
A decision to change a lifetime

Everyone has that one decision, that one moment in their lives that they think back to from time to time and wonder what could have been if they had made a different choice a different decision. A point in time they wish they could go back to. After saving a stranger, Laila has been offered a chance to do just that. Laila has nothing she could want from an outsiders perspective. She lives in a big mansion, with a handsome husband and two beautiful children but in reality her life is far from perfect and she couldn't remember the last time she was truly happy. So, if she was offered a chance to change that, shouldn't she take it? How crazy and unbelievable that chance might seem? This story is indeed in a way a rebirth story but it isn't your typical rebirth story. It is one where the second male lead actually gets the girl. So, if you have ever screamed at your screen over yet another female lead picking the horrible first male lead over the second just because he has realized the error of his ways and therefore all he has done in the past should be forgiven and forgotten, well then search no farther as this is the story for you! Join me in the first week of May as we start this story of how a single decision can determine a lifetime or change it! Until then, feel free to look at my just completed novel A devil's match :D

washma_y · Teen
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505 Chs

The hunt

While the shadow was on the phone with her boss to get the tap in Olivia's house activated, NOah was trying to reach Max. He picked up after just two rings and answered in a somewhat tense voice. "Hello Mr. Stephens. Is there something urgent? I am in the middle of following up a lead to find Andrew and your nephew James."

Noah apologized. "I'm sorry to interrupt your hunt but I am in the middle of following up a lead of my own and I need your help for that." After Max replied with a short "I see", Noah continued to tell him what he needed. "That rat Harold has already started his escape but I know where he is going. All I need now, is to get there before he does. So, I am on my way to the airport and I want you to have them get a chopper ready."

"That doesn't surprise me. Birds of a feather flock together and apparently so do cowardly rats.", Max said, referring to the two men he was chasing currently. After that he continued the conversation by saying, "I will contact my friend at the airport and have them get ready for your arrival right away. Is there anything else you need me to do?"

Noah shook his head and said, "No, that will be all for now. I will leave you to focus on your lead. Good luck with the hunt." Max grinned a bit sinisterly before he said, "Thank you but I won't need luck. They do. Just as I imagine Harold will need to escape from you". After saying those words, Max ended the call and Noah let out a chuckle as he waited for the shadow to finish her call as well and for them to arrive at the airport.

The reason Noah got Max to have a chopper prepared for him, was because he figured that if it took 4 hours by car to get to the safe house for them, it would take Harold just as long. Since they were already at least one hour behind on Harold, the best way for them to catch him, would be to get there faster. The only way to make up for that lost time, was by upgrading to something faster. So, why not travel in style in a chopper and get there in half the time.

It wasn't long before the airport was in sight and around the same time the shadow finished up her call as well. They didn't have much time to discuss what her boss had said but Noah did ask how the call went as they walked into the airport and the shadow replied by raising her thumb. This was all that Noah needed for now, the rest would be discussed while they were in the air as they needed to get moving for now.

They dashed through the airport and despite the short notice, Max had taken care of everything for them. As soon as they got to the front desk, the staff seemed to already be fully informed. A lady stepped up to them and said, "Mr. Stephens and company?" When Noah nodded to confirm she responded, "I have been waiting for you. Please walk this way." The shadow glanced over at Noah and he simply showed a satisfied grin to tell him that this was the level of work that could be expected of Max. The lady escorted them to the nearest exit leading to the airport grounds. There she had prepared a cart for them to get Noah and the shadow to the chopper that was fuelled and waiting for them, along with a driver to get them where they needed to go.

Everything was going so efficient and had been handled in such a way that it was smooth sailing from arrival to exit. This was something that could only be accomplished by Max and this was the very reason why Noah had asked Max to handle this for him instead of doing it himself.

Once they were on the chopper, they both greeted the pilot before Noah gave him the address of where they needed to go. The pilot nodded and fired everything up. He pressed the buttons and turned the switches that he needed to get the chopper off the ground and just minutes after getting to the airport, they were up in the air. As the pilot was flying in the general direction, he asked Noah through the headsets they all had on, whether or not there was a place for him to land there. They needed to communicate through the headsets as there was far too much noise from the blades of the chopper to hear each other otherwise.

Noah confirmed and told the pilot that there was a big back yard where he could land the chopper as he needed it to be out of sight for him to be able to surprise Harold. After the pilot expressed concerns for any damage to the property and any stuff that may be in the yard, Noah told him that he needn't worry and that he would cover any damage which might be caused during the landing.

Once this assurance had been given by Noah, the pilot was satisfied and he turned off his headset to give Noah and the shadow some privacy. Privacy which they used to discuss what his boss had said.

I am a bit late with publishing. With the Eid celebrations I really had no time to write but I plan on dedicating most of tomorrow to write, as I am free, and use it to write the chapters for last Sunday and Monday as well as the one due for Friday itself. Meaning that I will publish 4 chapters. Consider this the chapter for Wednesday :).

As I am free on monday as well, I will use that day to catch up on that backlog of 9 chapters. Good luck with the final days of the work week and I will see you back here tomorrow!

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