

A deal with Mr arrogant

(Bride for rent )

Chapter 2

Tears drop from Stacey's eyes, she wipe her tears and did as her madam ordered her to.

While making the bed, she remembered to call her boyfriend, maybe he might help.

With her small phone, she dailed his number and he pick up at the second ring.

"hey Andy." Stacey said.

"babe, how are you?" Andy asked.

"I'm not fine Andy, I need your help, can you lend me 100 thousand dollars, I promise to pay." Stacey asked.

"100 thousand dollars is way too much Stacey, buy you know I can do anything for you, but on one condition."

Andy said.

"I will do anything," Stacey said.

"ok, for me to give you that amount, then you will have to have sex with me."

Andy said.

"what, I can't do that, no Andy."

Stacey said.

"well then, good luck finding the money." Andy said and hang off.

Stacey cried hard, it hurt her alot that she can't help her family.

Feeling devastated, she walked off the street hoping to just die, she no more cares if her madam fire her or not.

L.A investment.

Lucas sat on his chair staring at the ceiling, the door was opened by his manager Collins.

"Hey man, what's up?" Collins asked.

"Dad and his troubles, can you believe that he gave me one week to find a bride or else he will give everything he had to leo my cousin." Lucas said.

"That's sad, and Mr Andres is a man of his word, you have to do something."

Collins said.

"Yes, I know I have to do something, so just advice me." Lucas said angrily.

The door opened and Tessy, his secretary entered wearing a black seductive dress that barely reach her tigh.

"Good morning Mr Lucas." Tessy said seductively.

"What do you want?" Lucas asked

"You look worried Mr Lucas, I can always help you know,." Tessy said.

"No one needs your help, if you have nothing to do, get out." Lucas ordered.

"Of course I do, leo just visited the company and he look more richer than you." Tessy Said licking her lips.

"Thanks for the News, no out." Lucas ordered.

"Ohky." Tessy replied and left swaying her butts from left to right.

"I need a break." Lucas said and stood up and left the office, he decided to have a stroll on the street, and while walking, someone bumped into him.

He felt so angry.

"What the heck, are you insane?"

Lucas yelled.

"You bumped into me, you are the one insane okay." The lady yelled.

"You have no manners," Lucas yelled and pushed her off making her hit her butts hard on the ground.Stacey winched in pain, she stood up and wipe her butts.

"Rich people are always rude and wicked, you bumped into me and yet you want to blame it on me, what's so hard for you to apologise?" Stacey asked calmly.

Lucas chuckled.

"I will never apologise to a poor ugly girl like you, so get out of my way else I will call the security." Lucas threatened.

"Do whatever you want, it won't change the fact that you are an arrogant jerk."

Stacey said and turn to leave.

Lucas pulled her hand.

"Don't ever talk to me like this else I will make you regret your life." Lucas said and let go of her hand then zoom off.

Stacey sighed.

"What a sad day, maybe I should call Natalie, she might help with something."

She soloquize and bring out her phone.

She dialed Natalie's number and luckily she picked up at the third ring.

"hey girlfriend, how are you?" Natalie asked.

"I'm not fine Nat, everything is not going right, dad is going bankrupt and they threatened to seize our house as collateral if he failed to pay the money in a week time, I have no source of that amount and neither do my dad have that amount of money." Stacey said breaking down in tears.

"Holy moly, that's sad bestie, I wished I can help, but I also don't have that money, have you tried asking your boyfriend?"

Natalie asked.

"He isn't my boyfriend anymore, he is so selfish, imagine I'm in this kind of situation and he said he can't help me if I won't have sex with him, he is as good as nothing, I don't know what to do Nat."

Stacey replied.

"You know what, I have an idea, do you remember that my boss?" Nat asked.

"Mr Lucas Andres?" Stacey asked.

"Yes, we can try renting the money from him, he will give it to us." Nat Said.

"Are you sure he is going to help?"

Stacey asked.

"He will dear, just come to L.A investment as soon as possible."

Nat Said.

"I don't know if I can be fast enough, the truth is I have no cash right now which means I have to trek to the company."

