

After another hour of awkward silence, the team has finally arrived.

Their mission was pretty simple, being that all they needed to do is retrieve a group of fewer than ten people that were at an abandoned outpost doing some research. Though everything was fine at first, they later lost all support vehicles and ground equipment in a wild beast migration. They only survived by going to the underground shelter and used a radio to call help afterward. They were all safe with no casualties, except that...

"What do you mean that you can't open that doors!?!" Linda yelled at the solder that was on the computer screen, making him a little frightened on how unruly this young beauty seemed.

"Sorry ma'am, it's just that the doors electrical system was damaged during the stamped and now we have to reboot some older systems to open the back entrance-"

"Then what's taking you guys so long to open the damn doors then?" Linda, hearing what she thought was enough, started yelling again—seeming as if that bashful and innocent girl from earlier was gone.

"Little lady, that's enough. You don't understand the workings of the technology we're working with, so if you may so kindly just wait patiently aside and wait, then I'd appreciated it." Said a blonde haired and red eyed man. Although the latter half of his sentence sounded polite, anyone listening would be able to hear his arrogant and condescending tone.

Linda looked back at the screen with hate, annoyance, and disgust. Hatred for what those red eyes and blonde hair represent. An annoyance for being called a little lady and being looked down on. And disgust for the lust that the man tried to hide in his eyes, but she being too familiar with those looks saw right through him.

"For how do you need us to wait for Dr. Moris?" Trying to suppress her emotions, Linda continued.

"Oh, not long- just two days till the system fully updates."

"WHAT! You expect us to wait for two whole days just to open some damn door. What type of door takes that long to open?!" Linda exploded, not being able to hold it in anymore.

"Little lady, you must understand that these systems are old and need to be rebooted. Saying that it'll take two days to rewire the new electrical system and connect the old equipment to the current door is already a good estimation. But don't worry as we had taken precautionary food and water in with us when we came. Enough to last for at least a month." Moris responded with a smile looking at Linda.

At this point, Linda was already outraged, and one could hear her gritting her molars together.

"So while we fix the door, try to stay alive. Of course, if you die, we could call for replacements, but I don't think that nobody wants that now do we. Oh, and if your foolish enough to think that you can leave, well hehe~" Moris looked at the screen with a mocking tone, knowing that they wouldn't.

Without saying anything further Linda stormed off with bloodshot eyes and clenched teeth. The other soon followed suit. Moris being satisfied with their looks was about to turn off the screen, but then realized that something was off. Looking back he noticed that two men and two women were heading back to the surface. Shortly glancing at those to round rears he then turns back to see that this handsome man with beautiful blue eyes was watching him through the screen.

'How come I didn't notice him earlier?' Looking at Jay's face, he started to hate it after observing for a bit, 'Who does he think he is! I'll make sure that 'discipline' him later on," Moris thought, smiling evilly at Jay.

Jay just looked back with a playful look in his eyes.

'Should I kill him? Kill him? Maybe, he does annoy me, and he had his eyes trained on my girls. Well, maybe soon. Ok, then it's decided. I'll just get rid of him then.'

With that, Jay smiled ever so slightly then walked away, putting in the back of his mind since he still had to wait for two days to have his fun.

'Plus... I still have to deal with that one~."

On the other hand, Moris wasn't doing nearly as well. The second he saw Jay smile, he felt an indescribable fear surge through him. He felt as if he was put naked in front of a firing squad waiting for his end.

"Hey, boss? Are you alright?" A solder asked looking at him with concern

Moris realizing that he had a pale face and was covered in a cold sweat. He shook his head at turned off the screen deciding that he just needs some sleep.


"Oh come, Linda, it isn't that bad." Lucy said trying to ease Linda

"What do you mean 'it isn't that bad!? We are in a C-class wilderness. Any random D-class beast would give us serious trouble, and if a Rank C commander comes through, then we won't even know how we died!"

Silence rang through momentarily

Linda at this point was clearly losing her cool, but Dave and Adam weren't doing any better either. Nobody would blame them, though, since they were supposed to do a level two mission (Rank E), but they ended up in a Rank C wilderness. And what made things worse was that they now need to camp for at least two nights since it was already getting dark.

The team following Linda was part of a larger group called phoenix. The name came from the rise of a powerful group of individuals that brought civilization from the brink of extinction from the constant attack of king level beast and above. The say that they brought the races from the ashes and have given rise to a new and more powerful existence, just like the mighty phoenix. And as their power and arrogance rose, they started to call themselves "Nobles" or the perfect beings. And to what distinguishes this group the most is their blonde hair with red eyes and beautiful appearances.

Though they act as the saviors of the world, they now control the rest of the races and monitor every action made by them. Making them the top rulers of this world besides the beast. The name "Phoenix" might have signified the rebirth of civilization, but now it is a named that is mock because ever single time a solder dies, a new one rises in its place. That's because, in this world, mutations and evolutions are numerous. Every time someone new is awakened under the Nobles' jurisdiction, then they will be filed down and at the age of ten taken to train. It was making Linda and her group easily dispensable, akin to suicide squads or expendables.

"Think about Linda. That noble asshole said that the beasts were migrating, and Adam said that they were heading east, right?"

"Yeah, that's true," Adam confirmed.

"Then that means that there shouldn't be any beast since the sea is ten miles towards the west, a level 3 city to the south, and nothing but mountains in the north. And since this place doesn't seem to grow any magical herbs, then why would any beast want to stay around?"

Although no one said anything, at the very least, the hopeless aura dispersed and they were able clear their minds. Unbeknownst to them, Lucy had slightly forced breathing and a paler than usual face. What she said was right about it being unlikely that beast would be around, but she also said that to calm herself down.

'Damn him and his noble ass. Had I not said anything, then the group would have fallen apart. Huh-aren't we missing a certain pretty boy...'

Think that far she looks around notices that Jay was heading towards a ruined cement building further from the group. A strange light flashes through her eyes as she looks towards her direction.

"Alright everyone, Choose a Vehicle to stay in and well rendezvous back here by sunrise, don't be late!" Linda ordered while also sending a message to Jay's communicator, waiting for his reply.

'Hmm, all this pent up stress has been building up in me and I think that I just found the perfect outlet' Lucy though as she started to walk towards the direction of Jay's building.

Looking up after getting her response, Linda noticed that Lucy was walking away from the transport vehicles they brought "Lucy! Where are you going?"

Lucy responded with a smirk that couldn't be seen from behind.

"To relieve myself~~~"