
Broken beyond repair

After Jason returned he found Jenny sitting on the bed with damp hair and clean clothes. He noticed that the sheets had been changed as well, erasing all traces of the Picasso they had made together. When he walked in, Jenny who had started dozing off again was immediately woken up and turned to where the delicious smell was coming from. With a slightly groggy voice she said, "Welcome back." before getting off the bed and walking towards him. "That smells great.", she said as she breathed in deeply trying to take it all in. Then she turned to Jason sideways and with an apologetical voice she added, "I am sorry. I gave you a lot of trouble. It must have been hard to find something this late. I didn't notice the time until you left." Jason shook his head and said, "No, not at all. No trouble at all." Jenny chuckled softly at Jason dismissing his efforts so quickly and said, "Well, regardless, thank you my dear husband." Before she pulled him down by his neck and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

Jason smiled softly as he put his hand on the small arms that were holding onto him. Even if he had to drive two hours out, this small action alone from her would have been enough to compensate him for any and all trouble. He was glad to see that her mood had improved from when he had left. She was always a bit more irritable when she was hungry. He was glad that was the case this time around as well. As they had their late night dinner, they chatted about anything and everything before they finally felt tired enough again to call it a night.

The next day both of them woke up feeling refreshed. Jason was the first to wake this time and he had already ordered breakfast for them from room service. Though the answer was obvious he asked, "You awake?", when he saw Jenny sitting on the bed looking around the room. Jenny smiled warmly as she nodded and said, "Hmm." Jason finished putting on his watch as he walked over to the bed. He bent down and gave Jenny a good morning kiss before he said, "Then hurry up and wash up. I have ordered breakfast. It should be here any minute. After that let's go look around town."

Jenny let out a soft chuckle, "Oh my, aren't I being pampered. Who knew that even on a trip planned for you, I would be the one getting spoiled." As Jenny was holding onto Jason's hand he said, "Well, there is no helping that. I have accepted that my job in life is spoiling you. I have told you before that the decision to return to me, to marry me, is one you can't take back. Just in case you should ever get the silly idea in your head that I was just joking about that, I have to make sure to spoil you for all other men by making you so pampered that no other man can compare. So, be prepared for me to leave shoes that cannot be filled in that strong armoured heart of yours and if you don't want it to be broken beyond repair, just continue to stay by my side."

When he finished those words, a knock was heard on the door before a voice called out "Room service". Jason was about to let go of Jenny's hand to go open the door, when she unexpectedly grabbed hold of it again and pulled on it. When he turned around, he was met by an even more unexpected kiss from Jenny who was standing on the bed on her knees. Despite her lashing out at him last night and trying to get him to give up on his plans with her ridiculous outfit, he only knew how to do sweet things in return. Starting from going out that late at night to get her a meal to making sure breakfast was here by the time she woke up. Hiding his sweet gestures behind fake threats. That were more love confessions than anything else. He had been well worth her lowering her guard and tearing down those walls she had. Even she herself didn't think there would ever be someone who could ever get her to do the same and even if they did, there was no way they would be able to compare to him. So, she would gladly accept him as the only man she was to have in this lifetime.

After the person behind the door knocked for a second time, repeating the words "Room service", Jenny unlocked their lips and let go of her dazed man, who seemed happy yet confused as to what he had said or done to earn this. Feeling that she had been quite bold, Jenny's face had flushed red the moment she realized what she had just done. Meanwhile, Jason was glancing backwards at her with every step he took towards the door. Looking at the smiling Jenny, who was hiding her face behind her hand and shaking her head in disbelief, as he tried to understand what was going on. He took the trolley containing their breakfast and rolled it inside, while Jenny had escape any questioning from Jason by fleeing into the bathroom in order to wash up for the meal. As she was behind closed doors, she repeated the words "Kissing your own husband is nothing to be blushing for".

This was what she had been doing over the years, whenever she did something she didn't usually do in order to let herself grow. A lot might have changed for them but Jason being the one initiating most of their intimate moments wasn't one of them. Though she certainly had her moments from time to time. Including now, when she simply couldn't resist kissing him as he was being too sweet. Seeing that the culprit causing his confusion was no longer in sight, Jason chuckled as he imagined she had run away from feeling embarrassed from her own actions. Making him enjoy her earlier action even more and feeling glad once more about going on a trip like this in the first place. Only one day had passed but he was already enjoying himself more than he could have imagined.