
A decision to change a lifetime

Everyone has that one decision, that one moment in their lives that they think back to from time to time and wonder what could have been if they had made a different choice a different decision. A point in time they wish they could go back to. After saving a stranger, Laila has been offered a chance to do just that. Laila has nothing she could want from an outsiders perspective. She lives in a big mansion, with a handsome husband and two beautiful children but in reality her life is far from perfect and she couldn't remember the last time she was truly happy. So, if she was offered a chance to change that, shouldn't she take it? How crazy and unbelievable that chance might seem? This story is indeed in a way a rebirth story but it isn't your typical rebirth story. It is one where the second male lead actually gets the girl. So, if you have ever screamed at your screen over yet another female lead picking the horrible first male lead over the second just because he has realized the error of his ways and therefore all he has done in the past should be forgiven and forgotten, well then search no farther as this is the story for you! Join me in the first week of May as we start this story of how a single decision can determine a lifetime or change it! Until then, feel free to look at my just completed novel A devil's match :D

washma_y · Teen
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505 Chs

Treading on thin ice

Max closed the live feed and was pretty certain that he had accomplished what he wanted. He went about his usual business, waiting for the news of the bail hearing to reach Noah. It wasn't long after he pressed the red 'X' on his screen that he saw a call come in from Joe's number. He forwarded the call without picking up and knocked on Noah's door as he said, "Joe is on the line for you. I assume he wants to tell you the results of the hearing."

Noah found it a bit odd that Max would forward the call without answering it first, but thought that it may have just been because he already knew what the call would be about. So, he nodded and said, "Ah yes. I don't think anything surprising came out of it, otherwise he would have called on my cell. But I'll take the call.". And to no surprise to any, Joe confirmed that the bail had indeed been denied and that it was a fairly quick hearing. He told them what the next steps would be, among which being the scheduled hearing for Olivia. Noah let out a few 'Yes's and made a few nods before ending the call and informing the rest. After a quick message to the group chat and a message to those at the secret services, who had helped them get everyone, Noah turned his attention back to Max. Who seemed far from curious to what had been said or surprised when he did tell him about Joe's victory in court.

Noah had felt that something was off about him the past couple of days but the current lack of reaction to what Joe had said, along with him looking somewhat nervous right now, made Noah's Spidey senses tingle. So, with a inquisitive look on his face, Noah asked Max, "What did you do?". At first Max jolted and said, "What do you mean, what did I do? I am standing right in front of you, waiting to hear if there is anything you need me to do after that call from Joe."

But from that reaction, Noah was now more convinced than ever that Max had indeed done something. Whenever Max had done something he wasn't sure if Noah would approve of, he would answer with an avoidance. Replying without actually saying anything. In this case, if he had actually done nothing, Max would have normally replied to that question by saying, 'I haven't done anything, as instructed. But if there something you want me to do, I am happy to do it'. Or something along those lines.

But instead he repeated the question, which was a clear indication that Max was feeling nervous in that moment and there was something he wasn't telling him. So, Noah responded, "You know very well that I don't mean right now or in the past five minutes. I mean, what did you do? I know that you are smart enough to find a way around the warning Joe gave us. So, before anything happens that you can't undo, tell me what you did."

As Max looked at Noah's piercing, determined eyes, he knew that denying any further would be futile. Noah knew something was up and he certainly wouldn't cross that line of lying to him. Playing around with his words for a first attempt was one thing. Telling him that he had done nothing at all after Joe issued his warning, that was another. But he still stood by what he had done, so he stood confidently as he said, "Very well. I will tell you. But let me make clear, I did not break the promise I made. I did not step into that courtroom." Noah nodded with a tensed jaw and replied to Max with a single word. This told Max to not play any more games as he was already treading on thin ice, while also forcing him to not further delay his reply. He conveyed all of this by saying, "Noted", before returning to silence as he waited for Max's explanation of what he had done.

And so, with no other choice, Max began explaining what he had done and the reasoning behind his actions. "Well, what I did was, I asked one of the guys from two floors below to get me eyes and ears inside the courtroom where their hearing would be taking place. I then listened to the verdict and when the judge denied bail, I had someone slip Harold an envelope with proof of Olivia's betrayal of him. The odds are quite high that she will escape severe punishment, since she didn't have as big of a roll in all of this in the eyes of the law, so I figured I would let the trash take out the trash."

Hello my dear readers, how have you all been? For those who had some extra days off because of the hollidays, I hope you enjoyed them. For those who didn't, it is almost Wednesday, which means you (almost) got through the first half of the workweek!

I am bummed because I have written a continuance on Maria and Steve's story, but for it to connect to the rest of the story, I need to write out some other events first. And each time when I think I am there, I end up reaching the end of the chapter before I get to write the connecting piece (っ °Д °;)っ

But it is getting close and so is a potential other event, but that is currently a coinflip between yes and no XD. I hope you enjoy and thank you as always for your patience!!

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