

Marga's P.O.V

I woke up early to cook breakfast for the children because as far as I know, they transferred Rius's school here in Makati to Colegio San Agustin. So I went out while rubbing my eyes as I went straight to the kitchen.

I thought I woke up first but I just forgot when suddenly someone spoke.

"You're awake. Good morning ..."

I shuddered and my throat went dry when I saw Clark. He's so early. New bath because her hair is still wet and she is wearing only black shorts and no top.

His actual scent of musk and manly perfume, and aftershave attacked my nose. Even the strong smell is not irritating, and even more addictive to smell.

I snort and snort until I get bored.

I can smell his sexy scent. God ... What kind of cologne does his use? He smells so ... so good!

"Maybe I'll lose my scent when you sniff it." I was immediately taken aback by what he said.

He chuckled, he noticed that.

I bit my lower lip and ignored his annoying words and just greeted, I suddenly felt embarrassed.

You are embarrassing Marga.

I cleared my throat and immediately recovered from the reaction.

"G-good morning. You should have woken me up, I should have just cooked." I change the subject.

I saw what he was cooking, there was a sunny side up egg and there were hotdogs and sausages, there was also bread and stuffing. Is there too much bread? I can see some bread.

Alive. Six packs abs is waving at you Marga. Maybe you can wave back there?

"I checked you earlier in your room, you look like you slept well so I didn't wake you up."

"Really?" I frowned.

I didn't even feel him before when he was in my room.

"Uh-huh, you look like a sleeping beauty." and he chuckled.

Oh god, why this man so very sexy every time he chuckled?

Especially when his sunken dimples are coming out and he is still shirtless and his hair is still messy but I seem to be even more attracted.

I was distracted. Oh my god. Temptation, please stay away from me.

I will also get used to it in time because I know this is not the only scenario I will see in him. But I think it seems like a long time before I get used to it.

It's like when I open up to him like this every day, I still feel surprised every day.

I will always be surprised too!

Only now have I seen him look like that up close. I'm more used to her in formal attire and it's not that good. He is still shirtless and can see his beautiful physique freely.

I sighed deeply to slow down my heart rate.

"Where did the things you cooked come from?" I will ask.

Has he been able to get groceries?

I thought I could still help and be with him. Gosh Marga, you're sleeping fat!

Get organized and serve your husband!

He shook his head. "Nah. Not yet." face it to me. "Aren't we going to the grocery store together?"

"O-Oh, of course," I nodded.

"Yes. It's good and I still bought it outside. There's a store there near our house, there's also a bakery so I'll buy it first, maybe later we'll have a complete grocery so we can stock up at home." at once its own bread. he took a bite of his bread once while drinking coffee.

I was swallowed. With his simple style, you would think that he is really simple in life and he very rich. I sighed.

I just nodded, I saw him wipe his hand and face me with both hands on the table and standing.

His head suddenly tilted as I frowned.

I saw how he looked at me from head to toe, I was just wearing pajamas because I was wearing a big t-shirt and I didn't know I was so tired I didn't realize the look of what I was wearing was too ... funny to look at, with a brand it turned out to be a big mickey mouse printed on my t-shirt.

I was embarrassed by the way he looked at me especially when I could see that he seemed to be smiling because his dimple flashed while biting his lower lip to prevent him from laughing at what I was wearing so I clung so tightly to the hem of my t-shirt to hide it. the awkward feeling.

Maybe I don't know.

I couldn't even fix myself so I simply ran my hand over my face and even my hair.

"The cuteness of what you're wearing. Aren't you hot in what you're wearing?" he joked.

"Uh .. not really. I'm fine.. with this," I immediately shook my head and averted my eye.

"But you really look cute in your mickey mouse over-sized shirt." then his lips slowly formed to smile.

You also. You're cute too.

"A-ahm not really." I looked-away. I could feel the rapid warming on my cheek.

I heard him chuckled.

I averted my gaze even though my throat was already dry from being distracted by his wide chest and six packs abs cracks, the shorts weren't too close so his V-line was blocked at the bottom, I avoided to look at his prose down there because I see the obvious bulge. I know it's very huge down there. Geez!

To me, what I see right now is not a human. He was like the statuesque sculpture made by that great engraver and who was one of the Greek goddesses I saw and watched on the shows.

Early in the morning I get tired.

Oh, god. Please keep me from sin. Please forgive me for what I think. Is she my wife? I look like a maid in front of him because of what I'm wearing.

And ... and why would I care ?!

Here I am comfortable in what I am wearing.

I was a little taken aback in his eyes.

"You want eggs?" I suddenly asked.


As he sat in front of the table while holding a newspaper and heels turned to me.

I close my eyes tightly because of the slip of the tongue I said. I swear!

If I could just teleport, I would! Why is it that in all the things I'm going to say, it's ... eggs?

I'm already imitating Kissiah, whatever I think, I can say right away unconsciously.

I want to punch myself with what I said. He immediately looked at me and smiled.

"No. I-I mean, coffee. Yes coffee. Do you want me to brew you coffee?" I quickly recovered and said.

It was a long time before he could speak because of a few seconds staring at me.

"Sure." he slowly nodded smirked and tried to stifle an amused smile sabay tango niya.

"Okay, just wait for a while," I turned away immediately.

I approached not far from the coffee maker.

I took two mugs from the overhead cabinet and poured coffee.

I closed my eyes emphatically and pinched myself in stupidity.

When it was over I immediately did too

laid down in front of him and sucked mine.

"Thanks ..." he smiled at the same time, I smiled at him sparingly and drank coffee from my cup again.

I was silenced.

"Ahm ... are you coming into your office?" I asked him.

I noticed the time, he always comes in early but now he's still here and doesn't seem to be in a hurry.

"No. Maybe I'll come in tomorrow." he replied while still reading the newspaper.

He's like dad. Tss.

"What about your appointments? The sites you're going to?"

Because I know a lot of people actually contract with him to plan the house. It's not just houses but also huge buildings so I know he's a busy person, everywhere else he can go.

Am I too obvious that I know a lot about him?

"I canceled it. I'm scheduling it with my secretary. I'll just help you here at home and we'll go grocery later."

"You sure?"

Maybe later he'll do a lot and maybe I'll bother him just because of the grocery if I can just do it.

"Uh-uh." it immediately nodded and ate the bread.

"Okay. I'll cook Baked Mac later."

"That's good. That's Zeus' favorite. I'm sure he'll be happy. I'll just help with the cooking needs later."

I gave him a small smile and nod in agreement.

It was about ten o'clock when Klark and I got to the grocery store before we got home. We took too long, and it's a good thing I didn't leave him alone at the grocery store, he didn't seem to know what to buy when there were so many things to buy, so it was only right that I went with him earlier.

While Klark paused in the bedroom to get dressed, I was in the kitchen arranging our grocery purchases, while I was busy with what I was doing when suddenly someone rang the doorbell.

I stopped what I was doing and then walked to the door to open it and see who our guest was or maybe Eva had already arrived.

But I didn't expect that when I opened it, Klark's younger sister Klea would expose me. What color Klark has on her skin is the opposite of his brother.

"K-Klea?" he immediately burst into tears.

She is white and mixed race unlike his older brother who is still handsome even though he is not white.

"Hi Marga! Long time no see!"

The beautiful shape of her body did not escape me. She's so beautiful, she looks like her mother Tita Linea and will not lose their family asset with both cheeks sunken that her dimple is suppressed while smiling.

Clinging to his right arm were two wrapped guess gifts, because it was still ribbon and had two names for Klark and me, and on the other side was the gray cat he was carrying with fat and thick fur.

"Oh where's my brother?"