
Shift her focus

In the past Jenny wouldn't know what to do with such questions. She would feel awkward and would need Jason to help her out. But after being Jason's wife for over two years, Jenny had also become more accustomed to these small talks and jokes and knew how to reply to them perfectly by now. "Well, although he would never intentionally try to make any of you jealous, I must say that he has always been someone who treats me like princess. After we got married, I even got an upgrade and ever since he has been taking care of me even better. Treating me in a way that would even make the Queen jealous." With a wink Jenny added the customary words of flattery as she said, "But even then, I am sure that how he treats me pales in comparison to how lovingly you treat your wife now and back in the day."

Again the group of people started to laugh, this time joined by Jenny as well. Only Jason, who took the title of wife-doting husband as a title filled with honour and pride, made a 'Ché' sound. Telling them 'As if' in his own non-verbal way. Luckily, no one paid attention to him at that moment and were instead focussed on the interaction between the older gentleman and Jenny. "You sure know how to talk some sweet words dear young lady, but I must admit that my wife has nothing to complain about either. I make sure she has everything her heart desires. As I am sure young Mr. Westwood over here does for you as well." Jenny smiled as she replied, "That I cannot deny."

With some jokes here and there, they continued to chat before the composition of their group slowly changed. Splitting up one couple at a time and being replaced by another, in order to mingle with other people as well. Though a connection with Westwood International would be all that most of the people in that room would need in order to call the night a success, since Jason had yet to inherit the family business, they couldn't be certain that a talk with him would be enough to open the desired doors for them. So, most guests did come to Jason on their own in order to show their respect and to show their good will, Jason still had to move through the room himself as well. Which was a big difference compared to how people acted when Stephen himself was present at such events. Though Jason had of course noticed the difference, he didn't mind at all. In fact, it gave him the chance to disappear ever so often to be alone. Something which his parents could not do.

Jason was just about to look for some peace and quiet with Jenny when he spotted a person he had been meaning to talk. But when he turned to Jenny's side and have her tag along, she was no longer standing there. Instead she had gone over to Elizabeth's side, who was apparently also among the guests that had been invited to this event. When Jason walked over to the happily chatting friends, he gave a simple chin lift to greet Nick who was standing by the side, waiting for the two women to finish. Jenny turned to Jason and asked, "Why didn't you tell me Nick and Lizzy would be coming to today's event." Jason shrugged his shoulders with his hands in his trouser pockets as he said, "I didn't know either. I didn't ask who else would be coming." Jenny narrowed her eyes as she shook her head. Giving him a wordless, 'Are you kidding me?' look. Elizabeth had apparently been there as Nick's plus one. Jenny hadn't thought of asking if any of her girl friends would be attending, because none of their family businesses involved the types of businesses invited today. But among the guys it apparently wasn't a topic of conversation even if there was a chance of them attending the same event.

After returning her focus back to Elizabeth, Jenny gushed over her baby bump. Contrary to Jenny, who was still keeping things a secret and had very little to show, Elizabeth had a perfectly round belly which she had stuck in a fitted, bright red dress. Making it look like she had half a basketball stuck under her dress. Though their pregnancies weren't far apart, the difference between the petite Jenny and the long legged Elizabeth was evident for any untrained eye. The trained eye however, especially those that knew Jenny, could tell that she was carrying more than just a purse.

Most guys are blind to small changes and would at most think that Jenny might have gained a bit of weight but Elizabeth seemed to have noticed that Jenny looked different. When Jenny noticed Elizabeth staring at her chest, that had grown even bigger than it already was due to her pregnancy, she quickly gave her an answer to shift her focus and hopefully her suspicions away. Though the news would be out tomorrow, she didn't want anyone knowing before then. Trying to act as normal as possible, Jenny whispered behind her stretched hand, "It's a push-up bra." Following her words with one of her horrible winks.

It was at this moment that Elizabeth discovered that she had been subconsciously staring at Jenny's eye-catching bosom. Though she apologized for her staring, her words could barely be called an apology as she said, "Sorry. I didn't mean to stare but they are really screaming for attention. With your size, the chest you have is already impressive. But adding a push-up bra to the mix will even cause girls to stare aside from your regular audience. What made you want to wear a push up bra?" With another small lie, Jenny sold her first one "It was the only pink one I had left and I was afraid my straps would show through the fabric" and caused Elizabeth to turn back to the conversation they were having.

Here we are with the first chapter for today and the second one is coming right out!

My thanks goes out to Humaira_Jarjisa for her support in the comment section and for her sharp observations!

Tomorrow the moment of the reveal is finally there.

washma_ycreators' thoughts