always raised the level up in order for the young Hyuuga to raise her own level.

Hiashi Hyuuga, as a father was determined to raised his own two daughters in the best way, that he was thought when he was young. As much as the stricter and harsh attitude that he was giving all the time, he had no choice, but in truth he loved the two girls.

"You've done very well, Hanabi." He commented, and gave a nod of approval which caused the girl to give him a look of surprise.

At the same time, the two sparring mates, Zaki and Nabe, began to praised the teen.

"M-Man, you really kick butts Hanabi." The brown haired Zaki, who was a little bit older than the Hyuga, commented while obviously still cringing in pain.

"You're the man, Hanabi!" Nabe, the little brother also gave his comment, at the same rhythm that his big brother was currently having.

Hiashi then took a deep breath, now knowing that he had a meeting to attend to with the other clan officials and elders." Well, I guess I'll be going now, I have a meeting to attend to." He explained as straightfowardly as his thoughts, turning around to head to the exit.

Hanabi was still loss for words as of right now. This was the first time that she saw her father albeit in the proudest moment that he was. He rarely even makes any comment to her and her big sister let alone talking about their mother.

In that moment in time, a thought came to her and it was an idea that she had been planning for a long time and her elder cousin knew about this certain idea.


"Well, the idea was that we're going to be holding a simple family dinner for Papa, knowing that he's busy all the time, and rarely even joins us during meal times.


As she finally gathered the courage to ask the head Hyuga, she was unexpectedly beaten to it.

Hiashi stopped his tracks as a certain thought came to his mind." Oh I also forgot to mention..." He said, before continuing." You're big sister is preparing something for dinner later, be on time." He explained, before giving this small rare smile." I will be there as well." He added, as he finally left the training room.

Hanabi was overcome with surprised. She became quiet thereafter as she thought about this recent news. Who wouldn't ever thought that their father would be joining them for dinner for the first time in a couple of years.

There was a single tear that fell from her eye and she felt this surge of emotion that had been left inside of her for many years. She just took a deep breath to calm herself down, as she wasn't going to fully cry but this was already enough for her.

"Are you alright Hanabi-san?" Zaki, who had recovered from the ground with his little brother, asked.

"Are you crying?" Nabe followed up the question with his own.

Both brothers were curious and concerned. The two had been the girl's friends and sparring partners for a long time. This was the first time that they had seen her like this. She never actually showed her emotions except for the time she had missed the three day sale at the department store and this was something different.

Hanabi could shook her head and smile." Nah, it's just something that I remembered." She explained before wiping the tear from her cheek.

There was an image that flash before her very eyes and it was revealed to be a memory her late Mother, who was the one that kept the family together until her the day of her passing. She remembered those joyful times and as much she wanted to relive those moments, she just can't.

Her attention then shifted towards a certain photo, which was displayed on the wooden wall, near the exit.

The photo was revealed to be that of the whole family taking for a photo around the compound garden. A smile went across her lips as Hanabi remembered that wonderful day when the photo was taken.

It was a day that she won't forget as she recalled after the picture was taken, that the whole family decided to held a picnic on the garden grounds itself and bonded for the rest of that time.

She still remembered like it was yesterday.

How time has gone too fast.


"It's probably the most happiest moment of our lives. I remembered we used to play pranks on Neji and He would be just annoyed to the point that he turned into a cry baby about it." (Chuckles)


It was at this time that static sounds could be heard all over the training room. It mostly surprised the two Hyuga sparring mates, who began to wonder and look around their surroundings for the source of that mysterious sound.

As for Hanabi, she knew too well about that sound, the main source coming from her very own pocket. She immediately drew out something from inside to reveal a small rectangular device which the static sound came from.

It was a walkie talkie device to be exact and the two Hyuga sparring mates were just curious and confused as ever while observing it. Why would Hanabi owned a walkie talkie for ? Who the heck would call her as this time of the day?

As far they knew, she didn't have any boyfriend yet.

Hanabi eyes and ears lit up as the static sound slowly disappeared to reveal a very familiar voice.

"Hello Hanabi? Are you there? Is your training over?" Neji's voice emerged from the speakers, with three questions stacked together as if he was in hurry.

Hanabi thought about that for a moment before replying back." Yeah, I'm here cousin." She said, before continuing." What's the deal though?" She asked.

"Well, currently Me and Himawari are at a restaurant, you might want to join in for lunch if your not busy already." He explained, as the Uzumaki girl's voice could be heard all over the background, ordering the food and also trying to say a little prayer about her making it before lunch time begins.

