
Taking turns

As they both got into the car parked out front they finally had the opportunity to speak with each other. While holding onto Jason's tense hand Jenny asked him, "So, tell me. How did the meeting go?" Jason turned around a bit startled, "Yeah, sorry I was in a bit of a hurry. Now that we have some time to ourselves I should tell you about how it went." Jason said with a chuckle. "The meeting went well. I am officially a candidate for CEO and I am even in first place. If I do well, in less than two years I will be trained to become vice president and after I graduate I will become vice president officially. Once I start my training, the position of CEO is as good as mine." Jenny's expression turned bright. "Oh Jason that is wonderful! I knew you could do it. You have taken a huge step towards your goal. I am so proud of you." Disregarding the fact that she might smudge the make-up that had just been applied for her, she grabbed Jason's face and planted a big kiss on his face and lips. The rest of the ride Jenny was singing words of praise, dragging Jason into her enthusiasm and making him forget all the worries he had.

When they arrived at the venue, Jenny followed Jason through a back door into his dressing room. While he got changed, Jason told her about what would be expected of them during the party. "So, now that I have had the meeting I can tell you a bit more. Because the thing I had to keep a secret from you and had to talk about at the meeting was about the company that I have started on my own." Jenny looked at him with wide eyes, "A company?! When did you get around to do that?" Jason smiled and explained, "We don't have time for me to into too much detail, but I started it a long time ago. It is one of the requirements of our family in order to inherit the company. Once the party starts and the guests have arrived, my father will give a speech first and after that he will call us on stage. Then I am supposed to say some words and as I do they will show some of the results of my company. After that I will become a bit busy, because I will have to meet and talk to different people related to the company and I need you to socialize and mingle as much as you can. I know you don't like these parties and these kinds of people, but you never know who will become an important business partner. Right now I need to get as much support for my company as possible so that my merger with the Westwood empire will go as smoothly as possible."

Jenny let all the information wash over her as she tried to take it all in and prepare herself for her responsibilities. Asking as much questions as she could before the party would start. Then the time had finally come. She finished tying Jason's tie and took a deep breath before they both headed out. From behind the stage they could hear Stephen's speech. "Are you nervous?" Jason shook his head. "No. I was for a brief moment, but now I am fine. All it took was one of your peppy car rides and I forgot all about it." He explained, laughing silently. This brought a smile to Jenny's face as well as she felt happy that she was able to help somehow.

This positive feeling changed once they got on stage and Jenny saw how big the crowd was that had gathered and heard about Jason's company. She hadn't even stopped wondering how he had managed to develop a company without her noticing, when she was overwhelmed by learning how large and successful that company actually was. She thought he had a little start up company, showing he knows something about entrepreneurship. An idea that they could use after he joined the family business and grow it into something successful. That was why Jason's words about being the front runner and the merger had her confused. Never imagining he could have a company to his name that was making millions without any support from his family. So, her words about the money he had being from his families hard work and it not making him impressive couldn't have been further off the mark.

As she looked at him sideways, with a look of admiration and surprise. He kept his eyes on the room of people he was speaking to. The moment he finished, was the moment they had to part. Jenny going towards one end of the room with her mother in law and Jason going to the other with his father. As they smiled and shook hands the afternoon slowly turned into evening and they all sat down for dinner. Jenny was seated at a table with Jason and the other five candidates with their wives or partners. Jenny felt quite uncomfortable in that setting. Feeling like her every move was being watched. Luckily Jason noticed her nervousness and grabbed her hand under the table. Gave it a light squeezed and kept holding on to her till the food arrived as he spoke to some of the others. Calming Jenny successfully. Slowly, but surely they would get through this evening together. Taking turns in calming the other down and comforting when needed.