
Death I "The Ivitation"

Ms. Tanica Vega Mendes,

We are cordially inviting you to our humble university. At this moment, we are seaching for the fit students to study in our shool. No fees are charged and everything you'll need will be provided by the university, however, there are terms that you must accept. We are not forcing anybody, but once you accept our invitation and agreed with our terms and rules, any disobedience is punishable.

All the warnings are sent with the invitation, and if you want to join our invitation, the code will be sent to you. This invitation is strictly confidential and you must share it to nobody else.

We hope you can join us. We can promise a better university awaits you.


"Ven, honey, have you chosen which University you will be going?" my mom asked me.

I slowly placed my utensils down and looked at her.

"Actually, yes I did." I answered honestly.

"Really? That's good for you. Is it in Ateneo like where your Kuya graduated?" she asked.

"No, Mom. I can't tell you just yet. They sent me an invitation and after thinking carefully for a day, I already decided to go there."

"Kier, are you fine with it?"

My older brother looked at me and smiled.

"Of course Mom. Ven has chose something for herself, as long as she is happy, we'll support her." he said and ruffled my hair

All of the sudden, my mom started to praise him in front of me, and I felt belittled once again.

I haven't achieve anything from my life. I'm not as talented as my big brother, I'm not as smart as him. Not as popular, not as good, not as friendly, not as charming, not everything.

I can't wait to be gone from this house. I have to endure a little more.

And after that, I will be away from all of this non-ending praising and compairing in our house.


Mr. Phoenix Sandoval,

We are cordially inviting you to our humble university. At this moment, we are seaching for the fit students to study in our shool. No fees are charged and everything you'll need will be provided by the university, however, there are terms that you must accept. We are not forcing anybody, but once you accept our invitation and agreed with our terms and rules, any disobedience is punishable.

All the warnings are sent with the invitation, and if you want to join our invitation, the code will be sent to you. This invitation is strictly confidential and you must share it to nobody else.

We hope you can join us. We can promise a better university awaits you.


"Bro, join us."

"Where?" I asked boredly.

"We have a new job. Maybe you can use the money for your tuition."

"Sorry, Ian, I don't feel like going today."

And I'm also thinking of the University invitation..

If I will join it, I don't need to worry about my fees and everything. I don't need to work hard to find money. And I have read their rules and terms, it's not that hard.

Maybe I'll consider it.


Ms. Patricia Leigh Sanyo,

We are cordially inviting you to our humble university. At this moment, we are seaching for the fit students to study in our shool. No fees are charged and everything you'll need will be provided by the university, however, there are terms that you must accept. We are not forcing anybody, but once you accept our invitation and agreed with our terms and rules, any disobedience is punishable.

All the warnings are sent with the invitation, and if you want to join our invitation, the code will be sent to you. This invitation is strictly confidential and you must share it to nobody else.

We hope you can join us. We can promise a better university awaits you.


"Babe, let's hang out to my place tonight."

"Sorry Babe, I can't. I'm busy. Maybe the other day?"

"Fine. Next time don't be busy."

I rolled my eyes.

"I'm really sorry babe."

"Ok, I lov--- *call ended

"Sorry, Khalel, you have to heard it."

"No, Leigh. It's ok."

I smiled sweetly at him and placed my hand on his nape.

"So shall we continue now?"

He didn't answer but he pulled my body closer to him and touched my back. His kiss deepened. And it got lower and lower. From my neck, to my collarbone and to my chest.

I moaned his name a few times.

I'm Patricia. And I'm pretty obvious-- a slut. I make out every week. Date and sex with guys every week.

This sessions are becoming boring for me. I need more than this. And I think, i just found the solution.


Do you agree to the University's terms?

Yes. No.


You have successfully entered!Welcome to

Freyja University.

Your code is ______________

We will personally come to your address and accompany you to the University, within two days.


Thousand invitations have been sent to the country. And only few of those did declined. But the remaining, chose to join.

I wonder what evil and darkness waits upon them.

Welcome to Freyja University.