
He Has Dissociative Identity Disorder

Translator: Yunyi

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in the little idiot's wife."

His voice was the same, but his tone was completely different!

Xu Yimo's tone was stretched out with the softness of a child, while this man's tone was clean and direct. He clearly didn't do it on purpose, but he felt like he was looking down on her arrogantly.

Li Weiyin's mind suddenly went blank, especially when the man stood up, straightened the wrinkles on his sleeves, and approached her.

His face looked exactly like Xu Yimo's, except the fringe that Xu Yimo had was brush towards the back of his head.

Moreover, his gaze wasn't as pure and clear as Xu Yimo's. Instead, it was cold without any emotion.

"You..." Li Weiyin finally spat out a word after much difficulty. "You are Xu Yimo!"

Even if Xu Yimo was one of 4 identical quadruplets, his brother couldn't have possibly followed them there. Nor would he have entered their room without a word!

At that moment, all of Li Weiyin's queries were answered. The reason why Xu Yimo's 30m² closet was separated into 4 styles.

The reason why Xu Yazheng had a strange expression when she asked about the three younger brothers.

The reason why, before they got married, Mrs. Xu seemed to be hiding something and told her to find out herself in case she had any prejudice.

The reason why Xu Yimo seemed normal when she helped him hide on the first night, but then he turned into a child the next.

The reason why there were no helpers at the Xu Mansion!

Xu Yimo had dissociative identity disorder. This had to be kept a secret!

Even in the open-minded Western society, there was prejudice and fear towards people with split personalities, let alone in an Eastern society!

People with dissociative identity disorder were particularly sensitive. Since Mrs. Xu doted on her only son, there was no way she would let him face such prejudice.

"I guess you're not that stupid," Xu Yimo said before he walked out.

Li Weiyin leaned against the headboard as her mind felt numb; it was a complete mess.

She didn't discriminate against those with dissociative identity disorder, but it didn't mean she could accept it!

Besides, why would a normal person have split personalities?

Who knew if he had a violent personality inside of him?

She had already registered her marriage with Xu Yimo. Even though Mrs. Xu told her she had a choice of staying or leaving, she did not forget that she still had the issue of Han Qiu.

If she left, she couldn't guarantee that Han Qiu wouldn't come back for her. After all, that was the kind of person he was. The Han Family gave him enough money to spend, so what wouldn't he do?

Did she have to hide for the rest of her life because of one person? Could she never live openly again?

But, then again, if she stayed, could she really face Xu Yimo?

Would she also develop dissociative identity disorder after spending long periods of time with him?

According to Xu Yimo, he seemed to have 4 personalities. This meant, he changed often and she would never know who appeared in front of her the next minute. Just the thought of it gave her a headache.

Li Weiyin brushed her teeth with mixed emotions before stepping out of the room. Xu Yimo had already finished eating and there was another plate on the dining table.

He was sitting at the computer desk and his fingers were flying swiftly across the keyboard.

He seemed to notice Li Weiyin walking out, but he did not look at her as he lifted his wrist and glanced at his watch instead, "Finish breakfast in 30 minutes."

This cold, commanding notification was inexplicably irritating!

Li Weiyin subconsciously resisted his command.

Sensing this, Xu Yimo looked up calmly and said, "I won't accept any resistance unless you manage to become more powerful than me one day."