
That 1%

After enjoying a nice breakfast, the two of them went for a day out. The weather was nice and despite this not being a very touristy place, there was plenty to see. Jenny was surprised to hear that Jason had planned this day for the two of them. She was certain that if she left it up to him, they wouldn't be leaving their room all week. As they were walking to their first destination for the day hand in hand, both wearing summery outfits to accommodate the weather, Jenny tried to ask about it. But no matter how many times she tried, Jason kept changing the topic to something else. Before Jenny realized, they had finished up dinner and it started turning dark outside and they still hadn't been able to have a conversation about why he suddenly wanted to go outside for today. Where she had found his behaviour a bit strange before, seeing how he was avoiding the topic, she started becoming worried.

By now the warm, sunny weather from the day had been replaced with the chilly night air. Hidden by the darkness of the night, Jenny wanted to make another attempt. While they were walking along the wooden path alongside a peaceful lake, Jenny finally started up the conversation once more. Seeing that there was no one around at this time of night, she was determined to no longer let him escape. But first she needed him to lower his guard. Casually she suggested an activity that would keep them here for a bit longer because she knew that once they were back in the room, he would use different ways to distract her from this topic and by morning too much time would have passed to address it. "Isn't it amazing how clear the skies are out here? I can see so many stars." A bit absentmindedly Jason replied with an "Mm" But Jenny didn't let that discourage her. "The weather is still nice out and we both have a vest with us, how about we stay here for a bit and do some stargazing, hmm?" Jason looked at her with a look of surprise before he replied, "Sure."

Using Jenny's shawl as a blanket, they lied down on the warm, wooden deck and looked up at the sky. While Jenny snuggled close so they could share their warmth, Jason put his arm around her like he always did. After some light conversation about the different constellations they managed to spot, Jenny carefully brought up the topic he had been avoiding all day. "We had a lovely day today, didn't we?" Again Jason replied with a soft, "Mm" to express him agreeing with her. Jenny continued unaffected, "I really enjoyed being able to go on a nice walk and dinner was absolutely divine. Who knew this little town was hiding such a gem. I didn't expect to get much sightseeing done this week to be honest. So, it was a pleasant surprise...but a surprise nonetheless. Care to tell me why you suddenly decided to go out for the day? I thought for sure that you of all people would use this chance to the fullest. Not leaving the room for even a minute, much less an entire day."

When Jason remained silent for a moment, Jenny turned as she lifted her upper body up on her elbows. "Even if you stay silent now, you won't be able to hide it for me forever. I am pretty persistent when I want to be. Besides, don't you think you have been avoiding this topic long enough now?" Seeing Jenny's earnest eyes staring down into his, he looked at her for a moment before he let out a soft sigh. He hid away from her stare behind his arm before he started explaining. "There isn't much to say. I just thought you might enjoy a day like this more. I sometimes feel like I am taking things too far and pushing you along in the process. I don't know why I just lose my control when I am alone with you."

Jenny continued to look at Jason in silence, though now being accompanied with a look of confusion as she was wondering where Jason would be going with this. "Even yesterday, I was planning on just teasing you a bit but then you went and did something adorable like that, provoking me to take things further than I had intended. So, for today I thought it would be good to head outside and stay away from temptation. If we are in a closed off room together all day, I already know what is going to happen. My restraint won't last very long and I'll end up exhausting you like I did yesterday. I tell myself it is okay once in a while but even though I teased you with a full week of that, even I don't think a delicate thing like you could handle that. So, there. Now you have it. My embarrassing truth."

Jenny felt her heart squeezing tightly from seeing Jason like this. This was a side of him that was so rare to be seen that even she herself had only seen it once or twice before. For it to reveal itself during such an occasion was something that was wholly unexpected for her. Just like those times before, it filled her with a warm feeling and made her feel a bit guilty for making him have thoughts like this in the first place. Though they understood each other 99% of the time without putting matters into words, that 1% was still there and was needed for some reassurance. It required them to reaffirm the things they knew during all other days of the week and it appeared that today was one such day.

Here we are with today's chapter showing that Jenny certainly isn't the only one overthinking things sometimes. I hope you enjoy and I will be back tomorrow with a double release!

For today I would like to thank Humaira_Jarjisa for her continuous support in the comment section O(∩_∩)O

washma_ycreators' thoughts