
A Demon's Love and an Angel's Betrayal

There was a time when Angels and Demons were mere legends. Now Earth is the battle ground and the Human population in is the middle of it all. As the Demon armies forge ahead to take on the Unholy, Damion takes the risk to save them all. Damion, is one of the Elder Bloods who have powers sought by the Unholy soldiers. His ability to see the enemy has given the Demons a great advantage. Now Going undercover will he find the truth, or will he find a path of lies? Can Azier protect that which is most precious, or will he fall to the Unholy Army? (Please enjoy and fill free to leave suggestions to help make this story fun!)

Stacy_Armstrong · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 3

"Again Damion! Close your eyes and picture the target. Feel the heat rise in your hands and let the fire do the rest." A weary shielded stood in the middle of the training grounds. He closed his eyes, but instead of picturing the target, Damion thought of the thing that was frustrating him the most. When he opened his eyes and released the fire it went straight for Azier! Avoiding the flame Azier glared at the tired boy.

"Is that how you treat your master who goes out of his way for you?" Azier was clearly amused by this "misfire". The two have been training nonstop for three days. Damion was at his limit, but he knew the battle would begin the next day. While training they formulated a plan to bring into the next meeting. That is if the rest approved of the idea. Not that anyone would fight Azier. Even Lucifer is smart enough to know that Azier was stronger than most and that given time he would reign over the demons.

After a few more hours of lessons Azier and Damion headed to the meeting. Damion was excited of course. He wasn't usually allowed to attend these things, even though he would sneak in and listen anyway.

They arrived and everyone was waiting. When Azier arrived, he was greeted by both Paimon and Lucifer. They walked to the middle of the large gathering and Azier began to lay out his plan.

"During the battle tomorrow Damion will somehow join the fight." Azier stated bluntly. "Wait Azier, we haven't agreed on letting him spy for us." One demon stated harshly.

"Then I put it to a vote. Just know this plan will work. You all chose me to lead you. To make the choices you would never think of. Choices that would protect the remaining humans and regain the control the Unholy has ripped from them. So now I am asking you to trust that Demon you chose and allow us to go forward with our plan. What say you brothers? Do we thrive for victory, or in our stubbornness, fail in defeat?" The demon army awed and revered this great Deity, and now, as if hit by something, Damion's heart raced.

"Now now Azier, obviously we want to win. Don't be so uptight. Naturally we picked you for a reason and we will follow your lead. What do you say Holy army? Shall we give this a chance?" Lucifer laughed in hopes to lighten up the already tense atmosphere. Azier looked into the audience before him. All of the sudden, one after another roared as they all agreed.

"You see Azier you just have to learn how to speak to them." Chuckled Lucifer. Azier rolled his eyes. "Just this once I will admit I owe you one."

As soon as the meeting let out the army started to gather the weapons for the fight. "The battle will be soon. Damion, you should prepare as well. Let us find Ezekiel and see how his end went." With that Damion and Azier left the tent where the meeting was held.

A few minutes later the duo spotted the very hybrid they were after. "Ezekiel!" Azier's voice rumbled across the camp. "Yes Azier?" The frightened halfling startled at the sound. "Did you keep your end of the bargain?" The mighty Demon stared down at the smaller being in front of him.

"I will be meeting them tonight sir. This was the only time they could get away." Azier glared at Ezekiel. "You know what is at stake do not let us down. If he is harmed, I will do things to you that will make you wish for death." With a growl Azier and Damion vanished to rest for the next day.

Later that night a small halfling made his quick retreat from the camp through the barren fields and into a dark wooded area. At the end stood a small demon girl with a note to pass on to Ezekiel. This note contained the location of this nights meet up.

"You weren't followed were you?" asked the anxious hybrid. The girl shook her head no and with that took off back to where she came.

Ezekiel tucked the paper into his pockets and proceeded to the place written on it. He arrived at an old run-down bridge. From what he could tell the structure had been there even before this war started hundreds of years ago. "You're late Ezekiel." A voice called out from the shadows.

"I apologize. I had to wait and make sure I would not be followed." Ezekiel was a bit terrified of this person under the hooded cloak.