Between that moment, Hanabi's curious expression turned into shock and surprise. Her excitement now skyrocketing to new levels and a certain small desperation took over.

For the voice of Neji in the background, he was about to speak again before his cousin finally beaten him first.

"Don't order yet! I'll be right there in a second!" Hanabi finally exploded as she took off and rushed towards a certain destination. She wasn't going to miss this chance again.

As for the Hyuga sparring mates, both of them were left behind inside the room, still dumbfounded and wondering what was that all about.

"Looks to me Neji-san finally managed find one for Hanabi." Nabe commented, while the other nodded in agreement.

"Man, I just wished we could it in a Restaurant now."


"Well, I was just too excited. I had missed so many opportunities to bond with them and now I am actually getting one for real this time!"



"I really do hope Aunt Hanabi makes it for lunch in time."

Himawari expressed her hope and excitement. She gave a bright smile, awaiting for her young Aunt, who probably had that same high energy as her right now. It's been awhile since she had last spend time with her.

Neji gave the girl a calm smile, assuring her that everything will be alright with the brown haired Hyuuga girl. He knew her for a very long time and no one could really make that girl stop from coming here. What she wants, she wants and it's somehow for the better good.

Hanabi was brash and confident. She was part of the ideal Hyuga persona in a unique kind of way. She can make her own decisions and even lead a group. She had that qualities to be leader of a whole clan. No wonder why she was on the top place on being chosen to be the next successor as the head of clan.

She and Hinata were considered to be the heiresses of the clan. Both girls were strong and everybody knew it, including Hiashi. The only problem was that so called clan Elders were too blind to see that. He suspected that those people were thinking for themselves rather than realizing the fact that their days were numbered


"My only regret was that I wasn't able to give my full support for the two girls, since I was dealing my own problems within my branch of the family.


That kind of past which stuck up to him for a very long time was finally far away from him. Now, He was on the lines of trying to his best to get the family back together again, which was pretty tough.

"Uncle Neji?"

His thoughts were interrupted by the younger teen.

"Yeah Hima, what is it?" He slightly shook his head and turned his attention to the girl, who was giving him an amused look.

"It really amazes me that you never get tired of thinking about something." Himawari commented, with a chuckle. She just noticed that kind of habit from him, and wondered on why does he seemed so free of stress despite the fact too many thoughts could lead anyone into having it.

Neji was surprised about her question, but soon he would realize it. In fact, many people had noticed that particular habit, yet no one bothered to ask or comment about it, except for the lavender haired teen.

He sighed." Oh that, It's just a habit that developed throughout my childhood." He simply explained." Don't worry, I'm not stressed or whatsoever." He added with assurance.

Himawari raised both eyebrows in surprised." Really?" She asked and received a simple nod from the guy.

"Well, since I was seven or 8, I started to dwell inside my thoughts because I really don't have many friends back then." He explained, as he turned his gaze towards the transparent window.

"So this is the only way that I could somehow entertain myself back then and even now in some occasions." He explained while grabbing the glass of water, which was served first, and took a sip.

Himawari was quite amazed in someway. She couldn't react to it properly outside but as her thoughts took charge to resolved the small difficulty.


"It's one of those little things that I often noticed, from the stories that I've heard from Mom and Aunt Hanabi, and even Grandpa Hiashi, that Uncle Neji was a "Thinker" and then suddenly he'll come up with these random weird ideas out of nowhere." (Chuckles)


"Say Himawari." Neji, this time, called the girl to get her attention.

"How long do you think you've been wearing those patches?" Neji asked as his curiousness and thoughts took interest on the girl's custom sunflower-shaped patches, which was currently placed on her cheeks.

Himawari blinked a couple of times before realizing his statement and she gave a smile to reply." Well, I guess a few months already and counting." She said, cofident that streak won't be broken.

"Why ask though, Neji-nii?" She followed up with a question.

Neji froze in silence for a moment as he thought about the idea that he was planning to suggest. Was it worth telling or not? He didn't bother.

"Well, it came to me that you're probably having enough of wearing those patches and I was hoping if you would listen to my idea" He explained." If it's okay with you?"

As Himawari was expecting, The brown haired Hyuga was really going to propose an idea. Curious to hear that certain idea, she gave a simple nod and smiled.

"Sure go ahead!"


"Oh, I can't wait to hear that Idea! To be honest, the patches are making my cheeks itchy!"


So thus it happened again.

