
A Delinquent Reincarnated Into Naruto

A delinquent by the name of Azazel dies a rather pitiful death. However he awakens as a newborn baby in the world of Naruto, a world he is quite familiar with. How OP can Azazel become? It's his knowledge of the Naruto realm against Naruto's Plot Armor, who will come out on top?

Lucret_Alastair · Anime & Comics
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Yo what up fag, my name is Azazel and I'll be the protagonist of this story. Oh why the word fag? Don't take it to heart I just really like that word and call everyone it….and I do mean everyone.

It could be my Ma(Fag), Sisters(Fags), Brothers(Fags), or even my uncle Jimmy(I mean he actually is gay sooooo….a cool fag.)

Now I bet you are wondering what this has to do with Naruto… well just chill, I figured you should know me(the main character)first; so sit back and let me tell you all about my journeys. 

Well you see I was once a pretty Normal kid; I was overweight, bullied, depressed, getting jumped, being abused for 10 years, cage fighting, gambling, getting anal trauma(don't worry about that one), raped, bipolar, severe PTSD, autistic, adhd, and only at 16; But you see that all changed when I died. 

I wish I could say it was something cool like I had always imagined, maybe a Fight to the death, Maybe I saved someone's life and was remembered as some cool ass mofo, yet to my dismay life isn't fair.

How I actually died was rather pathetic and still ticks me off to this day...Dog Shit.

Yep I said it, I died to dog shit. I was on my normal walk to stay fit, and happened to be too involved in my thoughts when suddenly BLAM. I slipped and hit my head on a rock then died. 

As I was bleeding out, I could only think about how pathetic I truly was. After all those events I had survived, A mere dog's homemade ass pudding ended me. "I mean really, what the fuck, I couldn't have died to Truck Kun?!"

My vision blurred then faded to nothingness. It was like a deep sleep after working a 16 hour shift at Mc Donald's, very comforting, soothing, and reassuring. Suddenly all those feelings of comfort were swept away by a raging wind, a wind of crying. 

I opened my eyes in sheer frustration, I mean someone should shut that kid up after all. However I came to realise that It was I who was screaming. "WHAT THE FUCK!? WHY CAN'T I MOVE AND STOP MYSELF FROM WAILING? WAIT WHY CAN'T I EVEN SPEAK?" 

That's when I came to the realization that I was somehow reborn with my memories. 

I was expecting life to be easier, but that was not the case. In fact, I didn't have parents.

They decided I was too annoying and put me in foster care. Of course I was rather annoyed at first, but once I realized this was Naruto I actually came to prefer it. Why? Because I figured I could just pull an Arthur from tbate and Chakra Cultivate. "Finally all my time as a weeb pays off". 

It turns out that it actually worked. By supplementing my chakra system and systems pathways with outside chakra, I was able to drastically expand the reserves. 

I worked at this for 5 hours a day, while another 5 hours I spent teaching myself how to walk and speak. "It took me 2 years, but I was finally able to walk and talk just as I had in my previous life". 

Although I couldn't move like I could in my past life due to this frail body, I was rather astonished to realise my voice was the exact same… Now you might not realise the severity of this situation since you haven't heard of me, but I was always complimented for my very deep and raspy voice, I even had a YouTube channel at some point. 

So you can only imagine the look of shock on my caretaker's face when I left the bathroom, and my first words were. "Damn, why does my dick have to be so small".  Let's just say she ran out of the Room screaming that I was possessed. 

Basically I got a little bored with my constant training and decided to have some fun, so when she came back with other staff members I just pretended to be incapable of speech. 

You should have seen the look of disbelief upon her face, it was absolutely hilarious. 

I had to stay with the caretakers until I was 4, that's when i got my own tiny apartment, and could finally begin my goal of Surpassing Naruto's Plot Armor.