
A Devil's Show

[Alternate Title: Devil May Cry System in Solo Leveling] 'A performance is only truly recognizable when one has the charisma and presence needed on stage. The performer is the root of all this. Maintaining their composure and stylishness all along. But what happens when that someone is Dante, the Legendary Devil Hunter. It is his show and the audience is the world!' Bear witness to his legendary performance. *I don't own DMC nor Solo Leveling.* *I don't own the cover.*

WutDelusional · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


Walking down the street was a beautiful young woman with long silky brown hair, large brown eyes gaining the attention of anyone who would pass by. She wore a hat and a mask to prevent people from recognizing her. Though it seemed like it didn't work too well.

Her name was Yoo Soohyun and her job was that of a model.

"What a bad day." She muttered while closing her eyes remembering what just transpired. Asia's Biggest Star whose name was Lee Minsung dropped by her workplace and started flirting with her co-workers.

It got so bad that she had to kick him out as she could see her juniors being harassed.

"That guy really is the worst. This is why I hate egotistical people." She clicked her tongue but soon smiled as she saw the beautiful sunset. This gave her a peace of mind and calmed her down. But all beautiful moments have to end, her senses made her turn as she looked at a bridge.

Despite being a model, Soohyun was actually a full fledged A-rank hunter. This factor also made her much more popular than she already was. Most hunters wouldn't actually model and would prefer fighting in dungeons than do this.

She was one of the few who loved doing modeling and ditched the hunter job. Though that didn't mean she was rusty as she trained hard in her spare time.

'I can sense someone there. Their breathing is irregular as well. I better check it out just in case.' She thought while running to the location.

Arriving there, she saw a bruised man with black hair. His skin was covered in dust and his clothes were ripped. The man looked of Asian descent. His face was pale white and he looked to be in pain.

'Who is this guy?' Soo-Hyun thought as she checked his pulse. 'It's not beating right. I should bring him to a hospital.'

She took him on her back and was about to go. But the sleeping man woke up and grabbed her arm. She looked back in shock and saw him glaring at her. "No... hospital." He spoke fluently in Korean.

The man then let go of her hand and fell asleep again. 'What was that.' Soohyun thought as she looked him sleeping on her shoulder. 'Why doesn't he want to go to a hospital? Maybe he doesn't want to pay the fees. He does look homeless so maybe that's why.'

She looked at him reluctantly as she didn't want to leave someone like this behind. 'I'm in a good mood. Helping him is something that Lee Minsung would never do. I have to set a good example for Yoo Jinho after all.'

Soohyun brought him to her home. It was a luxurious apartment where everything was clean and beautiful. Everything here looked expensive as even the wallpaper looked pretty.

She placed him on the couch and wiped the sweat of her face. "Phew. You have no idea how much effort I gave for you. Had to run here super fast to hide myself or I bet some obnoxious rumor about me dating a random guy would happen."

Looking at him closely, she could still tell that this man was good looking and seemed to be ripped. He looked as if he had a body an athlete would have.

'This guy is comparable to even the most handsome of models that I worked with. How is he homeless? I better not pry into private affairs. Maybe I'll ask him when he wakes up.' She then left to go get some food leaving him alone.

After a while, the man woke up showing himself to have yellow eyes. He got up and rubbed the back of his head while yawning. 'Ugh. What a headache.'

{Oi Author. Remember to put the pic here you dolt.}

Looking around, he saw a beautiful room that he had never seen. "Where is this place? Am I in heaven or what?"

He got up and explored the place he was in. He had never seen a house this beautiful in person. Everything here looked so expensive that he didn't dare to touch anything. "This is why I don't like expensive houses. Everything just looks too intimidating to even get near of."

He sighed. 'System.'

[Name: Dante

Race: Half Human/Demon Compatibility 17.9% (Disguised Human)

Gender: Male

Items: Ebony & Ivory, Dante's Outfit, Red Queen, Nero's Headphones, Kyrie's Angelic Necklace, V's Book, Jester's Mask

Skill: Vergil's Motivation, Dante's Flamboyance, Trish' Lightning, Angelo]

This man was Dante. And although he had black hair and looked Korean, he was definitely Dante. Why? This was because he had used an item he had just gained after escaping from the S-ranks.

[Item: Jester's Mask

Description: A mask is something each and everyone wears. No matter how outgoing and nice a person is. There is always something hidden beneath the appearance they show. Only they can know themselves to the fullest. Jester's Mask allows one to manifest their hidden face into reality. This can cover one's aura making them give of a different feeling than normally. One can even hide whether they'd be human or monster.]

In resume, this makes him be able to alter his appearance. Though only the ones he acknowledges inside himself. For example, the appearance he currently wears is the ideal body, face and person he always wanted to have.

It had some features he had before like black hair and being 6ft but it also made himself look way better than before.