It was something that Itachi was expecting but wasn't hoping to happen. He made sure to himself that he won't be staying in the village for too long, yet he had to come up with an explanation just to extend his stay for a couple of days again.

The reason? Because of a certain lavender haired teen, who holds the answers to most of his questions. Sounded so complex? Basically, he just wanted to get to know his niece, yet the problem was that she still wasn't here, and the only way to get to know her was through the girl, "Himawari"

He recalled saving her from the explosion caused by one of Deidara's bombs during the Kazakage incident. It was a risky move since his actions can be considered an act of betrayal, yet he was able to pass through the small needle without getting detected or getting the cover blown.

It was a good thing that Kisame was also there to cover him up. He just didn't said any word during the recent meeting. He was also the one to fully contribute to their extension by providing the money to pay the inn for another couple of days extension. It was a mystery on why this man was a loyal true friend to the Uchiha, Did he really care?

Right now this man was snoring loudly as he laid on his bed and the softness of pillows catering for him. He looked like a male sleeping beauty but more edgier and sharkier.

It did not impressed Itachi but an amused reaction was enough, he stood there fully dressed up into civilian attire and ready to go outside, but the only problem was that the man was still asleep and he needed his assistance today.

The room was divided into two sides. It was big and spacious enough to accomodate even a group, there's a bathroom and a little kitchen area. The place was a studio type room. The light peach color walls was good enough to relax someone's eyes. There was a small TV on the main desk to which they frequently used for a entertainment and two comfy beds on the main part of the room.

The Sharkman's bed was messy. Remnants of Potato chips, empty soda cans were scattered all over and of course the magazines all over his body and an orange book covering his face.

He was also dreaming, muttering gibberish words about food and the sea.

Itachi continued to observed him before shaking his head as he finally had enough of waiting. His mind was already ahead and sought to use the best and easy way to wake him up.

And as He activated his Sharingan, he gave the sleeping sharky a little tap on the forehead and then waited for a few seconds for it to take effect.

Less than five seconds had passed, Kisame finally woke up in a more wild manner. He jolted up from his bed as if he had just been into a terrfying nightmare.

"What the hell was that!?" He exclaimed fixating his eyes on the Uchiha for answers.

Itachi gave a sigh." How did the dream went?" He asked.

"Of course it went bad! I was happily eating shrimp and crab until a big sharskfin soup appeared in front of me!" He complained, referring to his least favorite food of all time.

This is also means that a scene like this had happened a lot of times before.

"Oh I see, I apologized for that Kisame-san." Itachi was calm, he was already expecting this and that's only way he can deal with a grumpy persona in Kisame.

As for the blue haired man, He scratched his head multiple times in annoyance before giving that certain look towards his friend." Alright! I'll go with you." He pointed out." but you gotta tell me on where we're going this time?" He added.

As for Itachi, He thought about it for a second before finally giving this rare smile.

"Ramen Shop."


"Well, this already happened a lot of times when it comes to waking up Kisame-san, but it's the only way I could think off and so I had no choice but to just put sharksfin soup in his dreams.



The huge crowds really didn't bother her that much and even in a current place like Konoha where most of every street was filled with seas of people.

It was a quite similar situation back in her world. In her own words, she simply called it "Congestion". The fact that the population had drastically increased throughout the centuries because of the neverending wars and conflicts that resulted in many deaths, and nowadays, "Overpopulation" is now a popular term and because of the fact that the Council, not really doing anything about it.

She would only get irritated everytime she would hear anything about it. She had enough problems in her lifetime and she was expecting it to pile up along the way.

As she continued on through the streets, there was this growing feeling of cautiousness inside. In the middle of the huge crowds, she would start to frequently to turn her gaze left and right, she had this feeling that she was being followed, or was it just her mind playing games with her?

Was it the burden that continued to follow her? Why was it still here?

As she got closer to her destination, it started to worsen as she then began to hear disembodied voices. It was all whispers, torment and insults and she could barely hear each voice since they were all speaking at the same time.

"You think you're the next Kami?"

"You won't save anyone!"

"They'll die like the rest of everyone!"

This wasn't the first time that she heard these voices. She considered it as an annual event. To her, these voices were just here to prevent her from continuing on her mission and it was not worth it to bother them.


"I have gone through a lot of things already and it somehow made me stoic enough to handle them."


The ramen shop wasn't that far away from the clinic. It often will take her less than ten minutes for her to arrive at the said place. She was keen on to taking shortcuts to make the travel time faster since she didn't like crowded places. Although, due to certain reasons, she found herself in a situation that she didn't want to be in.

