
A calming hug

Jason gave her a moment to take everything in, before ushering her inside. Jason stepped into the water first. so he could help Jenny get in. He held out his hand and waited for her to step into the tub without losing her footing. Once they were both inside the tub, Jason lowered his body and let himself be submerged into the water. He sat against the back of the tub, making room for Jenny to nestle herself in his arms. Once he was seated, she slowly let her body lower into the water as well, as she allowed each part to adjust to the temperature. She sat in between Jason's legs and allowed him to pull her into a hug from behind. His hands intertwined with one another and resting on her stomach. She placed hers to her side and both of them closed their eyes to fully enjoy the calming and soothing effects of the oils and herbs. The bath in itself felt like a calming hug. Combined with Jason's actual hug, Jenny was surrounded with such a high level of comfort, she felt herself falling asleep. It wasn't long, before she actually did.

Jason felt her body going limp in his arms and smiled, with his eyes closed, from the idea of where they had started and where they had gotten. From not feeling anything, to being too afraid to sit next to him and now being so comfortable in his arms, that she was able to fall asleep in a matter of minutes. He let her continue to soak as he too enjoyed the bath that he had drawn. He had seen his mother do this many times before and she always seemed to enjoy it. So for today he had googled how to prepare a herbal bath and he was surprised to see how relaxing it was. Especially with such a lovable creature in his arms, he didn't mind making this a recurring activity of them as a couple.

After enjoying the bath for some time. Jason felt they had been in the water long enough and gently stroked Jenny's arms to wake her. She replied with a "Mhm" and kept her eyes closed. "Let's get out of the water. We have been in here long enough. The water has no more comfort to give." He said as he chuckled. As usual it seemed like he knew what she was thinking and didn't hesitate to voice it out. Jenny however, was still feeling a bit drowsy and sluggish from the heat and didn't budge. Now that there were no onlookers and no one to witness them, Jenny was a lot less shy. It had been a long time since she had felt so lazy as she did today, but luckily she had a man who loved pampering her. So just for today she would allow that man to pamper her silly. She too had felt the water grow from hot to warmish and knew that it was time to get out, but she didn't feel like getting up. So she was waiting for Jason to step out and carry her with him.

Jason waited for a few moments, before slowly getting up. Adjusting Jenny's body, so he could step out of the tub. He stepped onto the bathmat and lowered himself to the edge of the tub as he looked at Jenny. He pushed a strand of hair, that had fallen over her face, behind her ear and said with a soft voice "Wake up sleeping beauty. It is time for surprise number two." This finally caught Jenny's attention as she opened her eyes lazily. "Are you finally ready to get up or do you want me to carry you?" Though Jason didn't think she would accept his offer, Jenny was secretly waiting for this since some time ago. She returned his grin with one of her own and lifted up her arms with her cheeky eyes staring back at him. Not hiding her sense of victory at all. Jason didn't mind losing this kind of battle. Lifting her was like lifting a piece of paper to him and he liked how she was slowly but surely initiating these things herself. As long as she was willing, he wouldn't be the one to discourage her.

He chuckled softly as he arched himself over the tub to place a kiss on Jenny's lips, before turning away. He walked to the front of the bathroom and grabbed a towel from the small closet next to the door, while Jenny was still waiting for him with her arms lifted in the air. With the large towel in hand, he walked back to Jenny and lifted her to a standing position with one arm. She was almost floating over the water when he wrapped the towel around her and used his other arm to lift her out of the water in a princess carry. Jenny wrapped her arms around his neck and allowed him to direct their course. Though Jason loved to spoil her, but he wouldn't be Jason if he didn't love to tease Jenny as well. So making use of her sense of security in his embrace, he carried her to the poolside and walked over to the stone steps leading them to lower levels of the water. Once she saw what he was planning to do, she started to struggle, but Jason's grip was too strong. With nowhere to escape she could only brace herself as she was forcefully taken into the 'cold' water, for a second time this vacation, by him.

Though the water wasn't actually cold, because the warm weather these past few days had warmed it up considerably, but it was a lot colder than the warm bath she had been lying in just minutes before. When Jason had looked up how to prepare their bath, he had also read that it was best to get into cold water right after a sauna or a hot bath, because it would help close up the pores. That way the dirt that was pushed out by the sweat, wouldn't be able to go back into the skin. Plus it was a great way to cool off and get rid of Jenny's sluggishness, because he needed her wide awake to enjoy the dinner he had prepared for her. Her angry look, resembling a kitten that had just been forced to take a bath, was an added bonus!

Here is today's chapter. I hope you enjoy their steamy date ;D.

And my thanks for today goes to patil_shrutika_21 and Chimmypunu for their power stones and titania23 for her supportive comments!

washma_ycreators' thoughts