The other thing he gained from that encounter was a skill.

[Skill: Angelo

Active Skill

Description: Griffin, Shadow, Nightmare. Beings created from Vergil's thoughts when he served Mundus as Nelo Angelo after he separated himself, man from devil by the Yamato. These familiars only follow who they want. The humanity within a half demon is important. Losing it means losing your sense of self and they do not wish for that to happen. If one day you lose yourself, they'll help you regained your humanity even if it costs their lives.]

The description was very interesting compared to the others. Although being able to summon them was nice. What he focused on was the third and fourth sentence.

['The humanity within a half demon is important. Losing it means losing sense of self and they do not wish for that to happen.'] This line was important.

Did it mean that if he loses his humanity then his demonic powers wouldn't work anymore?

Or did it mean that losing yourself would result in yourself weakening in the mind like Vergil had experienced in DMC5?

"The system really doesn't know how to give someone a break. Thank god I asked there not be missions or else I might just actually go insane." Dante sighed.

And worst, his demon side was constantly making him want to fight. Maybe it was a result of him being a monster as they always sought to destroy everything in contrast to the rulers who wants to preserve and protect everything.

But this wasn't all as he gained the skill 'Vergil's Motivation' which made it even worst. His motivation of wanting to gain power at all costs was the worst. Even worst than the monstrous side of him.

"Now that I think about it, I just killed monsters like it was normal. I know I expected this but that still isn't the reaction I expected from myself." Dante looked down at his hands.

"And after that, I killed more than 15 people. I didn't even flinch when I killed them. I also tortured two of them into giving information to me. Maybe this is a warning from the system to prevent myself from going insane and killing everyone. Or is it a test?"

"I already had a goal from the moment I stepped foot in this world. Get out of here and find my friends. But maybe I should enjoy the experience of living here. This isn't fiction. This is real. So I should treat it as so."

His goal was still the same but the manner of doing it had to change. Dante couldn't just go around and kill everyone.

There was a lot of powerful beings here and making an enemy of them would be unwise for now. Even the humans that he had met were powerful enough to make him retreat. And from the information he got, they were far from being the strongest.

The other reason would be losing his strength. He didn't know the consequence of losing his humanity but he wouldn't risk it.

His depressive thoughts was interrupted when the door was opened. There was Yoo Soohyun as she walked inside with a bag of take out.

"Oh. You're finally awake." She said in surprise and placed down the bag at the table.

Dante cringed when hearing that. 'Please don't quote Ralof. It just feels weird.'

Looking at her, he could tell that she was a real beauty even when she wore a mask and a hat. She wore a plain outfit but that didn't lessen her beauty at all.

"I'll take it that you're my knight in shining armor." Dante sarcastically said.

She raised her eyebrow when she heard him. "Isn't the girl supposed to be the damsel in distress?"

"I was just thanking you for bringing me here. By the way, this is a nice place."

"It's my home. You told me that you didn't want to go to a hospital so here you are. Crashing at my place."

Recalling what he did, Dante smiled. "Thanks for helping me out. I'll pay you back sometime."

She sighed hearing this remark. "That's what they all say but in the end they just forget about it. And it's not like I'm hoping for you to pay the favor back. Not like a homeless guy can give me something I want. My name is Yoo Soohyun, by the way."

'Did-did she just call me homeless? She did, didn't she.' He felt insulted but had to play along. Right now, he had no identity of his and no one knew him. Dante might be the single most suspicious person in Korea right now. He knew she didn't mean anything bad when she said this because he genuinely looked like a homeless person but it still stinged.

"And yours?"


"I mean your name."

'A name? I don't have a name I can tell her right? I don't want to use my real name in case one of the Monarchs or Rulers come here and know about me.'

After a moment of silence, he answered. "...Kim. Kim Yuwon."

{Straight up copied from Leveling with Gods. I like the guy okay.}

She narrowed her eyes as she stared at him. 'Kim Yuwon. Why were you out there? You looked hurt really bad. Like someone purposefully left you there all beaten up. Should I ask?'

She pondered over the question but in the end shook it off. 'No, it's too personal. Maybe if I get to know him better.'

A bright idea appeared in her head as she smiled slyly. "You know. I've got just the thing you can do to pay me back."

'I've got a bad feeling about this.'


{This won't be an evil MC fanfic. Sorry if that got your hopes up.

I just wanted to show you guys how much 'Vergil's Motivation' affects his mindset.

Also his monster side that makes him want to kill and destroy.

But still when I said it won't be an evil MC, it doesn't mean he won't kill.

He just won't kill if he has no reason to or if someone has conflict with him.

Actually the main theme of this fanfic will be something that I wanted to tackle in since DMC did the same.


Is that a new waifu? Idk the answer to that.

WutDelusionalcreators' thoughts