As the disembodied voices in her head died down, it was then immediately replaced by the louder voices of the villagers, which were much worst than the previous one. She could hear eveything from merchants and vendors arguing with customers, kids yelling and playing tag around the area, someone doing the sales talk, random conversations and many more.

It was enough for her to make her eye twitched in irritation, second that her stomach was also growling at the same time thus finding herself being doubled team at this moment.

She wanted yell out unto the top of her lungs, yet she knew that it would be embarassing and inappropriate. She needed to find a way to get out of this mess as soon as possible.

"Dammit, Kami-sama just get me out of here!" She yelled in her thoughts, giving a subtle little prayer.

In a matter of minutes, that little prayer had immediately been answered in the form of a certain brown haired girl.

Miyuki was suddenly caught into a surprise as a certain teenage girl, who was in a hurry had accidentally bumped into her. She found herself on the ground, cringing and her mind finally shifting attention into the new situation.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry Ma'am!" The teenage girl was then heard first apologizing.

Miyuki felt dizzy and her vision a bit blurry that she couldn't figured out the identity of the teenage girl that bumped into her.

Meanwhile, Hanabi had come into a collision course with a poor individual while hurrying as fast she could just to reach the restaurant. She too fell on the ground but quickly recovered. Her eyes and attention shifting to a very familiar person.

"Doc Miyuki!?" The Hyuga girl exclaimed as she went over to woman's aid.

By the time she heard that voice, she immediately recognized the teenage girl." Hanabi?" She mentioned the girl's name while being assisted by her at the same time. Her vision now clearing.

"Yeah, it's me." Hanabi replied with a smile." I'm really sorry I bumped into you accidentally." She apologized thereafter." I wasn't looking." She explained.

Miyuki gave a sigh." It's alright, I understand." She said before adding up a question." Why are you so in a hurry?" She asked raising up a curious face.

Hearing that statement made the girl even more anxious." Well, I got a lunch event at the restaurant, and I'm freaking late." Hanabi explained in her most calmest way possible, her muscles were itching to continue on.

"Oh that's great, who's treating?" Miyuki then asked.

It was at this time that a certain recognizable male voice had entered the conversation through the walkie talkie.

"Hanabi, where are you? Food has arrived already." The voice of Neji spoke through the walkie and that caused the Hyuga girl to grow even more anxious and she began to scratch her head.

By the time, she heard that, Miyuki finally understood on why the girl was in a hurry and she gave a simple nod and a smile, meaning just to end the conversation early.

Hanabi gave an apologetic as she then took off from her current spot, finally continuing on towards her destination.

Miyuki continued to observed the teenage girl from behind as her thoughts focused more on about her. It turns out they knew each other for quite some time now.


"Well, I met Hanabi not too long ago, she came into the clinic with a flu and her cousin was the one that brought her. She is quite the strong and confident girl.



The tempting smell of the roasted chicken was attempting its best to lure the lavender haired teen from taking the first bite.

Several minutes had passed since the food, which consists of the big roasted chicken, 3 bowls rice, a bowl of stir fried beef brocolli stew, and a main bowl of fish soup. had finally been served on the table.

Neji on the other hand was also trying to resist the temptation, He too was giving a very concentratred looking face, looking at his niece instead of the food. Both were starting to get hungry yet they willingly chose to wait for the brown haired girl to arrive.

"I hope Aunt Hanabi is near." Himawari commented, giving a hopeful expression, turning her attention to her teenage Uncle.

Neji gave a little chuckle." Don't worry, she'll be here soon." He said, while having that same hope as his niece and also wondering on what the heck happened to his cousin.

Wanting to further continue the conversation just let them get away from the temptation, Neji was about to speak when unexpected laughs interrupted him and also startled the Uzumaki girl.

"Man! these spinach dumplings are the best!"

"No! these Tempuras are number one!"

"Will guys stop commenting and just eat?"

After the laughs, were followed by the voices of three kids from further back. Their table happened to be at the same area as Neji and Himawari but a several tables away from theirs.

Himawari gave a smile as she could sense the happiness of those kids." They must be really enjoying their lunch!" The Uzumaki girl commented.

For Neji, he took a deep breath as he just chuckled about it." Well, I wish I knew how it feels to be in that kind of situation when I was a kid." He explained, remembering the good old days.

"Situation?" Himawari asked, raising both eyebrows in curiousness.

