

The hug had set the tone for this visit. Jenny knew that Jason was still coming at her with the same intentions as their last visit and now it was time for her to see if she can reciprocate those feelings. This visit would be way out of Jenny's comfort zone. Because although she was a strong person in normal situations, in terms of romance she was an amateur. This made her shy and awkward and therefore everything that had to do with romance was awkward to her. She would have to prepare herself for a series of awkward events, situations with forced bodily contact and she had to open herself up for Jason's advances. Only then could she truly determine if Jason was able to stir something up in her or not. At least she would have Susan, Stephen and the other people in the house to provide her with sources of distraction. Besides, didn't Jason still have some classes to attend? According to what he had said, his spring break hadn't started yet. That was the entire reason they planned for her to come visit him. He had his exam week the week before spring break and luckily his exams lasted till Wednesday. This meant that he had a few extra days of spring break and give them plenty of free days to spend with each other. Jenny did wonder if it wasn't better for her to come on Wednesday, so as to not distract Jason from his studies. But Jason assured her that this would not pose a problem and she should just follow the plans he had made for her.

"Hi... Sorry for pushing you away. I am still a little uncomfortable with that. How have you been?" "Hi Jenny. Don't worry about it. It was a spur in the moment kind of thing. It was short, but nice. I have been well, but am doing much better now that you are here." They smiled to on another and a moment of silence followed. Jason took Jenny's bag from her hand and they headed towards the car. "It is nice to see you again. I am glad we were able to work something out for spring break. How was your flight?" "It was fine. Luckily it is a short flight, so I don't feel like a bird in cage" Jenny giggled after saying this. "How has studying been going? I feel bad that I am taking up so much of your time. Time that could have been spent passing your exams." Now it was time for Jason to laugh. "Have a little faith in me. Did you really think I would be so unprepared for your visit. I arranged to take my exams earlier, so that I could have this week off entirely." Jenny's eyes grew wide. How was that possible? He was delayed by a week due to her last visit and now he had not only caught up with the lessons of that week, but had run in on another week's worth of lessons!?

"H-h-how? How is that possible. Are you a superhuman?! I am no dumb person myself, but what you did seems impossible!" This made Jason laugh even harder. "If I set my mind to something, I always succeed. I had a killer week with private classes of 8 am till 8 pm. Including my weekend. After that I took my exams on the same day of the last class of that course. That way I didn't have to waste time going to school on another day just to take the tests. Sure, I had no time to study, but I have never studied for my exams. I tend to remember what I hear, see or read. So that intense school week, was all the studying I needed. Now all I have to do, is make sure it was all worth it" He winked at Jenny as he said this last sentence. Jenny heard his message loud and clear and couldn't help but blush and look away. Luckily Jason was driving, so he had to keep his eyes on the road. The flushed cheeks of Jenny however, did not escape his attention. He chuckled at seeing this side of Jenny. This was promising to be a very entertaining week.