
Bolder by the minute

Jason's plan on taking his interactions with Jenny further, was enacted during lunch on the last day of the week. Because of the weather, they were forced to have lunch inside in the cafeteria. All of them had gotten their food and their seat, except for Jenny who was running a bit late due to her class representative work. She had asked Jason to get her something to eat as she would need a few more minutes to finish up and arrived when they were just about to begin eating.

Slightly out of breath she said, "Sorry to keep you waiting. I finished up as fast as I could." It was clear that she had run from their classroom all the way to the cafeteria, with her hair being a bit messy and her face seeming flushed. The group of friends chuckled almost simultaneously seeing Jenny like this and still apologizing. They were glad that their friend cared that much about not making them wait, that she would run when she was barely five minutes later than them. Julia responded, "Don't worry about it. We just sat down. So, you aren't late at all. You are just in time." Jenny smiled brightly after hearing that, "Good. Then let's dig in. I am famished and this smells great." Jenny walked around the table to take her seat beside Jason, but Jason stopped her mid step and pulled her onto his lap instead.

Despite his actions the past couple of days, Jenny was still startled by his move. This being the first bold action he had taken since kissing her in the classroom. She looked at Jason wide eyed. Her first response was saying, "What are you doing Jason? Stop joking around." While turning around laughing sheepishly as she was saying, "Sorry for that. Jason is just joking. I don't know what has gotten over this guy, he has been acting strangely these days." As she tried to get off and take her seat once more, she noticed that Jason had a tight grip on her as his arms were wrapped around her waist. Seeing this she turned back to the unmoving Jason, who was still holding onto her like this was the most normal thing in the world and was looking at her with a calm, smiling expression. With an angry look on her face she hissed at him, "What do you think you are doing? Let me go right now." However Jason replied with a single word and the biggest grin, "Nope!"

Jenny's mind was about to explode from anger and embarrassment as she felt that the eyes of everyone in the cafeteria were directed at them, including the eyes of their friends who got to witness this from up close as they were sitting across and next to the two of them. Jenny's cold expression turned dark and a dark smile appeared on her face as she grabbed a bit of skin from his chest and twisted it with as much force as she had in her small, delicate, fingers. This got Jason to loosen his grip somewhat. He used one of his hands to grab hold of hers as he exclaimed, "Auch!" with a pained chuckle. Seeing that he still didn't let go she tried to loosen her hand to pinch him once more as she said, "Let me go, I wasn't done yet. You are getting bolder by the minute!" However, no matter what she said or did, Jason seemed unfazed, even feeling praised by some her words.

Though all of this had taken place in a matter of seconds, Jason managed to up the damage he had dealt Jenny by looking up at his angered beloved and instead of letting her go, he grabbed her chin and pulled her face down. Jenny's eyes grew wide at this action, but it didn't stop Jason from continuing what he had set out to do. When she felt the soft touch of his lips the thought that had caused the queasy feeling in her stomach had become reality. Jason had even placed a kiss on her lips in front of their friends and, what felt like, the entire school. Force feeding them their PDA. Being kissed in front of their classmates was already quite a blow to Jenny, but being kissed in front of the entire school and staff was on a completely different level. When Jenny overcame the initial shock she pushed him away harshly. She managed to break free at this point and storms off. But despite the shock on the faces of their friends and some of the fellow students, who thought about how Jason had managed to get himself into trouble so fast after making up with Jenny, Jason didn't seem to feel like he was in trouble.

The others had witnessed the scene between Jenny and Jason much like how they had witnessed their kiss during class, which was through the openings between their fingers that were covering their eyes, some of them were still frozen in that position. But Jason himself was all smiles as he got up and followed Jenny while he was holding back his laughter. Seeing this, the expression on the faces of their friends let up as well, letting out a soft sigh while shaking their heads. They were all happy to see their friend smiling so much after seeing him down for so long. If the people involved seemed fine, then they were fine with witnessing whatever was going on as well. Glad that they had made up and were doing well enough to be playing games like this and teasing each other so boldly. Though the only one that was doing the teasing at the moment was Jason himself.

Here is the first chapter of today, the second one will be right out as I have to put on some finishing touches :D

washma_ycreators' thoughts