
Chapter II

The collar dug harshly in Eve's neck, making it hard to breathe as Violet Eyes ruthlessly dragged her along to wherever he went. She screamed along the way, tugging on the thick chains, but he was too strong. He didn't even seemed to notice her struggles.

Daring a glance backwards, she noticed that the other prisoners were also being dragged along by men with strange colored eyes; red and yellow and black. What are those guys? She thought in shock, tugging on the chains more savagely. Yet she couldn't break free.

Suddenly, Violet Eyes stopped walking and he let go off the chains. Eve's relief was only short lived, for eventually a burly guy with fiery red eyes took the chains instead.

Gulping down the lump that was forming in her throat, her gaze followed Violet Eyes. Judging from his exotic coloring and the way the other things acted around him – with a mixture of fear and respect – she could clearly tell that he was their leader.

Watching how he took a long, curved blade from underneath his overcoat, her eyes slightly widened upon seeing the blade that was rusty from blood. How many lives did he reap with that thing?

A shriek left her mouth when he walked up towards Jason and sliced him in half like he was cutting butter. He went down the line like that, slashing and cutting, blood spatting in his stark white hair and on his clothes as he cut down his shrieking and crying victims without showing even a single emotion on his face.

Her blood had run cold upon seeing his merciless act, she was frozen on spot. Completely paralyzed in fear.

And then he stood before her. Blood dripped down in her vision and she found herself looking absently at black combat-boots. Slowly, Eve looked up into those odd eyes of his – slitted like a snake's. Her eyes were scanning his, searching for even a sliver of doubt or guilt – or any emotion – but there was nothing. It was like staring into the abyss; dark and empty and cold.

He held the bloodied blade up in the air. Mentally, Eve begged him not to do it. He just stared back at her blankly, like she was stupid and couldn't understand why he was doing this. She did not want to think about a psychopath's motives, she just wanted to go home. Check on her baby brother. Dad would be devastating, she thought with a pang, it broke him when her mother died, but how would he cope with the dead of his only daughter?

The blade slashed down in one fluid motion and cut open her throat. Blood pulsed out of the wound and her eyes widened in shock as her live flashed before her eyelids. And then her world turned black.