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On a Monday Morning, Ella was getting ready for going back to college after the Christmas break. She was ready and kissing her parent's Victoria and Ray Clyde goodbye. While waiting for her boyfriend Tyler to take her there.

– "Bye mom and dad, Love you!" Elle saying her goodbyes.

"Love you too, we'll miss you." Elle's parents replied.

"Ty! Come on we'll be late if you don't come soon!" Yelled Elle.

"Coming." Responded Ty.

Ty and Elle get on the road.

Elle a 19 y/o and Ty 20 y/o have been dating for over 3 years now. They are in deep love, as for Tyler gave up his dream college in London to be with his girlfriend. As much as Ella values that she hasn't stopped chasing her dream of getting into Harvard University.

As Elle and Ty are on the road, they decided that it would be a great time to discuss the limits of contact with the opposing gender, family relation and closeness and much more about their relationship. Elle has two extremely supporting parents Victoria and Ray Clyde. Her parents support her no matter what they always have and hopefully always will be. They are Elle's role models, Elle has always looked up to having a relationship like her parents.

"Hey Elle..."

"I feel now that we have the long road ahead of us, I feel it's a perfect opportunity to talk about our limits" "Like for example, it would be really appreciated if you keep your distance from Oliver" Said Ty breaking the ice.

"What?!" "He's my childhood bestie you know that!" Responded surprised confused tone.

"I didn't mean it that way, I meant that in general if anything is making you uncomfortable, we can talk about it now since we have the time and privacy." Stated Ty.

"Oh, (fake chuckles) then that's a great idea I guess."

Here is when dead silence occurred. Not a single word was spoken for the following 10 minutes of the ride.

Ella took this time to think about what Ty said about Oliver. She loves Ty too much, she wouldn't lose him for the world. So, she rethought all the situations that happened between her and Oliver that could've been the reason why Ty brought him up in the topic of limits. As she thought she remembered all what she had was a close friendship with him. As she was thinking she remembered a memory. A memory of a promise, a promise of never forgetting a promise, the promise was if they are single at a certain age they would try getting together. Since she never hid secrets from Ty, he knew about this situation and that was Elle's assumption behind Ty bringing Oliver up.

Then started appreciating life, as she has a positive personality which make her unique. Ella Clyde is a blondie with beautiful green eyes, with Tyler Harley as her loving caring boyfriend. Ella appreciates her friends and family. Ella has a 22 y/o brother Wells Clyde. Wells has short dirty blonde hair, and green hazel eyes. He cares about Ella more than anyone else in this world. Ella has 2 close friends Avery Baker and Oliver Melvin; Elle likes to call them Ave and Lev for short. Ave is a brunette with dazzling brown eyes, she is a great friend and never left Elle's side ever since high school. As for Lev, he is a wavy-haired brunette with ocean eyes. He has been Elle's best friend since kindergarten.

"Elle, Elle?, Ella!" calls Ty repeatedly.

Ella jumped out of her seat frightened.

"You okay?" Asked Ty nervously.

"Yeah, I just zoned out, don't worry about it." Said Elle

"Well if you say so, anyways we're here."

"Great." Said Elle without deeply meaning it.

A couple of weeks pass by. Each one is currently focusing on their education.

They go back every other weekend as much as they can so they can visit their families.

Although Elle did get into a very good college in Boston, she still applies to Harvard each semester hoping to one day get in.

As it may seem that Elle and Ty's relationship was falling apart to them it wasn't, to them it was better than ever.

Elle and Ty share a dorm room with two other friends the had just met. Although they don't know them very well, they feel like they aren't the best people to stay around as personality wise and actions they do. Ty didn't feel that Elle like them either, so he decided to take her out on a surprise dinner date to make it up for her but while they were there, they spotted their roommate cheating on his current girlfriend. Obviously, they wanted to stay out of it but Elle accidentally mentioned it in front of her which caused hatred between Elle, Ty and their roommate Liam.

One Day when they were back in town Elle was walking down the street and some random guy just came up to her and asked for her help, without hesitation Elle helped him and didn't refuse although he's a stranger. Then she spots a suspicious type of vehicle which makes her a little nervous, but she thinks that she can't judge a person off of a vehicle and continued on helping the man. Then as she was helping the man, she later on realized that there weren't any license plates, that's when she took her chance of unsuspiciously escaping. That was a traumatizing experience to Elle although no one saw it as scary as she did except for her 3 huge supporters Ty, Lev, and Ave.

Spring break is now around the corner and everything seems at its best conditions regardless of the traumatizing event and despising all the occurring negativity. Ella was so thankful and overly appreciative of all what's happened good and bad. Spring break rolls around but its nothing like predicted everything takes a huge turn. Some good some bad and some Ella can't yet tell if they're good or bad because she is still unsure of how the outcome shall be. Ella is nervous, excited, sad, happy, and mad all at the same time.

Ella doesn't know anymore. Things changed too quickly as if it was a flinch of an eye. Ella is still hopeful for the best as she is convinced her life story ill and will always have a happy ending even if it comes in the most unexpected way possible. These words always kept her and her friend's hopeful although they were never guaranteed. So, this is the big change in everything family, love, friends, and even education.