
Prologue "The contract"

"Are you willing to do it?"

I stood still. Carefully thinking about my decision. I have lived awfully in this world. My heart is torn. And the pain, is not bearable.

The woman in front of me, her thin, bloody lips were stretched to a shuddering smile. A shiver escaped my spine. But I didn't look away. I can't afford to do that.

A strong, cold, and evil aura emanated her. But I won't show that I'm affected by any of it.

I experienced worst. Why must I be scared for this?


"You know the consequences of our deal, little girl. It is unbreakable." she reminded me.

I just nodded at her.

A small, pointed, and sharp thing appeared from her slender and white hand. She cut her arms and her blood flowed to a crystal bowl, still, she stared and watched me.

After that, she whispered some chant, her eyes closed and her hands circled the bowl.

A wind gushed between us. The room became much darker and terrifying.

She handed me the bowl, filled with her blood.

"As my power must be passed on generation, I hope, you, my dear, would never fail me."

"Take my blood, and my power will be yours. But be aware of the curse that awaits you even more."

Seconds have passed and I slowly lifted my hand to touch the crystal bowl. The blood, is unusually crimson. I lifted it slowly and carefully brought it to my lips.

I sipped, slowly, staring at her dark and hollow eyes. A perfect smile appeared on her lips.

I closed my eyes and let the darkness surround me.

"Musika Jamara Bernadette Jose, by my power, you will be reborn. And you must be aware of our deal, my dear, Thou who defy my order will be punished by your power."

"From now on, you will live as Loralie Thania Corleone, darkness dwell upon you name, and death will fall from your lips. Let them taste your sweet revenge, my death."