
Another handsome guy

This week was supposed to be a quiet and uneventful week. Since the altercation in the classroom Elizabeth hadn't been to school and last week they were informed that she had been transferred to another class. Jason had instructed them to put her in a class with such a different time table, that she and Jenny would hardly meet. Jenny hadn't informed him of what she had said during their party, otherwise he might have had her transfer to another school entirely. With her out of the way for now, they expected nothing else to disturb their week. That was until they entered their classroom and saw Harry sitting with a sour expression on his face. He was facing the window outside and didn't notice Jason and Jenny walking in. Jenny tugged Jason down to whisper something in his ear "What is wrong with Harry, wasn't he just fine when we saw him this Friday? What upset him so much in such a short period of time." Jason squinted his eyes and turned to look Jenny in the eyes, "Are you being concerned about another man right now?" Jenny elbowed him in the side of his stomach and said "Stop it, this is no time for jokes. He is your friend, aren't you curious at all?" Jason shrugged his shoulders and said "He can handle his own affairs. If he needs my help, he will ask me himself. Till then I am minding my own business and so should you. Don't think I have forgotten the stunt you pulled at the party."

Jenny let out a sheepish laugh and scurried on to her own seat, but she couldn't help wondering about Harry and was staring in his direction even after class started. She saw his expression shift from sour and angry to a bit forlorn. Her staring didn't go unnoticed and earned her angry looks from Jason. Who, seeing that she was unfazed by this, proceeded to smack away the hand Harry was resting his face on. This made him lose his balance and look up to say with a hushed angry voice "Hey, what did you do that for?!" It was only then that he saw the angry look on Jason's face "Stop your sulking! You are making Jenny worry over you. Do you plan on having her keep fixing all your problems?!" he said with an equally hushed voice to avoid gaining the teacher's attention. He was one of the oldest teachers in the school and his hearing wasn't great, so most things escaped his attention, but the rest of the class couldn't help but turn their face in their direction. Harry looked over to see Jenny with a concerned look on her face looking in his direction. He quickly snapped back to an expression suiting his regular self. He smiled and waved at Jenny to let her know he was okay and she shouldn't worry about him. Otherwise he soon probably wouldn't be okay with the jealous monster watching over her. Jenny got the hint and straightened her body to face the board, but couldn't help letting out a suppressed chuckle hidden behind her closed hand, causing her teacher to turn around to see what was going on. Everyone straightened up and some cleared their throat to pretend like nothing was going on, while their eyes glazed over as they swallowed their jealousy over the attention that Jenny was receiving from their prince.

By now all students were aware of what Jenny was to Jason and had accepted their defeat and that of their top contender Elizabeth. During their walks from class to class they would steal glances of them walking hand in hand or seeing Jason wrap his arm around Jenny's shoulder. Even seeing Jenny's beautiful engagement ring made them swallow a lump of envy in their throats. After a week of this, they were no longer surprised and had learned to mask their jealousy. This was why they couldn't help to take a second look when they saw Jason walking around with just the guys during lunch today. Instead of Jenny he was joined by another handsome guy, who they were unfamiliar with. What was going on? Did they fight? Some noticed their Mr. Westwood looking unhappy, which further fueled the stories of them being in a fight so soon after their engagement.

Their speculations couldn't be more untrue. Jenny had sent Jason a message earlier, saying she was going to have lunch outside with Julia. The reason he was unhappy was because he knew her reason for wanting to eat lunch with Julia in private. It could only be to inquire about Harry. The person who had taken her place in the group was none other than Nick. He had left for America back when they were still in middle school, since then he had changed a lot after going through puberty, making most people unable to recognize him. Nick and his parents had moved back to England just before the party, but as Mountforth high did not accept students in the middle of a term, he was attending another prestigious school nearby for the time being. Next week would be the end of term examinations at Mountforth high, after which they would get a well earned two week break.The terms in America weren't aligned with those in England, so he had already finished this term overseas. His father insisted he attended school till next term started so he could get adjusted here and catch up on any subject matters that was part of the curriculum here and not in America. This was also a way to hopefully keep him out of trouble until he would attend Mountforth high starting next term. Nick however was quite smart and was able to do what his father requested during his first week here, including Mountforth high's brutal entrance test. So for him these upcoming two weeks were simply an addition to his holiday. He planned to skip classes to come and hang out with Jason and the others during their breaks. His transfer would be based on his results in America anyways, so going to this school for those three weeks were nothing more than a mandatory pass time for him. During his back and forth between these two schools he would soon run into someone he hadn't seen in a long time, but would come to play a big role in his life.

I had many plans, but unfortunately everything is cancelled due to the corona virus. I hope everyone is well and to pass some of the time we are forced to spend home, I will publish a few chapters today as my schedule suddenly opened up.

Enjoy and look forward to the next publication in about an hour!

washma_ycreators' thoughts