Stacey said sadly.

"Don't be sad babe, I got you, so I will call a taxi driver and he will come pick you up, just send me your address right now."

Nat Said.

"Thanks alot Nat, you are the best friend one can ever wish to have." Stacey said.

"Don't mention, I will be waiting for you."

Nat Said and hang off.

L.A investment.

Lucas returned to the company feeling annoyed, remembering the nerves that girl has.

"I will sure deal with her if I get the chance to." He sweared.

Tessy entered his office.

"You don't know how to knock right?"

Lucas asked not giving her a glare.

"I'm sorry Mr Lucas, but I will not repeat it again." Tessy said smiling widely showing her 32 milk teeth's.

"Not some other time Tessy, get out of my house and knock before coming in."

Lucas ordered.

"But Mr Lucas i__."

"Do you want to get fired?" Lucas asked.

"No I'm sorry." Tessy said and cat walked to the door, she walk out and Knock.

"Come in." Lucas said and Tessy Walk in.

"So what do you want?" Lucas asked.

"I want to Mr Lucas." Tessy said licking her lips placing her hands on her breasts.

Lucas stared at her with an expressionless face.

She went ahead and walked to his seat rubbing his shirt, Lucas brought his face closer to her and she close her eyes.

Stacey arrived in front of the magnificent storey building, L.A investment have been written with a bold blue ink pen, decorated with some flowers, to say is beautiful is understatement.

She get out of the car.

"Thank you sir." She said softly.

"You welcome." The driver replied and drove off.

She dailed Natalie's number.

"hey, are you here already?"

Nat asked.

"yes, I'm infront of the company."

Stacey replied.

"okay, just come in, and ask for the CEO office, I will meet you there, don't enter okay." Nat Said.

"Okay." Stacey replied and hang off.

She entered the company and everyone seems to be minding their business, she headed to the receptionist counter.

"Good day ma, please where is the CEO office?" Stacey asked.

"And who are you, do you have any appointments with him?" The lady asked.

"Not really, my Friend Natalie said I should wait for her in the CEO side."

Stacey replied.

"Oh Natalie, okay, go to your left, there is an elevator, stop at the second floor, his office is facing the Elevator." The lady said.

"Thank you ma." Stacey replied and followed the directions.

She arrived in front of the CEO office and she informed Natalie about it,

Tessy closed her eyes waiting for Lucas to kiss her but suprisely, he carried a cup of water and emptied it on her.

She stood up immediately,

"That's what you get when you think I will settle for a cray jelly ugly fish like you, so get out of my office, and I don't want to see your face in the next one week here."

Lucas shouted.

"No please, I'm sorry, it's the devil work."

Tessy pleaded.

"Well maybe you are the devil cousin, you are suspended from work, I don't like talking twice, so report to my office after one week, next time don't let your brother, the devil to use you."

Lucas ordered.

Tessy angrily walked to the door and closed it hard.

She looks so messed up, she met with Stacey.

"Are you okay?" Stacey asked concerned.

"It's Known of your business bitch."

Tessy replied and left

"Wow, she is so rude." Stacey murmured.

"Girlfriend.." Nat screamed and hugged Stacey very tight.

"You gonna choke me Nat." Stacey said.

Natalie sighted Stacey and she jumped on her hugging her so tight.

"Hey, you gonna choke me."

Stacey said.

"I just so much missed you, it's have been two days and we haven't met."

Nat pouted.

"Just two days Nat, don't be dramatic."

Stacey beat her lightly.

"Whatever, I can't believe your stupid boyfriend could do that to you, no wonder I hated him since day one, he is so annoying and foolish." Nat Said.

"I don't even want to remember, it's okay, I still got you Right?" Stacey asked.

"Yes, and I'm never gonna leave you."

Nat replied and they hugged.

"Oh, I just saw you with Tessy, what did she said to you?" Nat asked.

"Well, she is a little bit rude, she said, Known of your business bitch." Stacey replied.

"Seriously, and you dint remove any of her teeth, you deserve a knock Stacey."

Nat Said angrily.

"Well, I'm a lover, not a fighter."