
A mighty fine job

After Susan left, Jason pulled Jenny by the shoulders to tilt her body to the side and allow them to have eye contact. With a big smile and a playful glimmer in his eyes Jason asked her, "Should we get to work my dear wife?" Now it was Jenny's turn to shake her head. Not knowing what to do about this silly man whom she loved oh so much. "Very well. You work on that side on the higher layers and I will continue working on the middle. We can change positions after we are done with one part to work our way around the tree. Jason shook his head and made a big 'X' shape with his arms. "No can do. I have just been called a wife-doting goofball. I can't let that reputation go to waste." Jenny chuckled before responding in a sarcastic, serious tone. "Oh no. You are right. We can't let that esteemed title be for naught. What do you propose we do about it then?" Again a high pitched shriek came out of Jenny as she was suddenly lifted by Jason. "I am glad you asked. Instead of using a ladder to decorate the parts you can't reach. I propose you use your husband as a movable crane." Jenny wanted to respond, protest, but she was at a loss for words. What could you possibly say to a person who suggests something as absurd as that?

Giving Jenny no chance to think of a reason to reject his solution, Jason moved towards the tree with Jenny in his arms. With each step showing her that her weight meant absolutely nothing to him. Inch by inch they decorated the tree in that position, where Jenny was holding onto the box with decorations and Jason holding onto her. When it became time to decorate the highest part of the tree and place the peak on the tip of the tree, Jason switched to carrying her on his shoulders. His arms holding onto her legs, while carrying the box with decorations in his hands. In this illogical and time consuming way they decorated the entire tree. Finishing a lot later than necessary, Jason lifted Jenny off his shoulders and they took a step behind to admire their handiwork. "Well, if I do say so myself, I think we did a mighty fine job." Jenny stroked the back of Jason's hand that was hanging off her shoulder and nodded in agreement as she looked at the magnificent, large tree that was looking like it came straight out of a Christmas-themed magazine. "We sure did. Now that we have finished decorating the tree, we should get started on decorating ourselves." Jenny said with a wink.

Being fully immersed in the carefree atmosphere that had filled the house Jason let all of his more playful and childish sides show as he responded to Jenny's words by letting go of her and dashing towards the stairs, yelling out, "Race you to the room!" Jenny hated losing and so despite not wanting to give into his antics, ended up being pulled along in his games as she ran after him and yelled out, "Hey, no fair. That is cheating." When they had both reached their room, with Jason being the obvious 'winner' of their playful race, Jenny threw a pillow towards him out of frustration. "Did you really have to cheat like that? You already have those pointlessly long legs. How big of an advantage do you need to win over a petite girl like me?" Jason chuckled, "I didn't want to take any chances. You never know what kind of stunts a person like you might pull in order to win. So, it is better to be safe than sorry. I would rather win by cheating than lose to someone under 1.50 meters. That would hurt my pride a bit too much." Though she knew that Jason was half-joking as he said those words, she couldn't help but be a bit annoyed by losing the race she didn't even want to be a part of initially.

With the guests arriving in less than an hour, they had no time to waste on something as silly as a race to the top. So, Jenny put her feelings to the side for the moment and decided to get back at him at a later point. For now both of them focused on getting ready. Both of them putting on nice, festive clothes before making their way back down. When both Susan and Stephen came into the living room after they too had changed into their outfits for the evening, their guests started arriving one by one. Slowly the serene living room from the afternoon changed into a loud, cheerful room filled with friends and good food.

Jenny and Jason mingled, chatted and laughed with their usual group of friends, who were all present but one. The couple that was missing was of course Nick and Elizabeth, who were celebrating Christmas on a luxurious boat, out in the open waters. Their energy was replaced by little Henry, who had also come to celebrate his first big party. Wearing the smallest suit Jenny had ever seen, with precious gold, soft curls, Jenny fell in love all over again with that little boy. Her heart was stolen once more when little James arrived in his smart looking suit, with little Anna by his side in a pretty dress. Walking in like two grown-ups at a formal ball. Her hand neatly tucked in the crease of his elbow and his face looking straight ahead. At least until he saw Jenny. That was when he let go of his 'perfect gentleman' image and abandoned parents and future spouse to run towards Jenny and jump into her arms with a big smile for a hug. One that she happily reciprocated, while Jason gave him a warning glare with matching pointing finger. Now that their final guests had arrived it was time to move the party towards the dining room, where the already long table had been extended to fit all their guests so that they could enjoy the beautiful feast that had been prepared for them. One that Jenny had been looking forward to all day!