
Reason your way out

When Jenny arrived back at the mansion she had a light mist of sweat covering her face and a slightly flushed complexion. She had covered the bag containing the watch with her vest, as she had taken it off just before she walked inside and draped it over her arm. After entering the hallway she greeted everyone like it was any other day.

"Good morning Garry."

"Good morning Miss Jenny."

"Has Jason woken up yet?"

"No Miss. Not that I am aware of. He has not yet left your room. So, I assume that the young master must still be sleeping."

"Thank you Garry. I will go up and see if he is awake."

Jenny rushed up the stairs and quietly opened the door to their room, peeking inside to see if Jason was already awake. When the door was fully opened she saw that he was not in the room and hurriedly put the bag with the watch away in her side of the closet. Hiding it behind a stack of clothes. After that she opened the door to the bedroom and saw that Jason was no longer in bed. When she wanted to turn back to the other room to find a proper hiding spot for the watch, two strong arms surrounded her from behind. It was no mystery who that person was, but she was still startled as if it was a stranger because she was still on edge due to her 'mission' and lie from this morning. Having been almost caught caused her heart to beat rapidly. Shortly after he had grabbed hold of Jenny, Jason's head flopped onto her shoulder and he tightened his grip, making her face and body be pressed against his.

With a lazy voice he whispered by her ear. "Don't you think you were awfully mean to me this morning. Not only waking me, but also biting me over nothing. In the end I don't see any rain, just an imprint of someone's teeth in my arm." Jenny chuckled at hearing Jason's sad tone, covering his arms with her own. Very methodically she started her rebuttal. "Sorry, but I told you about it last night. I can't help it if the Jason from last night didn't communicate with the Jason from this morning. No matter what I said you wouldn't let go, so I was left with no other choice. I did remember to place a kiss on it as well as an apology. However, by that time you were already fast asleep. Judging by your actions, I can almost say that you were never fully awake. So, that accusation should probably be removed from the list. Regarding the rain, I can hardly be blamed for an inaccuracy in the weather report. Those people do the best they can with the information they have and I have no choice but to trust their predictions."

Jason lifted his head and looked at her with narrowed eyes. "Are you trying to reason your way out of this? No matter what, giving an apology while the other person is asleep doesn't count. Were my feelings important or your run. You could have entertained my selfish sleepy demands and shortened your run a bit. Especially considering I am helping you study every night, causing my tiredness in the first place. But I guess you don't love me as much I thought you did." Jenny chuckled again at Jason's evident pity party and said, "You are right. I should have saved my apology till you were awake. Let me make it up to you now." She reached up her hand and lowered Jason's face as she turned her body ever so slightly to place a kiss on his lips. But while she had intended on a simple, short kiss, Jason had something different in mind.

He turned Jenny around fully and used his hands to pull Jenny closer and intensify their kiss. The passionate kiss had Jenny stand on her tiptoes as she was drawn into it. It wasn't until Jason's hands slowly started moving under her shirt that she stopped and pushed him away. With a startled expression she asked him, "What are you doing?"

Jason looked at her calmly as he responded, "I was helping you remove your clothes. You just went for a run, so I am getting you ready for a shower."

Slightly perplexed by his response Jenny awkwardly said, "T-thanks, but I can do that on my own." After saying that she turned away from Jason and headed towards the bathroom. But before she could do so, her arm was grabbed by Jason and she was pulled back around. When she did, she saw that Jason was looking at her with an annoyed expression.

"Why are you running? Didn't you say it was okay to move a bit further? What did you think that meant?"

Jenny's eyes grew wide from Jason's words, before she cast them down guiltily. "I don't know. I didn't really think it through I guess, but I certainly didn't think it would result in you trying to take my clothes off the second you get a chance to. That might have been naive on my part though..."

Jason let out a sigh. "I guess we should have discussed it more clearly back then...I mean a part of going further will surely involve us wearing less and exploring more. If you are uncomfortable or if you don't want to, we can stop of course or take things more slowly. But while I discover your limits, I will probably put you in situations like this more often."

While stealing glances between staring at the floor Jenny responded, "No, it's okay. It takes some getting used to but I meant what I said. So, if I want to put my money where my mouth is, I am going to have to get over my awkwardness at some point..." Jenny finally stopped looking at the floor and peeked up at Jason as she hesitantly said, "How about instead of a shower, we take a bath... together?"

Here we are with chapter number two, arriving just after the buzzer. Tomorrow we will have another double release, so I hope to you all again then :D

A shout out to Humaira_Jarjisa for her continuous support in the comment section!

washma_ycreators' thoughts