
A Demon's Love and an Angel's Betrayal

There was a time when Angels and Demons were mere legends. Now Earth is the battle ground and the Human population in is the middle of it all. As the Demon armies forge ahead to take on the Unholy, Damion takes the risk to save them all. Damion, is one of the Elder Bloods who have powers sought by the Unholy soldiers. His ability to see the enemy has given the Demons a great advantage. Now Going undercover will he find the truth, or will he find a path of lies? Can Azier protect that which is most precious, or will he fall to the Unholy Army? (Please enjoy and fill free to leave suggestions to help make this story fun!)

Stacy_Armstrong · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 6

"Follow the path to the west." Said the voice with a sweet whisper. "You're in danger there. The boy is planning to take your life." Damion sat staring at the same image he saw night after restless night. Again, in a valley of flowers, there stood a girl with an outreached hand. This time though there was a crystal stream that ran through a forested area. At the edge of the woods there was a small white house with a thatch roof. Smoke coming out of the chimney.

All of the sudden the ground began to shake as Gabriel emerged from its surface. Fire and lava escaping the cracks. Behind Gabriel stood a small figure with lightning coming from his palms. Damion couldn't make out a face, but he could clearly see the mouth grinning from ear to ear.

Damion shot up from his slumber. He was covered in sweat. "I have to get out of here." he whispered to himself. Damion got out of bed and dressed. There was no sense in going to sleep. He knew that Gabriel would be by to fetch him for breakfast. He honestly had no idea what the angel was playing at, but he had a feeling it wasn't good.

As if on cue a knock came on Damion's door. "I'm up." He said with a sigh. Gabriel opened the door. "Now is that any way to talk to your gracious host?" Damion rolled his eyes. "More like my kidnapper. I'm pretty much a captive in your home and when I do go outside I have to be escorted by one of your guards."

"Albion is a most reliable helper don't you think?" Gabrial gestured towards the angel that had been charged with following Damion around. She stood tall and noble. The gown she wore was white and silver with ruby trim. She holstered a blade made of gold and silver. The pants she wore were red and gold in color. To show her loyalty to Gabriel, she wore his raven house crest around her neck.

"Yeah such a loyal animal." Damion spat. Gabriel ignored his comment and motioned for him to follow. Smiling the whole way as if he was playing a game of some sort, Gabriel led Damion to the breakfast hall. As usual, a feast was placed on a red wood table. A silver runner went down the middle to give "class" to their meal. It was disgusting the amount of glitter and shine they needed for everything they did.

"Such fucking showoffs." Damion said under his breath. Gabriel pulled out a chair next to him. "Come my child. Breakfast is served." He hated this. Being forced to pretend he isn't a prisoner, but if he could somehow get Gabriel to trust him maybe he could score some time by himself. He would give anything to map out the town. He also wanted to find Lacy. She seemed to know about the other shielded that was located there. Maybe she would even know about any others?

Breakfast was almost over when an angel soldier came barging through the dining hall's door. "Gabriel, we have her." The Angel leader stood up and proceeded to follow him, but not before turning around. "Let's go." Gabriel took Damion by the arm and drug him to a large banquet hall. The hall was decorated with four floor-to-wall, stained glass windows. Each one depicted one of the four Archangels. Under each Angel's portrait there sat a large, velvet chair all different in color from the other.

Gabriel sat under his picture. The rising sun giving off a halo like aura. He gestured for Damion to stand beside him. "Watch this well young one." Once settled he signaled for their captive to be brought in.

The double doors opened, and a large darker skinned guard entered with a chained girl behind him. Damion's eyes grew wide as panic rushed through him. All he could do is watch in horror as the young woman he once spoke to now bowed before the mighty angel.

"She was hiding in a small cottage outside the village. She was being hidden by the field workers out there. They attempted to put up a fight, but we easily took care of them." The soldier smiled.

"Very good. Thank Orion. You and the others may go." He bowed and took his leave. Only Albion stayed, now standing beside Lacy. "Here now young lady I merely want to discuss something with you." He tried to smile warmly, but his twisted personality wouldn't allow it. "You have some information that I would like to hear. If you tell me I will let you go."

"I will never tell you anything you want! Go to hell you monster!" As she screamed her rebuttal a boy walked in. His smirk showing he was not there to help her. She coward in fear. "No! No! Please anything but that?"

"Ah so I see you are well acquainted with my little pet. He is brilliant, no? So maybe we can come to an understanding. I don't want to use him you see?" Gabriel feigned sympathy. Damion knew this could only end badly for the girl. He had to try something.

