
Exploring boundaries

While Jason carefully placed down the gifts for Charlie that he had gotten from Mary, and the other relatives that were seeing him for the first time and hadn't had a chance to give him anything yet, Jenny placed the spoiled boy himself down. After that Jenny dropped herself down on the perfectly made up bed as she said, "Pooh what a day." "I am glad Charlie was able to sleep in an unfamiliar environment. Otherwise we would have to deal with a fussy him aside from our own tiredness." She added with a chuckle. As Jason unbuttoned his shirt he agreed with as he said, "Don't even imagine a nightmare like that. I would need two days to recover if that were the case." Jenny let out another soft chuckle as she remained on the bed with her eyes closed.

"Ugh, I really don't want get up. I need a dose of Jason's special treatment. Won't you carry me to the bathroom? Pretty please?" She asked in a cutesy voice. But Jason, who hadn't forgotten about the events at Mary's house, walked over to the bed. He leaned over her as if he was going to oblige and when his face was floating just inches above her lips, he refused her flat out. Causing Jenny's eyes to open wide as she looked at him say, "You should have thought about the benefits of that treatment when you decided to get smart with me and tease me like that. Right now that service is not available and your membership has been suspended."

But instead of feeling defeated or disappointed, she responded with challenging words as she said, "Oh yeah? We'll see about that." before she put her arm around Jason's neck and pulled his face down to give him a deep, long kiss. This made Jason lift her off the bed instinctively to prevent him from falling over as she had put her legs around his waist and was pulling him down by his neck. Once Jason was standing up and Jenny was hanging from him like a koala from a tree, she looked at him with flirtatious eyes as she said, "How about now? Am I still suspended?" Jason looked at her with deep, sultry eyes. He swallowed hard, making his bulging Adams apple move up and down, before silently taking her to her desired destination afraid of waking their son with the detour that filled his mind. But when the bathroom door was closed, he made sure to receive plenty more of such payments like before, before he considered the fine to be paid off.

But while Jenny thought the matter was done and Jason thought the flame inside him had been extinguished, once they were lying in bed the cinders were sparked up in another fire by Jenny's restless sleeping and her subconscious, tempting ways. The night started like any other, where Jenny was lying close against Jason and his arms were wrapped around her. But it soon became clear that this night was a bit different from the ones before. One where Jason would decide to spend the night to explore Jenny's boundaries. At first he laid next to her as he had done many times before and waited for her to get comfortable as did he. But when Jenny had fallen asleep and was convinced that Jason had too, she started moving about like she did most nights. Causing her sleep dress to slowly start crawling up. Soon Jason felt the soft skin of Jenny's thighs touching his. Trying to restrain himself, considering the time and the fact that Charlie was sleeping less than one meter away from their bed, he locked her legs with his. This helped for a while and Jenny quieted down for a moment, before her arms started getting restless. Little by little the dress moved up and the straps started falling.

************************** Attention! (read in French accent)***************************

The next short scene is a tad bit risqué. So, just a small heads up ;P


With parts of her waist laying bare and more skin exposing itself with each move, Jason felt himself no longer able to sleep, while Jenny was none the wiser of her 'crime'. Once he felt the rate of Jenny's breathing lowering his hands started moving up. He placed his hands on the exposed skin between the rim of her underwear and the crawled up dress and started to make his way up. Though he knew this was a double edged sword for him, as the more he touched the more excited he got, he couldn't help himself. With nowhere for his excitement to go, Jason looked for the limits of his restraint while adding to the difficulty of the position he was in. This was all in an attempt to calm his heart or finding Jenny not as deep asleep as she was seeming to be. But where the attempt for the first failed, the second was showing signs of success. Not long after Jason's big, warm, hands had started exploring boundaries, Jenny started becoming aware of what was going on. At first ignoring the movements, thinking Jason was acting this way in his sleep, but when she sensed deliberation in where his hands were moving towards she started opening her eyes confusedly.

From between the gaps of her squinted eyes, she looked at Jason from over her shoulders as she turned her body around. In a soft but audible voice that was layered with sleepiness she asked, "Jace...What are you doing?" With burning eyes, he replied to her question by putting his hand behind her head to pull her face towards his and kissing her deeply. The nature of his kiss was enough for Jenny to know what he was up to and when he freed her lips she asked with clear confusion, "Now?"

Here we are with today's chapter. Sadly no second chapter but tomorrow will have a double release! So, I hope you enjoy and that you will join me again tomorrow :D

washma_ycreators' thoughts