
A Demons Adventure (Dragon ball Fanfic)

The excursion of Draccolo

Ashton_Wright_0871 · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

2, Vengeance

After I ate the hog I started to feel a sense of drowsiness so I just went deeper into the cave to find a suitable place to sleep,

Before I went to sleep I was thinking about what just happened,

I wonder why those little demons had the guts to attack some demon 3x bigger than them,

Even though they had a leader he looked like a spellcaster so inevitably he wouldn't be able to do anything, and the thing you Also noticed is how usually small and weak these demons are with only 10CP and the leader having 40CP

after I wake up from my slumber ill go clean them up and maybe get some more information about the demon realm,

And discover the different groups/forces, hopefully there isn't anyone to powerful here,

but basing of the demon group I have saw, the average strength of demons on this world are less than mine,

we'll see when I get up though,


I stretch my arms and my body as I slowly get up from my sleep,

Hm, I have a lot a want to do today,

I set and think, as I've gotten adapted to my new life,


A little dark green panel appears again, but this time on command.



Age: 18

Height: 3meters

Cp: 55

Ancestors .... ( ? )

Surprisingly my CP actually increased by 5 points, I assume it's that hog I ate, it nourished my body well,

I need to find a food source quick honestly cause don't want that type of hunger to overwhelm me like that again,

I honestly still wonder why I was so hunger crazed.

Well, other than that, I have some things to do, as I walk out the cave that I used as a shelter and jumped off the small mountain cliff,

And off I continued in the direction of yesterday's events,

after a while, I don't know how long ago it was exactly, it's hard to keep track with the exact same desolate monotonous red sands.

And then again I see the lowlaying hills and shortly after that patch of grass to,

There actually a little red pond over there to the east of the table, that because I was so crazed out last time I didn't even notice it.



Blue demon leader pov)

That damned demon stealing the masters tribute is going to to get me and you guys eradicated, but mainly me! I don't want to die just because of your guys incompetence, you should have caught him.

but, sigh..

Can't change that the masters once a year magical beast tribute was to get stolen,

augh.... I just hope he doesnt kill you guys,

Or worse.... me...

(the 5 blue demons)

Simultaneously look at there leader with hidden annoyance.

Then one of them speaks up,

You can't just blame this on us, you should have helped more all you didn't was give one us a speed but a you laid there being lazy,

The leader doesn't even say anything it just lunged towards the little blue demon and impaled ot with the other side of his staff,

the little blue demon now on the floor, dead with hardly any resistance, just a few spasms here and there, but it made the other 4 shut up.

Now, if you have any problems with how I do thing you can speak up now,

No sir, the little demons cowered quickly under the might of someone 4x stronger than them, even if he's not a warrior and a mage class.


As the leader continues his last sentence, on the side of the mountain,

Draccolo lays in wait until he reaches the right spot and waits.

And finally the opportunity hits,

I lunge at the blue demon aiming for a heavy punch on the back of his head,

before the blue demon leader has time think he's knocked forward into his subordinates and hit into a neighboring hill,

I don't give enough time for the blue demon to react I immediately rush up to deal a 4 punch kick combo before I finally end his life without any resistance.

Just as the blue demon subordinates just witness there friend get killed and then there leader there shocked but happy because there leader wasn't a good person to them, or demon should I say.

Before I have time to check the body for valuables the 5 little demons come up to me and get on there knees, and thanked me for rescuing them and for me to please spare them.

I thought for a couple of seconds before saying,

If you have any useful information you can live,

I would still let them live regardless but it was a good scare tactic, a it worked..

The little demons trembles and began spouting off any information they considered useful,

I should say my suppression ability is very handy, its makes these little demons very submissive, I like it.

So I found out through the mouthsof these little guys that there are 3 demon lords in the demon realm I'm currently in, although they little demons said they didn't know exactly how powerful the demon lord was it was at least 500 CP,

And they each owned a base/fortress of there own with subordinates, and are constantly at war with each other, it unknown what there names are

cause they generally are hidden forms the demon realm expect on duels or battlefields,

Apparently though 2 demon lords have a alliance and three fighting against the more powerful demon lord who according to some sources has control of the portal that goes to the mortal realm

That was big news to me, the portal to the mortal world, so that means I'm not forever stuck in the demon realm,

But I Also didn't expect them to be so much stronger, they are demon lords but the gap right now seems to big.

I need to find way to increase my combat power quickly, Before I get found by a demon lord or something like that and get killed,

The little demons told me before I let them go that the place where the strongest demon lords castle it locates where the gate to the mortal universe is.

the little demons gave me valuable information so I honored my word and let them go off into the distant desolate sands,

I continue what I was doing earlier and scavenge the dead leader, doesn't seem to have anything good on him until I found a book of special herbs,

At first I almost threw it away but I decided to look through it and I found a page that had been tore out but still in the book,

It falls when I open it,

What I see on the cover looks like a rose but more deep red with a gem like thing contained in the center while the surroundings seem like water but red water...?

why's that seem so familiar.....


and then it hit me, Oh yeah! my brain has a wave of realization,

I loot to the south of the old leaders chair and east to the broken long table and discover that red pond from earlier and directly dive to the bottom of it,

couldn't have nothing to bad in it right? it's just the demon realm?.

I see a blood red aura that's violent and uncontrolled but stays in the water,

I directly go up to it grab it and go to dive out the pool.

And then appeared a salamander in the water, probably watching the entire thing I did and soon as I went to go out the water it bit at my foot and chomped it off.

I involuntarily yell with pain as rush halfway up the hill while my leg slowly regenerates with my prize in my hand,

The salamander just looks at me aggreived and goes back into the died even more red pool now cause of my blood.

I'm glad I have really high regenerative abilities or I would have been a dead duck, now let me check out this plant as I walk up the hill until I get to the top and set down on a flat area and read the cryptic demon language on the book

Thousand Death Flower,

said to be the accumulation of the magic energy of thousands of dead, extremely rare, found in dim and evil environments.

I can't read what else it says but I guess in the middle is a fruit condensed from the entire flower to the center,

very quickly I found a quarter size blood red fruit that it bursted and overflowed with energy and red light,

I wonder how powerful this fruit is, if it was a thousand people that died that's pretty considerable energy, also because those people weren't ordinary they were all demons over varying strengths and abilities.

I don't even think about it anymore I just throw it into my mouth and start chewing,

after I swallowed it all I didn't feel anything and I thought I just got something bogus when before I even get to complete that thought, I get knocked out by all of a sudden a overwhelming amount of energy starts tempering the body form inside to outside.