"Of course. I completely understand. As for the matter you wrote me about, consider it done. I will protect Azier's little pet for now. If at any point I feel that I will be found out the brat is on his own." Ezekiel winced. He would be leaving that last part out when he discussed this matter with Azier in the morning. "Thank you. That is all I ask."

"Ezekiel a favor for a favor, remember that well." After a hiss the dark figure retreated back to the Unholy camp.

With swiftness, Ezekiel hurried back to give his report. When he arrived, Azier was waiting for him at the edge of the camp. "What say you Ezekiel? Will your insider protect Damion?"

"Yes Azier. They are willing to accept the task of watching over him. They will be waiting at the enemy camp when he is brought in."

"Good. Everything is set. Now we just have to put it into motion." Again the twinge of fear entered Azier at the thought of leaving Damion on the enemy lines.

Azier went back to the shared tent. He lay in bed and stared at the child he cared so much for. Worry rushed his mind and he was unable to sleep. I hope this plan succeeds and you come back to me safely. If all goes wrong, I will battle until I die to make sure they pay for your death. Azier cursed the negative thoughts in his head. No matter what he will come back home.

Before they realized it, they were staring at the camp of the Unholy that Damion saw. You could sense the excitement the battle was going to bring.

The Demon army did not love the war. Just as well, if they could rid the world of the disgusting beasts that plagued it, they would watch their silver blood paint the lands.

"Remember the plan and stay close until we are ready to execute." Azier put his large hand on Damion's shoulder. Damion nodded while he stared at what would be his last battlefield with Azier. He was not sure if this plan would work, but he believed in his guardian.

"Everyone prepare yourselves!" Azier yelled with a mighty roar. He lifted his holy blade as he had done many times before. "ATTACK!" Azier dropped the blade and with the sound of thunder the Demons began.

Blades and axes flew and sparked as the Unholy tried to defend against the ambush. Angels fell to the ground one by one. The battle seemed to be going well. Damion even taking down some of the Unholy. The fight looked as if it were about to end, when out of nowhere a large Ballista bolt struck Azier in the shoulder and another in the stomach. Damion stood in shock at the sight of him trying to keep himself up.

"Azier!" The young boy ran to the side of the demon leader. The scene that was before him made Damion fall to his knees. Azier was covered in blood and struggling with breath. "Azier please answer me!" Damion sobbed. He shook him until the Demon opened his eyes.

The chaos began to slow as one by one each of their comrades noticed the large body lying in the clear of the battlefield. As they began to approach the two, another wave of attack came barging from the nearby wooded area.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Lucifer screamed. "Where the hell are they coming from?"

"I am not sure, but we need to protect our shielded and retreat." Paimon stated. "We will not be able to take them all on with Azier in that state. If we go now we will have time."

Lucifer turned to see his brother covered in blood with a large bolt sticking out from him. "You're right Paimon. We brought too little soldiers to take on this attack." As Lucifer was heading to gather up Azier, a black horse sprinted from beyond the Unholy headed towards them.

Lucifer had a bad feeling about this and began to sprint towards it's intended goal. However, the horse was much faster than even a demon could run. It snatched up Damion ripping him away from the limp body he so desperately clung to.

Lucifer could only look on as the figure rode off with the child. Paimon grabbed Lucifer and started to drag him away. "Lucifer, we need to regroup. Let's go. We failed." Lucifer winced at this comment, but agreed that retreat was the only thing they could do.

As they fled, Lucifer looked back at the body they left behind. The fearless leader who gave his life for a plan that he believed would work. He would come back when the enemy left to collect his friend and give him a proper send-off.

"Paimon help me go collect Azier's body later." Lucifer said sad and angry. "As you wish sir." Paimon could understand how he felt. Azier had saved him during many battles. With that both the field they had fought on and their comrade faded from sight.

Damion screamed and yelled to be taken back to Azier. "Shut up boy." A scratchy voice came from under the hood of a blue cloak. "Take me back please! At least let me give him a proper send off!" The cloaked figure tossed the boy off the horse and onto the ground below.

"That hurt! Now please take me back! They will come for me! Lucifer, Paimon and the others! I am able to see them you know! I will.." The cloaked figure had hit Damion on the head knocking him out.

"I told you to shut up." With that he tossed the boy onto the horse and rode away.