
A Dash of Black: Harem of Symbiotes

After a multiverse collapse with the DC universe, Venom made Peter an offer he couldn't refuse. Merged together the duo has a goal, getting stronger and fucking gals. Warning: Harem, Mature, R-18, Corruption, Tentacles! and Breeding kink. Cover art made by: FrayDragon on furaffinity. You can read ahead here! : https://ko-fi.com/spiderling96954/tiers

Spiderling · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 17

After a lot of explanations, the four people decide that the best idea would be to include Mary in their patrol. Peter would not let Mary go on her own as she was now. He knew the allure of the symbiote and how much it screwed with your head. Mary was not even closer to knowing how to deal with it as Peter knew.

Also, he was the father of two kids now. Both Mary and Gwen were bred by him and . . . he couldn't wait to do it again. Fuck, Peter was getting hornier again just by the thought. He should find Felicia just to calm himself, she would be the next girl that the boy would add to his family. Peter got a lot of experience and tricks now that he would use to completely tame that wild cat.

However, the woman was avoiding him. It was weird for him since it had been so much time since they met. She probably was preparing for a huge heist and he would be there for her.

As they swung through the city, the trio moved in perfect unison, their spider senses alert for any sign of trouble. They easily navigated the skyscrapers and alleys, their web-slinging skills honed to perfection. Gwen and Peter had been working together for some time, but tonight was the first patrol for their new team member, Massacre. Despite her deadly abilities, Peter had taken her under his wing, determined to teach Mary the importance of using her powers for good.

"Rhino is robbing a bank, we need to go there now!" Gwen shouted after getting a quick call from her dad.

"Yey!" Massacre exclaimed, her face contorting into a wicked grin as her eyes gleamed with excitement.

Peter, however, shot her a stern look, his expression one of disapproval. "No killing," he reproached her, his voice firm. It was his duty as a leader to keep her bloodlust in check and ensure they always prioritized protecting the innocent.

Also, it was Mary's first night as a hero and he needed to teach her the ropes. Peter had always been a solo hero, never having a partner or sidekick to share the responsibilities with. The thought of mentoring someone, and passing on his skills and experience, was both exciting and daunting.

"Awwwww," the girl let out a disappointed sigh as she swung from building to building.

"But also not holding back, that man can take a punch."

If there was someone in this city that could take the full strength of the three was Rhino. That villain had tanked all the things that Peter threw at him in the past. He was at least 4 times stronger than the boy. But now? Well, things had changed. Still, Peter needed to keep his mind on the game.

"Yey!" She screamed with a cheerful tone, almost forgetting to dodge a building and collapsing on the concrete wall.

The first rule when you were swinging across New York, eyes on the road.

The bank was a sturdy, brick building that stood tall on the corner of Main Street and Park Avenue. It had large, tinted windows that allowed for natural light to flood the interior and a polished marble floor that gleamed in the moon. The main entrance was a grand, wooden door with brass fixtures that led into a spacious lobby area. Visitors were greeted by a large, ornate chandelier hanging from the ceiling, and a long counter with several tellers ready to assist customers. The bank also had multiple private offices for conducting business, which were located on the second floor, and a vault in the basement that was designed to protect valuable assets.

However, now the windows were shattered, the marble floor was cracked, and the door was hanging off its hinges. The chandelier was laying on the ground and the teller's counter was destroyed, and the vault was breached.

The scene outside the bank was chaotic. Police officers rushed around, trying to establish a perimeter and gather information. The civilians who had been in and around the bank when the heist occurred were visibly shaken, some in tears as they recounted their experiences to the officers. The sound of sirens filled the air as more police and emergency vehicles arrived on the scene. The streets were closed off and the onlookers were being pushed further back by the police, creating a growing crowd of curious onlookers trying to catch a glimpse of the ongoing investigation.

"That is Carnage?!" One officer screamed in fear as the trio went into the bank. It didn't take much time before they saw the culprit of this chaos.

Rhino immediately turned back from the safe to see the heroes. He was a large, heavily muscled man, standing over 3 meters tall and weighing over 500 kilograms. He was encased in a suit made of thick, gray metal that covered his entire body. The suit was designed to resemble the head and horn of a rhinoceros. It was heavily armored and was able to withstand powerful blasts and bullets. The suit's horn was a formidable weapon, capable of piercing through solid objects with ease. The man also had large and thick plates that covered the shoulders and chest and had armored boots that protected his feet.

