
The chase

After all the classes were done, the two of them returned to the room in between her classroom and Jason's former classroom. Jenny started writing the journal while Jason did some prep-work for tomorrow. This had been their standard work division ever since Jason had started helping her and as everything they did together, their process was most efficient. Giving Jenny more time to spend with him before she needed to go to work. They would go on a 'coffee' date each Monday and Thursday and it appeared that today would be another such day as they were done in just under ten minutes. A time record she was never able to reach back when she was paired up with Max. Who wanted to maximize their time together and did so by playing around as much as he could while pretending to work or not understand what he was supposed to do.

"You ready to go?" Jenny nodded and grabbed her bag and coat. "Yes, let's get going. I need something to wake me up before I have to start work. If not, I will fall asleep right on top of the files." Jason chuckled. "Haven't you had enough naps today?" Jenny shook her head. "No, not nearly enough. The life of a person who doesn't like coffee is a hard one. Since a nap isn't an option and coffee isn't either, I have to make due with a good cup of tea and a hot coco." Jason laughed once more as he put his arm around Jenny's shoulder and they walked towards the exit. "Yes, yes. You face such hardships. You are so short that you need to carry a step stool wherever you go, you have such a baby face that I have to explain to people that you aren't my little sister but my fiance and now you are even faced with an intolerance to coffee. How did you get through life up till now?"

Jenny hit Jason on his stomach and shot him a glare as she responded, "Hey! I didn't say anything about my height or face you bully." With a menacing, forced, smile she added, "Besides, I have a giant for a fiance, so there is no need for me to carry around a stool as he loves to make himself useful. Otherwise he might be discarded. With regards to my face, I need it to remain youthful as I have chosen a younger guy and I can't have them thinking that I am babysitting some kid when we walk around town. It is bad enough that he is one." Turning his remarks around into jabs at himself. Though Jason was by no means a giant and had a normal height for his age and descent, when compared to Jenny's petite size most people appeared giant. Especially someone of Jason's length.

Jason let out a laugh, before putting on his strict face and pinching Jenny's cheeks. "Hey, watch it with your age jokes. Didn't I show you the consequences last night?" Jenny shrugged her shoulders and innocently replied, "Oh? Did you? I don't remember a thing." Jason narrowed his eyes, "Oh really now? Well in that case let me help you remember." But before he had the chance to do anything, Jenny ran away full speed after letting out a high pitched shriek. "You'll have to catch me first."

Jason was baffled for a moment at what had happened, before his face turned into a full, menacing tease as he got ready for the chase. "Just wait till I catch you" he said out loud before he ran after Jenny. He passed through the halls, went out the door and ran across the grounds where he saw Jenny running towards the car in front of him. He increased his speed and caught up with her in no time, but the challenge didn't stop there. Because Jenny had seen him coming and though she might not be as fast as him, she did have years of experience of being chased by her brothers. In those years she had developed tricks to increase her winning chance against an unfair fight. She started crisscrossing, changing direction when she could feel his hand grazing past her arm and performing a quick tug before he could strengthen his grip when he did manage to grab her.

With these actions she managed to keep herself safe from Jason, but just when she got into the car he caught up with her. She wanted to lock the door on both sides, but before she got the chance to do so, he had already gone to the other side of the car and had pulled the door open. Making her trapped at a dead end. The driver who was a witness to their playful chase, turned up the music and the partition, when he saw Jason in the door opening through his rear-view mirror. Jenny knew there was no more places to run and the actions of the driver told her that there was no saving her either. Though it wasn't for a lack of trying as Jenny said, "Well, how was that? Nothing like a good run and chase to wake you up. No coffee can compete with that." Pretending like she had done what she had done for his own good. However it wasn't that easy to fool Jason, who got inside and closed his door as well. As the driver started the car and drove towards their regular coffee bar, Jason moved his body closer to Jenny. "Yes, I am wide awake. Now I can teach my fiance a much needed and too quickly forgotten lesson." He said with a sinister smile. Sending shivers down Jenny's back, while his words were making her heart thump with anticipation.

Hello everyone! Completely forgot to write anything in the author's note XD All I can say is I hope you enjoy and that I will be back tomorrow with two new chapters!

I wish you all a good night, sweet dreams and as always good health!

washma_ycreators' thoughts