
Adulthood Can Be Fun!

As the day dragged in her little cubicle Amy wondered why she'd been so eager to grow up! She'd thought adult life was staying up partying and doing whatever caught your fancy but it was now a grimy, dingy nightmare!

Finally it was time to punch out and as she grabbed her card her hand hit someone else's! Raising her head to apologize she found herself looking at Matthew! Matthew shyly apologized as she blushed crimson but then she apologized herself "No I'm so sorry! I get in such a rush! I should've looked!"

"Would you like to join me for a drink around the corner as a humble thanks for your thoughtfulness in apologizing then?"Matthew's deep voice rumbled sweetly through the air.

"Thank you! I'd be honored"Amy's soft alto tickled his ears. As they reached Duffy's, Amy excused herself to freshen get make-up whilst Matthew asked the bartender for a couple mixers.

"Amy my girl how did you suddenly get lucky??" Amy softy questioned her mirror twin who merely shrugged her shoulders.

Retrieving her purse she sauntered up to the small round table Matthew had found them. Seeing her soft, curvy body headed over Matthew suddenly wondered why he hadn't seen her sooner but thanked his lucky stars he had and that she'd agreed to coming out.

Just then Amy looked into his deep blue eyes and at his black hair and thanked whatever goddess of love that had finally let him see her.

"How long have you worked for Tinami Publishing?" Matthew asked quietly.

" One year tomorrow!" Amy replied softly"How about you?"

"Three years now. It's hard thankless work but I still need the income!" Matthew replied.

"I hear ya there! But at least you'll soon start management courses from my understanding of the contractual agreement I signed"Amy replied

They sank into a comfortable silence sipping their drinks. As a dance tune started Matthew asked Amy to dance with him and she happily agreed. Jumping and swaying with the crowd they started enjoying themselves. After the doing ended a romantical melody started playing and Matthew shamelessly pulled Amy into a soft swaying movement that set her heart racing.