"I will rip your fucking throat!" Mary's face contorted in anger as she let out a loud and piercing shriek. The sound echoed through the room, sending chills down the spines of those who heard it, even the armored titan gave a step back. Mary's eyes were wild with fury as she thrashed about, seemingly consumed by the emotion.

"No, bad edgy girl!" Peter sprayed Massacre with a hidden sprayer of orange juice he had on his wrist. It wasn't painful but made the alien and even Venom recoil in disgust.

"Fine! I will kick your fucking throat!" Massacre let out another deafening scream, her voice filled with rage and frustration. She thrashed around wildly, her fists clenched and her eyes squeezed shut.

"Better," he nodded. Peter had the luck that the first dummy they had was so resilient, he hoped that Rhino didn't get too hurt after this fight. However, he had an eye on Mary especially since she just turned her arms into axes.

"Got some new friends?! It doesn't matter, I will crush you all!" Rhino, using his suit's strength and horn, charged toward the three heroes, hoping to take them down quickly.

However, Peter was able to dodge the attack, using his web to quickly get out of the way. He leaped to the side, narrowly avoiding Rhino's charge. As the villain passed by, he quickly shot webs at his legs, tripping him up and causing him to stumble.

Massacre charged from where Peter was, her eyes fixed on Rhino. She lunged forward, her fangs bared, and bit down hard on the back of Rhino's neck. The man bellowed in pain as Massacre's razor-sharp teeth sank deep into his armor.

The boy then swung through the air, using his webs to propel himself forward and gain momentum. He landed on a nearby wall, giving him a vantage point to survey the battlefield. From there, he was able to shoot webs at Rhino, slowing him down and making it more difficult for him to target the other heroes.

"Get this thing off me!" The criminal screamed as he was trying to get Mary out of his back. Constantly struggling against the webs around his limbs and the elusive girl that quickly dodge the villain's massive hands as she crawled around his body. She clawed and bit the armor before moving around to another part of the body, dodging each Rhino's attack.

Ghost-Spider, who has begun firing webs at Rhino, trying to immobilize him. The couple knew that attacking the villain's mobility directly was the way to go.

Now that Mary was distracting him and Gwen had made a nice net around him, Peter charged forward. One sword came off his hand as he swung across the room toward the villain.

Spiderman moved with lightning-fast reflexes, his hand gripping the hilt of the katana tightly. He aimed for the Rhino's armored exterior, the one place where the sword would be able to inflict damage and won't be lethal. With a swift and precise strike, he plunged the blade deep into the metal plating.

Rhino, with his thick armored plates, was able to endure the hit from the sword. The blade skittered off the metal surface, leaving only a scratch on the armor. The villain roared in anger and frustration, his eyes fixed on Spiderman. He swung his massive fist at the hero but the boy was able to dodge it with a swift roll. Rhino's fist struck the ground with a deafening thud, sending a shockwave through the pavement.

Spiderman lunged forward, his sword at the ready for another strike. He aimed for a small opening between the armored plates on Rhino's shoulder, hoping to find a weak spot. With a swift and powerful motion, he swung the sword with all his might.

The boy's strike with the blade was precise and powerful, but it only made a small fraction of damage to Rhino's armor. The blade skittered off the metal surface, leaving only a small gash on the armored plating.

Mary was not done yet. It seemed that giving so much attention to Peter had offended her. With a sudden movement, she twisted her fangs and turned them into a chainsaw. The chainsaw's blades began to spin with a high-pitched whine as they sliced through Rhino's armor.

Even if Massacre was just a few hours old she fought with brutal ferocity, using her mother's powers to the fullest extent. She was relentless in his attacks and seemed almost impossible to stop.

Rhino, despite his powerful suit, was unable to land a hit on the three heroes. His suit was designed to enhance his strength and durability but lacked agility.