"Well, I did have lunch and dinners as a kid with the rest of my main family but I rarely enjoyed them." Neji explained, before continuing." You could say it as a strict upbringing but It's part of that old tradition, we were quiet most of the time." He said.

Himawari sadly look down, she couldn't imagine a scene where the whole family just eats their lunch and dinner in pure silence. It was very weird for her if she were to be in that situation.

"After my father died, it was pure quietness but I was already used to it." Neji continued." He never had the time to be a father." He said, while turning his head to the transparent window. "Although, there was new one thing that came unexpectedly and it was Auntie." He added.

Himawari was briefly confused about the certain person that her teenage uncle was talking about. Then it realization came to her, and she understood on who that person was.

"Oh, you mean...?" She trailed off as the brown haired Hyuga nodded thereafter.

"Yup, she was the mother I grew up with." Neji explained, recalling the good memories that he had with his second mother. He actually never met his biological mother before, the only thing he knew about her was that she passed away after he was born.

Himawari nodded in understanding. She was aware of that certain story told when she was a kid. According to her mom, the grandma, to which she haven't had the chance to meet, was the one responsible for taking the brown haired Hyuga into the family.

The person that her Mom, Aunt Hanabi, Uncle Neji looked up to. It was unfortunate that she never had the chance to meet her but only seen her in old photos.


"Uncle Neji talked about on how she changed his life during those times. He got the chance to have a normal childhood but when grandma passed away, The old life return back for him."


She was so amazed on how this certain person could bring the love in the family. It was sad because it was short-lived. She was beginning to think that grandma's passing made her grandpa Hiashi, the stoic man that he was before. Compare to what he was in present day, a loveable grandpa.

There was just one thing that she was eager to ask about her grandma, and that is her name. She never actually got to know the name since, everyone would refer to her as "Mother Or Grandma". It was strange and she was curious to know.

"Say, Uncle Neji?" Himawari asked." What's her name by the way?"

Neji raised both eyebrows." Oh you mean Auntie?" He said, while the girl simply nodded.

"Oh I see. well, her name is-" In the midst of his sentence, there was a sudden loud thud, coming from the window,, that startled him and the Uzumaki girl.

"What the heck!' He exclaimed, immediately turning his attention towards his left.

It would come as a surprise to see his cousin greeting him in the most playful manner and grinning mischieviously from ear to ear.

Himawari was laughing up at her teenage Uncle's reaction.


"That's got to be the funniest reaction from Uncle Neji so far! Aunt Hanabi is such a prankster.(Chuckles)"


The journey was all worth the hardwork. Hanabi did managed to reached her destination. She finally achieved that sigh of relief, as she had beaten time once again. It was another win for her, a streak that has yet to be broken.

Immediately heading straight for the entrance, the Hyuga girls excitement was booming, she just can't to reunite once again with them.

Opening the doors, the sound of wind chimes, which were hanging on a certain spot could be heard, indicating everyone in the restaurant that a new customer had just entered.

Hanabi was greeted by the delicious scent of all the food right now. Her nose was welcoming it all while her eyes focused on searching for the table where the two were located and waiting.

It turned out to be the most easiest task of all since she caught sight of Himawari waving at her with a big smile, while Neji was just his usual calm self.

A smile then along her lips as she immediately headed towards their table, which was situated on the further left side of the restaurant.

She walked a little faster, passing by numerous tables, especially a certain table where three kids and a small crimson fox were currently occupying.


Lunch at this time was the best thing that ever happened so far.

It was full of fun, jokes, laughs, and games. Kurama, who has been witnessing all these didn't knew how to really go with the flow them. He was like that one person in a birthday party, who just sat on that empty couch watching everything from behind the scenes.

Of course, he was just getting used to it, he had spent most of his life inside a cage, sleeping and daydreaming. Now, he found himself completely free, and still daydreaming, which wasn't so surprising to him in a way.

Currently, he was observing the kids, mainly Konohamaru and Udon, who were on a little eating contest as of now, racing in time finishing two banana sundaes on the table. Moegi, on the other hand was just calmly eating her own dessert of a normal vanilla sundae.

"Looks like the kids don't fear diabetes huh?" He thought, giving a quiet amused reaction.

He hadn't quite seen people, especially kids eating large amounts of ice cream before such as this for a long time. The last time he had seen such a person was Himawari. He recalled how the girl could devour stacks of pancakes and waffles on a plate when hungry.

