
The Kage Summit

....In the future...

"Boruto-sama?" "Boruto!! "

The blond jolted up the slightest upon feeling a tug on his shoulders.

Wasabi called out to him the umpteenth time.

He looked around himself in a daze, the room was silent.

There wasn't anyone present except him ,Wasabi and Megami.

For which he was low-key thankful.

They were about to set off for the long due .. Kage summit.

"You surely aren't feeling well." She frowned.

"Perhaps we should cancel —" Megami insisted but Boruto cut her off.

He knew what she wanted.

"No. " He simply answered. His breathing getting calmer.

Megami didn't said a word. She just observed the tall man in front of her.

"Does your head hurt?" she asked in her usual monotone, her pale face held no specific expression.

"No. I'm fine. " Boruto answered without missing a beat.

"Then why are you holding it? " Megami knew the answer already.

The blond seemed to not even realise it.

Probably an unconscious act to ease the intense throbbing he felt.

Another day.. Another dream.

No.. That's not it.

Another day... The same dream.

The same nightmare haunting his nights now attacked him during the day.

He didn't wanted to let anyone know. He didn't wanted to remember it again.

This time he didn't said a word.

Megami stood straight. Wasabi looked nervous.

He was just staring at the wall.. No maybe he was seeing through it.

Megami couldn't tell.

She always felt this unknown tension around this person ,she never did before anyone.

He was like a ticking time bomb. One that could explode anytime and destroy anything he wanted.

Though at the same time, that wasn't the case with him either. Which made her feel at ease.

He had a human side to him.

As stupid as this sounded..  He actually was a human.

But she never perceived him as one.  Not a normal one atleast.

"You can't keep on doing this.. You keep loosing focus. " Megami insisted.

"I didn't asked you. " The blond spouted back, just as straight and dead in his tone.

Wasabi looked at the blond and back at Megami with concern.

'This isn't good. ' She thought.

'Maybe he didn't wanted to interrupt the Kage Summit?'

But why bother taking the pain?

Everyone was preparing for it since months. They were looking forward to it.

Perhaps he didn't wanted to dissapoint them?

Megami opened her mouth to say something before Wasabi cut her off.

"You two should stop arguing!" She advised in a cheery tone ,trying to ease up the atmosphere

"Oh I know!  Why don't we—.. " she started before 2 pairs of eyes landed on her.

One blue while the other, cold white and pale.

She felt an instant chill running down her spine.

Maybe she was... Interfering?

"Oh I know! I ..should go and check the preparations!. I'll let let you know once its done. " she sweat dropped and quickly made her way out and left.


The room felt silent once again. Megami moved across the room, searching through the drawers.

They were in the waiting room.They still had time before presenting in front of the crowd.

Not to mention..The Kages personally joined as well.

She couldn't allow her him to face them in such a condition.

He was a representative. She can't afford to make a fool out of them.

Boruto eyed the white haired woman. She opened the first drawer then search through the cupboards.

Before he could say anything Megami found what she was searching for.

"Here.. " She whispered. Her tone straight and serious.

"I doubt you need it. But just in case. " She handed few pills to the blonde and gave him a glass filled with.... 

Something that surely wasn't water.

As much as the blonde knew. Water isn't supposed to be ..grey?

Boruto sweat-dropped.

Anyway, he just had to drink it.

He quickly swallowed the pills and didn't bothered taking the glass.

Megami just stared. She just couldn't understand him at all.

"Your kind sure is....  different. "She commented with a straight face.

Maybe she couldn't find the right word.

"And you above all. " She added. She yet had to learn to frame sentences properly but she knew the blonde understood her everytime.

This wasn't news for the Uzumaki boy. It wasn't the first time that she made such a remark.

Though he never pushed the conversation further. 

"And what makes you think that? "

But today,he certainly did. He didn't knew why.

The sound of several loud cheers echoed in the room. The people were probably started to gather.

Megami didn't expected the blonde to ask further. Then again,she never understood humans.

"Our kind... Is special. " She began, her voice low but clear.

"Our eyes can see through all...Nothing is hidden from us. " She  blazed her pale white eyes.

Her gaze directed at the blond's heart which was blocked by the blonde's powerful chakra.

"But you.. " she stopped. Her eyes went to their normal colour.

"I could never see through you. " She stated closing the distance between them.

"And that is the very reason I follow you." She continued, whispering near his ears.

"To unravel the mystery you are.. Uzumaki Boruto. " she added and went quiet.

She moved away and waited for the blond to respond.

She wanted answers. The blond knew.

Infact.. Everyone did.

Answers from him.  About many things he held deep within him.

Even he himself didn't knew the reason behind many of the things he did nowadays.

But given she spent most of her time with him. She certainly saw through something the others haven't yet.

'But why confront him now of all times? '

Boruto didn't bothered looking at her. Neither did he answered.

"Just what secrets are you hiding.. Uzumaki Boruto? " she felt the blonde's chakra flaring.

Was she the cause of his rage..? 

If that were the case.. She might get killed at anytime if he wanted to.

["And now welcoming our next Honourable guest! The Hidden Sand's  fifth Kazekage, GAARA-SAMA! "]

The announcement echoed, the meeting was finally about to began.

Megami waited for a moment. When nothing came,she decided to finally drop the bomb.

"Are the rumours true..?" The blonde's eyes widened the slightest at the said words. His chakra flaring up again.

That didn't went unnoticed by the pale woman, she didn't skipped a beat before immediately adding.

"Is it true .." she whispered nervously.

"That the mistress—"

"You've been summoned Boruto-sama! " Wasabi entered cutting her off.

Shikadai followed from behind and entered the room.

"You better get up if you don't want to hear it from the Seventh.. Boruto. " he teased in his usual way.

Boruto didn't said a word. The blonde stood up and made his way to the door not sparing a single glance at the woman again.

Wasabi felt the chill again.  While Shikadai remained still.

Megami disappeared from her spot.. She probably teleported to her place already.

"Lets get going.. Wasabi. " Shikadai waved at her and left.

Wasabi stared at the empty room,she just couldn't shrug off that something was wrong.

"I'm getting a bad feeling.."She made a face before turning around.

Applauses were heard.  Boruto probably entered the stage by now.

"That things... are about to go very wrong. " she added and followed behind Shikadai.


Not far away in the dense forest, near  Konoha's main gates. Three figures could be seen covered in their hoodies...

..waiting to strike.

"Guys get ready.. Its about to began." Eren stated to particularly no one.

Alpha noded in agreement ,at the sound of the loud applauses.

While Kaili just gulped.

"I still don't think this is a good idea. Maybe we should—" Before he could complete the other two already left him behind.

He just stared at them, annoyed.

"AHH! Why did I agreed to this mission?! " He could only yell in frustration before dashing of himself.

Following behind the two.

Wasabi's intuitions were certainly right..


Hey everyone.! Hope you liked the chapter.

I finally introduced elder Boruto into the plot!

Oh and the plot might seem a little confusing but I'll clear up everything slowly!! 

Until then.. Keep tuned in! 

Love Love !!