Spider-Man and Ghost-Spider were able to use their webs to tie up Rhino's legs and arms, slowing him down and making it harder for him to move. They created a well-made cocoon that hindered the Rhino's movements, limiting his mobility and making it harder for him to use his strength and allowing Massacre to keep dealing damage.

Rhino struggled to break free from the webs, and his movement became more sluggish as the fight progressed. He was unable to land a hit on the three heroes and was constantly on the defensive, trying to fend off their attacks.

Massacre, using her symbiote powers, was able to create tendrils that wrapped around Rhino's suit, further limiting his movements. The tendrils were incredibly strong, and they constricted around the villain, making it almost impossible for him to move. Rhino was effectively immobilized by the tendrils, and he was unable to break free.

As the fight continued, the Rhino's suit began to show signs of wear and tear. The webs, along with Massacre tendrils, had weakened the suit, and cracks started to appear. The suit's durability was not able to withstand the combined efforts of the three heroes, and it was slowly deteriorating.

Finally, slowly and steadily like a pack of lions taking down an elephant, the Rhino's suit gave way. The armored plates crumbled and fell to the ground, revealing the man inside. He was bruised and battered, but still standing. But before he could make a move, Spider-Man shot webs at his legs, tripping him up. Gwen and Massacre then pounced on him, quickly overpowering him and apprehending him.

After an intense battle with a villain, Massacre emerged victorious. As she caught her breath, she noticed a civilian nearby, filming the entire fight on their phone as he got past the police barrier around the place.

Massacre, feeling a surge of adrenaline and excitement, approached the civilian and grabbed the phone. She took a selfie with the civilian in the background, a victorious grin on her face.

"Here you got, honey," she said, handing the phone back to the civilian with a smirk.

The man, overcome with fear, stood there completely paralyzed. Without hesitation, Massacre signed his shirt with a tendril. The teenager was almost crying at this point while she walked away.

"Thanks for capturing that, it's always good to have a souvenir from a good fight," Mary said, her voice filled with excitement and pride.

As the civilian walked away, still in shock, Peter and Gwen approached the novice.

"What was that about?" Peter asked, his voice stern.

"Just giving the people what they want," Massacre replied with a shrug, still feeling the rush of the fight.

Gwen shook her head in disapproval. "That's not how we do things here. We're here to protect the people, not scare them."

"Look at him! He is trembling with excitement!"Massacre, however, was not fazed. She couldn't wait for the next fight and the next opportunity to prove herself as a valuable addition to the team.

Peter nodded in agreement, "We'll talk about this later."

As she swung away, Mary couldn't help but think of how the internet would react to the footage. She knew it would definitely be a hit and she enjoyed the attention it would bring.

"Did I do it well?" Mary asked him with a hopeful expression, her body leaning forward slightly, her hands clasped tightly in front of her, as if in prayer, while still in the air.

"Yes, we did an excellent job," Peter responded, his face lit up with pride, his chest puffed out slightly, a broad smile spreading across his face.

"So . . . victory orgy?" Gwen, sensing the positive energy in the air, suggested, with a playful grin, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Sure, that sounds fun." The boy agreed with a nod of his head, his eyes alight with anticipation, his body shifting excitedly in his seat.

"Yey!" Mary let out a loud cheer in excitement, her arms raised above her head, her body jumping up and down with joy. She was beaming with happiness, her eyes closed in pure ecstasy.

Suddenly, Gwen's expression changed as she noticed someone approaching.

"Wait, someone is coming closer," she spoke up, her eyes focused on the incoming figures.

"Oh right," Peter thought, realization dawned on him.

"We were hanging around a person that really looks like Carnage. I should have known something was off, I should have acted sooner," he berated himself for not being more vigilant.

"Fuck, I also missed that out," Gwen added.

He thought back to the last time he had encountered Carnage, the symbiote-enhanced serial killer. The boy remembered the destruction and chaos that had ensued, and the lives that were lost. He couldn't allow that to happen again, not on his watch.

"They probably sent a hero team or two to arrest her," he muttered to himself, feeling a sense of urgency.

"Yey! More fighting! Just imagine how high my reputation will go after I kick their asses!" Massacre exclaimed, her face contorting into a wicked grin as her eyes gleamed with excitement.

"No! No fighting with other heroes, we talk like normal people," Peter berated her again.