A secret little smile crept up on his face as he recalled the memories again. He'd been remembering the memories for quite some time now and he still didn't knew what was the reason for him dabbling with them all of sudden.


"I tried so much just to moved on from that, I never really thought, it would occasionally come back to haunt me."


He used to hope that at least one of his loved ones would survive. Arriving here in the past and having that hope of being able to find survivors that could possibly been sent here,

it was all short-lived.

He first visited familiar persons such as the rest of the Konoha 12, or just the ten of them, since Naruto was still away from his training trip and Sasuke was still his delusional teenage self out there for revenge.

He had this idea of time travel, where the person from the future travels back in time and arrives in their past selves' body. He believed in that certain theory until he himself would soon find out that wasn't the case. There weren't traces of their future selves when he visited them and even the other people familiar to him.

His theory was beginning to look and sound like as if it came from a fanfiction story that enthuastic readers would read.

It eventually put down his hopes up and having no complete power, he just simply gave up. No matter how a part of him was trying to encourage for him to take action, he just couldn't do it anymore. It was hopeless and he just decided to live out the rest of his life.

Although, He never fully closed his mind on the possiblity that he'll meet them. A part of him was still hoping for that fateful time and Unbeknownst to him, it could happen anytime today.


"We're so glad you were able to make it in time, Aunt Hanabi!"

A confident smile formed around the brown haired Hyuga girl's lips." Well, I'll be Hima, whenever there's family hangout like this, always make sure that I'll be there on time!." She explained.

Hearing the statement, Himawari gave a good chuckle. Even at this age, her Aunt Hanabi can still pull up surprises at the last minute. She was really dedicated on bringing the family closer, starting with just them.

Neji could only shook his head at his cousin's confidence. Everytime, she would pull up something surpising, he would just stand there and wonder on how did she managed to do it.

Just like the time when she somehow convinced Lady Hokage to join the reinforcement team that was sent to assist Team Seven during the Kazekage rescue mission. The Fifth had finalized that the three main members of Team Gai would only be included, yet the Hyuga girl emerged through door unexpectedly and the rest was history.

Moments like that gave Neji continued to build up the strong faith in his cousin. As of now, He was glad to see her here, the fact she was the missing piece, for the day to be complete.


"Well, I didn't expect for us to be together at this point in time. As if Kami-sama wanted this day just for us to bond."


"So how are you doing so far Hima?"

It was a question that Hanabi had been wanting to ask. It wasn't because that she had that obligation as a young Auntie but in truth, she really did cared for the girl as a family.

Himawari, who placed down her glass of ice tea on the table, after taking a sip, smiled." Well, Life sometimes can bore you out but overall, I'm doing great so far!"

"That's good to hear Hima!" Hanabi smiled." So what are you been doing lately? She asked.

Himawari then scratched chin, trying to recall some of the things that happened throughout the day." Well, Uncle Neji took me on a tour around the village after buying some flowers, and along the way he got hungry and decided to have lunch here!" She explained.

Summaring the acitivities done for today.

Hanabi gave an amused look before turning her attention to her cousin with a playful smirk." Maybe somewhere down that line, Big cousin had a shopping spree hehe." She commented.

Neji, who was in the middle of drinking his water, was interrupted and almost choke on his drink. He gave a cough and immediately placed down his glass on the table." Of course not! Why would I shop at this time of the day?" He said, defending himself.

"Well, it's just a feeling." Hanabi gave that certain smile at him.

It was at this time that Himawari gave her comment on the topic." Now that you mentioned it, Neji-nii was actually planning on buying something today." She said." He's been looking at every shopping window before we got here." She smiled

Neji tensed, now that his niece had unknowingly blew up his actual plan, he had no choice but come up with the wildest excuses. His money was on the line here.

"Well, I was just looking, not that I'm interested on it or whatsoever." He explained, while there was a slight hint of his guilty looking face.

"Yes! Big cousin is going on a shopping spree and his buying something!" Hanabi rejoiced, getting the attention of some customers around their area. The guy was very much easy to read, he was just not that good in hiding his own secrets when it comes to this stuff.

Himawari was just secretly laughing at the background as she witnessed her young Aunt trying to persuade and tempt the poor guy to carry twenty shoppings later on after the lunch.


"You could tell that the bond between them is really strong. It just makes me wonder on what could have been if Uncle Neji was still alive back home."


The Hyuga girl's effortless persuasion had finally gotten inside his mind. Neji couldn't take it anymore, he was just too powerless to overcome it and he had no choice right now, they were making a scene here.

