
The tipping point

Jenny was glad that the mood had returned to a good place and they were talking again. Too bad that the thing they had to talk about was such an uncomfortable thing. She wanted to get this quickly over with, so this could stop feeling like a contract negotiation and more like an actual visit. They settled on PG-13 level of contact. This meant holding hands, an occasional hug and sitting close next to each other. Maybe even Jenny sitting on Jason's lap when on the couch. They would sleep in separate rooms and everything stayed above the shirt. No kissing until they had determined what they were. That was the plan. But as fate would have it, plans have a funny way of working out.

Soon dinner was done and they were heading to the couch. Jason had picked out a few romantic comedies and feel good movies, in the hopes of inspiring some actions and feelings between them as well. Jason was in charge of starting up the movie and Jenny was busy preparing something to drink for the both of them. She also found some corn and decided to make some popcorn while waiting for the tea water to boil. She took a deep breath and took out the drinks and snacks. In the living room she saw the small love seat that was across from the TV. She showed an awkward smile when she saw Jason looking in her direction and continued moving forward. The romancing has started. Too late to run away now. She placed everything down on the table in front of them and turned around to find Jason sitting in one corner and patting the space next to him for her to sit down on. She showed another awkward smile and sat down in the opposite corner of the two-and-a-half seat couch. Leaving as much room as possible between them. Jason couldn't help but laugh at her silly attempt, but for now he would leave her be. He didn't want to spook her. As the night went on and Jenny was immersed in the movie, Jason kept stealing glances. She seemed so defenseless now, without a care in the world. Time to change that, Jason thought as a teasing smile came over his face. He slowly pretended to dose off. Slanting more and more to Jenny's side of the couch. Jenny hadn't seemed to have noticed anything, so he continued on. And there the tipping point was. He had fallen side ways on her lap. Giving Jenny a fright.

"Jason? Jason, what's wrong? Get up." Jenny said as she nudged him gently. But it was of no use. No one can wake a person who is pretending to sleep. He made some noise as if he was getting comfortable on her lap and to let her know she was fine. After this movement, he could not be budged. Jenny sat there helplessly and had to accept what was happening. How bold this man was. Could he be faking this? But it wouldn't surprise me if he was this tired. He had an incredible week and had to take care of all her matters as well. Despite all of that, he insisted on picking her up himself and when he did, the first thing they did was get into a fight. She felt a bit of guilt when thinking about this. Guess there was nothing she could do for now. She would let him rest for a bit and wake him once the movie was done. Then he could sleep in his bed. This couldn't be very comfortable nor good for his neck. This acceptance was easier said than done. Jenny tried to focus on the movie again, but with each movement of Jason and each breath he was taking, she was made aware of his presence and she couldn't help but be distracted. Jason who heard her mumbling and could feel her squirmish movements, couldn't be more pleased. Serves you right for saying I don't make you feel nervous before. How do you like me now, he thought to himself. If Jenny was going to be this naive, then this trip was going to be very easy and very entertaining for him!