The flames surrounded Damion's hands. The heat from them could be felt so intensely that the larger beings began to sweat. This both surprised and amused Gabriel. Damion walked out to the front of Lacy, glaring in the direction of the smirking boy. "I won't allow you to harm her!" Damion looked toward Gabriel, who was smiling. Albion started to move forward when Gabriel signaled for her to stop.

"No." He motioned for the boy. "Let's see what you can do. If you win, I will let the girl live. However, if you lose her death will be on your hands. Now Gerald don't hold back. This boy here is serious about protecting his friend." Gerald rushed forward, lightening sparking all over his body.

"I'm thoroughly going to enjoy killing you." He screamed as he raised his hands. Lightning struck Damion in the shoulder. He screamed in pain as he hit the ground. This was way more intense than anything he had ever felt. "Ha! What A loser! Done already?" Another strike, but this time it hit Damion in the stomach.

Damion was on the ground screaming and writhing in pain as the lightning wormed its way through his entire body. It felt like fire and electricity was scolding him from the inside. "Leave him alone! I will tell you anything!" Damion heard this.

I have to fight through this pain. "Don't count me out just yet." He grit his teeth and stood up reigniting the flames in his hand. This time he closed his eyes and listened. "When you can't see your opponent then listen. Listen for their breathing, step and heartbeat." He remembered Azier's training.

"Just stay down. I have no issues killing you right here!" The boy readied another advance. This time Damion could hear the static the attack gave off and was able to move out of the way. He then pictured the boy and threw his flames. This time it was Gerald that was left yelling at the pain. When Damion opened his eyes the boys' right arm was engulfed in blue fire. Not giving him a second to get up, Damion released another attack. But it didn't hit its target, instead it was stopped by Gabriel.

"Impressive ability, but I can't have you destroying my property now can I?" Gabriel put the flame out and tried to heal the wounds. To his surprise, he could not. "Albion take Gerald to the healers."

"We made a deal, now let her go." Damion growled. Not just from the anger, but also from the pain that was left behind by the lightning.

"The agreement was that I would let her live, not let her go. She still has information I need." He walked over to the girl and lifted her tear-stained face. "For now dear, you will be locked away and we will have our discussion later." Gabriel yelled for one of the guards posted outside the doors. "Take her to "the room" and keep posted outside the door." "Yes sir." With that the two disappeared.

Gabriel walked over to the injured boy and healed his wounds. After he was done, he looked him over once more. "Seems like that healed you all up. Can you walk?" Damion nodded. "Very good. Let's go, we have some people to visit." Damion had a bad feeling growing in his gut.

Damion went to stand and saw the room around him fading. He fell to the floor and passed out.

"You need to escape. Something is coming for you. For us all." This time the dream was inside a room.

"Who are you?" Damion asked. The girl was sitting on chair in the corner of the room.

"My name is not important Damion. You must leave that village." The pained expression showed the urgency of her words.

"How? Gabriel has me under watch all day and at night I am locked inside my room." This time he was going to get some kind of answer.

"Behind the tapestry there is a vent. It leads to an outer hall. Get to the girl and she will lead the way." She said.

"What does the girl have to do with this?" Before he could get his answer, she faded. Damion woke up in an all too familiar bed. He looked around to see Albion back at her post inside the room. "How in the hell do I get her out?" He thought to himself. Then he had an idea.

"I need to dress. My ability scortches my clothes and I need to change them." Damion looked at Albion. She rolled her eyes.

"They look fine to me." She stated bluntly.

"Fine I will just where these burnt clothes to supper, and when Gabriel throws a fit I will make sure you get the blame. Doesn't matter to me. I look forward to having another keeper. Maybe they will at least have a sense of humor?" Albion was clearly irritated. "Where am I going to go? I get locked in anyway."

"Very well, but don't take too long. I am under strict orders to keep you under watch." With that she left the room.

Damion knew he had only a small window to get into that vent and out before she came back in. He ran to the tapestry and pulled it back. "There!" He thought. He pulled it open as quietly as he could. When it was open he crawled into the tight space. He could feel the icy breeze of the a.c. "Great now I have to figure out how the get the vent face back on and turn around.

After some effort he managed to get it done. After he was sure it was once again hidden, he proceeded forward. Just as he got a few feet away he heard the bedroom door open. "Alright that is enough time." A pause followed by an irate and panicked voice. "The boy has escaped! Find him quietly and don't let Gabriel find out.' This somewhat made Damion happy. He knew that she would be killed if Gabriel found out he escaped. "Serves you right." He whispered as he continued on his way.