"Alright Fine." He said, giving a sigh in the end." I'll go with you guys."

Hearing those words caused the Hyuga girl to make a fist of triumph. This was just like the old times.

"But, I'm not telling you on what I'm gonna buy later." Neji fired back. He was staying strong with that decision.

Hanabi then shrugged, giving that cute "Whatever" expression." Fine, it's your choice but I'm telling everyone later about your shopping plans." She gave a smile." I'm sure father and big sis would love to hear that later dinner!"

Neji rolled his eyes, an expression to which he rarely does but when he did it, it would be very funny to look at.

It was at this time that Hanabi finally remembered, she immediately shifted her attention towards the Uzumaki girl." Say Hima, we're having a family dinner tonight, Is it okay for you come by?" She asked, welcomely inviting her to this rare occasion.

"Big sis is cooking by the way." She added, with a wink.

For a brief moment, The Uzumaki girl was quiet as she thought about it." Well, I guess I could come by, but would it be too much since the whole family is going to be there?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" Neji raised both eyebrows in confusion.

Himawari gave a nervous smile." Well, do you think it's too early for me to join, since I really don't exist yet in this time and-" She was about to finish her sentence when the Hyuga girl interrupted her.

Hanabi stopped her niece mid setence as she gave the girl a look." Hima, family is family, and you're already a part of that family." She simply explained." Don't worry about on what will happen, We got this and we got your back." She gave an assuring smile.

Neji followed it with a nod and smile. What was there to be worried about? Hiashi?

Sensing that strong encouragement from her Aunt and Uncle, Himawari gave this small nod in agreement." Alright, I'll go." She simply said.


"Hima at first wasn't sure if she really did want to come and we understood that. We'll just have to help her blend with the family slowly."


"I guess I'm still not prepared for it, considering from what I know and learned about the current situation of the clan in past, I just wanted to say that this is going to be heavy."

- Himawari

As time passed by, lunch went uneventful except for several not so important topics, which were discussed by the trio. Mainly, Neji had to share some new stuff about his teammate, Rock Lee, talking excitedly about this new wine that he was eager to buy because it would really increase his drunken master skills to the next level. But to him, it would really just increase the difficulty of carrying him all the time when he passes out.

Hanabi, on other hand was more keen on sharing the good news that she was allowed to take a break from her training sessions just to herself in the mood of relaxation and it could be also a nightmare for her cousin, who was now expected to be a full time body guard whenever she goes.

For Himawari, she shared a couple of things that has been going around her mind for quite sometime. The first one was that she was excited for her big brother and Sarada's return from their current mission and the second is that she was interested on having a pet just for companionship.

"I guess I just wanted to have something new to the apartment besides all that decorations and stuff." Himawari explained." And also for me to cuddle something for fun." She smiled.

"That's a great idea Hima!" Hanabi commented." If you like cats, I know a friend, who can provide you one!" She suggested.

"If you like dogs, I could ask Kiba about it, and he may be able to give you a puppy." Neji added, proposing his own offers.

"A turtle?"

"Maybe you want that little pig from Shizune-san?"

"I know! Hamsters would be good pets to cuddle!"

Himawari was unsure about the choices given to her. While the two began to suggesting different varieties of animals that they could provide, the Uzumaki girl had something different in mind.

"How about a fox?" She finally spoke interrupting them.

Hanabi and Neji both paused altogether. They were overtaken by surprise and confusion.

"A fox?" Neji asked." Why would you want a fox?" He added.

"Uhmm, give me some time to contact my friends, I think they might have at least an extra." Hanabi said. She was alright with any animal but a fox was quite tough to find.

Himawari slightly smiled." Well, It's kind of a very long story but I used to have a pet fox back then and It just came to my mind that having a pet fox again would be fun in the apartment." She simply explained.

"Oh I see, but foxes are tough to get these days, unless we stumble upon one wandering in the streets." Neji explained.

"Or maybe we could find one in this restaurant hehe." Hanabi gave a little snicker.

Himawari could only give a sigh." Well, I think I'll just have to wait for the surprise, I really don't want to rush things ya know." She explained.


"Like said before, I really didn't want to rush things, I more dependent on the flow, meaning let's just wait and see what's in store for me."


Unbeknownst to her that kind of surprise would soon to come.


The endless chatters and discussions were so overwhelming that it reduced Kurama to the brink of sleeping.

He always knew that he that kind of limit. He wasn't an extrovert or an introvert but just between the two. If it was too much for him, he would just slowly hide behind the main scene.

