
Rendered speechless

The pull did what Jason had intended. It threw Jenny off her balance. As soon as Jenny fell down, he flipped her over and pinned her down beneath his body. Such a naughty tiger had to be punished. How else was she going to learn to play nicely. Jason smirked as he was thinking of how to punish her. At first Jenny did not realize the situation she was in. She was laughing over her slight victory and her being captured. Once she didn't receive retribution in the form of a pillow to the head or a tickle fight, Jenny started to grow silent as she was taking the situation in. She saw how she was restrained and had no means of escape. Jason had pinned her down completely and left her no room to fight back or wiggle herself out of their confronting position. Jenny was left at his mercy. Her thoughts were going rapidly from one though to another. All in a state of slight panic. How was she to escape? He weighed much more than Jenny and he seemed determined to keep her down there. He had restrained her arms with his body and one of his hands. With the other one he was moving her hair out of her face. "What are you going to do now? Hmm, feisty one." Jenny still had her battle face on and wasn't about to give up this easily.

"Release me! Right now, or your baby maker is going to get it" She said as she looked at Jason daringly. "Auch, my baby maker huh. What if you do end up marrying me. How are you going to explain our lack of children to our parents. Don't punish your future self for a moment of victory for your current self." Jason teasingly grazed his the fingers of his free hand over Jenny's face to her bare arms. Sending chills down her spine. Jenny did not like where this was going. She had a strong sense of danger and her sense of danger was ringing loudly. Bells, alarms, lights, everything was going off in her mind. She was seeing the look in Jason's eyes and she knew she had provoked him a bit too much. He was about to lose his control. She tried freeing her arms, so she could push him away, but the squirming movements made Jason more excited. "Don't move so much Jenny. Or I might do something you will regret." Jason said with a raspy voice. He purposely said she would regret it, because he would enjoy every minute. Of whatever it was that would ensue.

Jenny's alarms started ringing more loudly. Her brain was in overdrive. How was she going to get out of this situation. Her heart was beating like crazy. Something which hadn't escaped Jason's attention. He too knew he had to let go if he wanted to keep himself to their agreement, but somehow he found himself unwilling to do so. He saw the panic in her eyes and he kind of liked it. The rapid heart beat, the blushing face, combined with her panicking and squirming. She was clearly affected by him. He brought his hands back to her face and forced her to look him in the eyes. His plan was to tease her some more and then release her, but when he looked in her hazel brown eyes he found himself lost in them. Lost in the twinkling, the slight fear and the moment. And before he knew it, his face was lowering itself towards hers. They were only inches apart and there was no sign of stopping. Jenny was too shocked to do anything about it and she was rendered speechless. What was he going to do. He was getting too close. She had to stop him. Quickly do something. Scream. Push him. Kick him. It was clear in her mind, she had to do something. But her thoughts weren't being translated into actions. Her brain was screaming at her to stop him, but her body felt like it had no strength to stop him from what he was doing. Just as she was trying to mutter his name, she was silenced. The moment was there. His lips had landed on hers. And time felt as if it stood still.