He wasn't aware that lunch time was almost over, since the three kids with him, made it look like as if lunch was now forever. He gave a sigh as he ponder to himself on what will he do to combat the sleepiness, which was currently taking over him.

He needed to do something about it as soon as possible. He moved his eyes towards the three kids, especially Konohamaru, who was still busy discussing his own topic." I guess a little walk around the area, would be nice." He thought to himself.

He then shifted his attention to his right and move his eyes around his surroundings. Without any hesitation, he secretly jumped from his current seat and landed on the floor.

"Man, I really do need some stretching!" Kurama thought, as he began to yawn and stretch out some joints and muscles. Even though, he was an immortal tailed beast, he could really feel the effects of aging catching up to him.

He then turned towards the boy and smiled." I'll be right back." He said as he then proceeded to wander off.

The restaurant was quite wide and spacious to him, but there were a lot of tables stationed in every area. He set his sites towards the north side since a part of him was telling him to go there.

Passing every table, which housed families and couples, who seemed to never notice him and even the staff members. He continued on along with his thoughts.

He was getting used to this current form. Contrast to his old and original one, which kept him on a cage all the time while this form gave him the freedom to roam anywhere. It was an advantage, except for the fact that he was vulnerable to many children swarming and cuddling him, which was a nightmare for him.

As He continued on, he found himself arriving at a certain area of the restaurant. It wasn't pack like the previous areas. Only a few customers were dining here, scattered into different tables.

For the nine tailed crimson fox, he was on the further side, the couch section to be exact, where most of the couch tables were vacant but except for a certain table occupied by three individuals.

"You know big sis has been really dedicated on knitting those scarfs." A voice of a girl was then heard." I don't really know the story behind that."

"Well, Hinata-sama told me that she's been knitting scarfs since we were kids but I really don't remember it pretty much." This time a male voice then spoke.

Kurama recognized those voices belonging to Hanabi and Neji. Oh man, hearing their voices again was quite nostalgic for him. Although, for the next voice that spoke was quite the one that really shocked him and gave him chills.

"Well, Mom told me before that she was making those scarfs for Dad."

This was the voice that lit up his eyes and ears. He exactly knew that voice and couldn't believed what he was hearing. That certain could only belonged to one person.

His whole body waa trembling in anxiousness as he took a closer look from under a certain table near the main one. He could hear his heart beating fast and loud, the curiousness and excitement was rising inside of him.

As he finally leaned to the clearest view, his eyes finally widened in complete shock and disbelief. Right in front of him was a person to whom he thought had perished back home along with the family. A person to which he treated as the most important member and he swore to himself that he would protect.

There was a certain emotion that rose up and he felt chest getting tighter and his whole face was trembling. The tears were the only ones missing to complete that emotion.

Kurama was able brought another courage to speak up in the form of a whisper.



"I really couldn't believe on what I was seeing in front of me. This is certainly not an illusion or a dream and I'm on the verge of freaking out at any second the fact that little Hima is alive."



AN: So here's the second chapter of Arc 4.

This chapter was a bit difficult to write since I had a writer's block for a several days. I have to admit that my original motivation and inspiration, when I first started writing the story is dwindling down. I just realized it recently and it's a bit tough to regain that former energy. I want to continue this story until I finish it but I hope that I would have that energy and motivation intact.

So far, the things that I planned for this Arc is to establish more of Miyuki's background and character development but I'm still at the first stages. Other than that, I also plan on increasing Neji and Hanabi's roles in the story, getting them a little more involved in the main plot.

Regarding Itachi and Kurama, they are also going to be involved in the main plot but I still haven't polished the idea yet. Basically, I wanted the other main characters to shine have their own little moment, but still Boruto, Himawari, and Sarada are the main characters of the story.

I'll try my best to balanced their shining moments for the story.

Anyways, regarding on which Arc in the original series I should focus on, I am more leaning towards the Hidan and Kakazu arc since the arc is a memorable and sad arc due to certain moments that defined it. Although, I wanna know your thoughts and reasons on why should I go with that Arc.

For the Boruto Manga, I have this certain feeling that there's going to be a kind of Soul Society type of Arc in the main plot where there's a possiblity that the gang will have to infiltrate the Otsutsuki world to rescue or defeat someone. Anyways, Chapter 46 was awesome! Kaguya literally sucker punched Ishiki, and Jigen was just another poor victim. The image of Momoshiki wearing Boruto's clothes was weird and creepy.